WEEKEND EXTRA Friday September IWi NORTH HALTON SPORTS For Alt Your Sporting Goods Downtown Georgetown TTl Sportsweek I W0tfCD HARVEYS TIRE CENTRE Moo Park Plaza Georgetown 8775110 Jills executive looking for new facility The future calls for expansion if local gymnastics club is to improve President of the Hal ton Hills gymnastics club Hugh Cook sees gymnastics week In Canada as an opportunity to make local residents a of what the club Is trying to do in the area Cook has been president he Jilts for the past wo years succeeding La month to the post Since his tenure as president Cook has developed a small but dedic executive to assist In the many and responslbll Ities associated with running the club Two ideas foremost on the minds of the executive for the near future are on In hiring a full me head coach and looking for facility other than cram quarters above at arena NEW DUTIES The duties or a new head coach would be full time and the cost of acquiring a coach would cost somewhere bet to Cook says The have three prospects In mind for the Job at the moment Over the summer the Jills have Shown above la the gymnastics pyramid In Hilton Hills where a girl may progress through different levels of training If she so At the moment the Jills are hoping to acquire a more permanent training facility which will keep the better gymnasts from leaving town to practice First a new bead coach most be hired advertising in both local papers as well as the Toronto Star and the Globe and Mall Over the post year we been trying to find a new facility but it really de pends on us finding a head coach Cook says The club president says the exec will start working towards renting a perm facility as soon as the coach is hired Then serious fund raising will also begin At the moment the Jills cannot try complicated ma on the uneven bars and any vaulting equipment cannot be used In the Rose Room above Memorial aena Some of the more established clubs have form pits around their gymnastic equipment which allows the girls to experiment some thing the Jills have not be able to do because of their present location Cook says The costs of gymnastics arc not cheap the president says In order to buy proper me costs of gymnastics are not cheap the president says In order to buy proper equipment to train rent a facility and pay for coaching the costs do add up he says For instance a brand new floor mat costs Cook says ThlsiswhyregiBlration costs soma for a pre- compelltlve member are so the president says CAM CARTWHEELS To raise money the Hal ion Hills Jills have their Chris Cartwheels for Cash fund raise plus they parti pale In a number of draws put together by the Ontario Gymnastics Federation Cook says Gymn as tics I compare in numbers as in hockey but HUGH COOK include more members Incl boys he says The executive has ed that to rent proper facility for the Town of Italian lis for gymnastics the cost could be as much as per year The presld says it would be better for the club to buy their own facility but greater support from parents would be requi The club has recently led for a bingo licence and they see this as one way to Increase their revenue or the 1961 season Nerval Junc tion formerly the WayJay club In has offered their main hall for a bingo draw Apparently some other clubs such as Kawart ha club In Peterborough use to very effectively raise money for their dliures says Cook There might be a that the Junction vacant space can be rented out to the Jills but these must wait until a ad coach is hired Another site that was looked Into was an abandoned warehouse ross from the Georgetown Co f Club The executive have been able to get new families out help In various responslbll ities but Cook would like to sec more parents get In vol Ih the program their daughters or sons participate In cons ider raising the registration fee for those parents who do not want to help In matters Involving the club Some of the major clubs in Ontario already have implemented this procedure to encourage parents to participate One of the reasons some Continued on Page the beam at the Halloa Hills Jills Herald photo Pool Mariners have been at or near the top of the Tyke hardball standings since the beginning of the season the team has always been known with lots of spirit Seen here in the picture are Heft to right back row Danny Mark Talbot Heather McNeil coach Fred Moore left to right front row John McElhone Mike Chris Mcllale Jeremy Lisa Walters Moore Dave Hodge Meet the Heralds feature teamr Jill Mary Evans School of Dance Principal Mrs J Evans I S T Applications are now being accepted or children of tour years ol age and up to learn the Royal Academy of Dancing method of classical ballet Commencing In September the lessons will be held at St Johns United Church St Georgetown Examinations are taken In the A method but stress Is placed on enjoyment of musical inter mime and national dancing as well as on good sound ballet technique Classes will also be offered to adults wishing to participate in Beginners Ballet For In writing to Mr Van 31 St 8771187 Georgetown District Minor Hockey Association REGISTRATION SEASON Player will bo on the followlno at Gordon Alcott Memorial Arena Wednesday September 9 1981 7pm 9pm Saturday September 12 1981 9am 1pm Sunday September 13 1pm NOTE Sat Sept 10am 12 noon REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS FEES Single registrant In family 00 Two registrants In family too 00 Three or mof registrant In family 00 LATE REGISTRATION FEE OF PER PLAYER WILL BE ASSESSED AFTER REGISTRATION ON SEPT 1 3th Proof of age and Parent or Legal are mandatory Acceptable proof of age Is one of Birth Certificate or Baptismal Certificate The D H A requires help from willing volunteers We need Coaches Managers League Commlsaloners and Timekeepers Anyone witling to assist and work with adolescents Inquire at Information Desk In Arena ASSOCIATE DEALERCHRIS BYDEVAATE COMPLETE CAR CARE SERVICE PRESERVE A SHINE UPHOLSTERY VINYLROOF RESTORATION PIN STRIPING TOUCHUP STEAM DRY CLEANING INTERIORS PAINT SPLASH GUARDS ETC SAME DAY SERVICE FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL OR DROP IN AT MOUNTAINVIEW RD N GEORGETOWN 8776136 Enjoy the GREAT UTDOORS Live up outdoors with Quality Products and Services from these rellabk professionals hoBdays moro wfthacoatwcarl Complete Car Care Same Day Service For Free Estimates Call 8776136 CORAL PARK Swimming a Showers a I jundromal r- Foe ties MOUNTAINVIEW PLAZA Aesthetic Service Facials etc Acrylic Nails and Tips Confidential Electrolysis Spend Your Summer Worry Freel 8775376 ACADIAN POOLS LTD a ha Anapa POOL SERVICE 9562 HAZENS SERVICES DOR BOATS TOP QUALITY FOB LESS MARINE CENTRE LTD ACTON CREDIT RIVER BOAT CO 8779552 SALES BEflVICESTORAOE Sfc TRAVEL WITH US PLAN YOUR VACATION WITH BARBER HENLEY LTD Main 8t South Ontario 8772214 moo CASSELMAN FUELS an GEORGETOWN 8775104 LANDSCAPING TWTMANS CENTRE DONS AUTO SERVICE a a- Spring Re arch ng Electrical Repairs a Electron Tuna OUTDOORS ARMSTRONG AVENUE 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