Page WEEKEND Friday September ishi we can help you better Royal Trust 8775237 Marketplace BUYING SELLING CHECK OUT THE CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIED DEADLINES Fridy PubUcaViHi DaMHRt Wedniiday 9 DO CLASSIFIED CASH RATES Add oral eta days Wo as Words Box Rentes words plus tot each line oral worker CARDS Of THANKS word Add tonal Words 20eelii ENGAGEMENTS DEATHS BIRTHS MARRIAGES I mar I iui VACUUM Cleaners supplies and services Iter Queen Compact central or built in and 877 tail VACUUM CLEANERS Kir GET up to m lot your car when you It In Com to Tidy Car or Call SWIMMING POOL SALE SWIMMING POOL MAN must do tor now filter pump Regularly now on lor St while supplies fast Im mod delivery Cili Toll BOO lor moredonls BUNK BEDS on SIS witt mm si hum ml or CLARE 1 DOG FOOD irou IDs SpLcnlly ill Alio lor silo S100 COMPLETE STEREO SYSTEM Delii- ONE BAY he ivy duly to lour old 00 Phono 1139 FIREWOOD cut a length 3 cords niter t12936tBnt TWO DRESSERS each table lour choirs Smoke alarms lor the par Stereo Ant que lamp Art deal Christmas tree Bod frame Baby needs Tackle With box Call any mo oly 400 at si reel it 1430 519843 4064391s FRESH TROUT cleaned a duiily Smoked Hd ton H lis Farms Ltd PRESS PLATES Repair outbuildings line granaries and bins or protect trie trunks fruit trees with used Aluminum Press Plate 009 trick cents each Including applicable taxes at The Hills Herald Front Counter Quality Used Car Values far Under 1976 POHTIAC FIREBIRD AUTOMATIC PS RADIO LIGHT GREEN IN COLOR LICENCE No KJW043 BUICK CENTURY COUPE CERTIFIED 350 In perfect Inspection invited 3950 REDFERN AUTOMOTIVE 210 ST GEORGETOWN FORD PICKUP Automatic License AW6398 3995 DODGE DIPLOMAT 3950 AUTOMOTIVE ST GEORGETOWN 1978 FORD FIESTA SPORT License 3795 HOME OF THE PRICE BEATERS GEORGETOWN TOYOTA LTD 343 St org town No at Armstrong 8772297 3950 350 Automate Complofoly Cortitiod AMFM TltWhool A super car ready to go ton or Van of equal valuo AUTOMOTIVE 210 ST GEORGETOWN Sellers Market Place 2 MILK 3 QUART BAG OR JUG AM T0 10 AM Monday to Friday 169 TEAK FURNITURE CL CORVETTE Converllble windows PIS 1tTo condillon c11 877 4595 PS AM FM hi con Cili877 ONE PINTO Slit on wagon Running Cil853 409635C7I Call on Sates 409335c of best liter 410035c FORD ELITE flood condlon Runs tike a dream Worth looking at Certified Best oiler C ill alter FORD WINDOW VAN in very good Wll cor lily 1970 CUTLASS tor sale Coll 877 3611C1H WE HAVE MANY QUALITY ECONOMY CARS To a ico9 you can a lord Low down Bank Financing RECREATIONAL VEHICLES LUXURY II motor homo sloops 7 low equipped automatic lor Cart John 853 otter and weekend Panarama w Many ox tras financing can bo T97ErWINrBlKEKa Now Ask CtI877 38rvi 1975 HONDA Good owner Asking Even phono 7759 ftMEfejCT3c1 GARAGE SALE Sat So Playpen libit clothing September GARAGE SALE 1 LYONS CRT Sal rdiy al a I a m clothes soil toy WATSON AUTO WRECKERS Wanted cits and lor wrock FREE PICKUP 8776226 GIBSONS Dead Stock Service Dead or disabled mlmolu lb pad lor old I horses Wo can toll you Iho death Fttgui or 3394 34BC6S RP 3B0-C- RIOT HELP WANTED IM MEDIATELY CI 1 A much or Collin Shi II 28 Miin Hit burgh Apply on list ml 450 3598 412135hw 1 J i hour d iv Mull own be bio ttring call botvrtjon 4 413030hwnl EARN 8 pet hour Sh your needlework hobby with Join our Croihvu For in lormalion phone 43736hwnl 400834 DENTAL rod lor days i week work in progressive preventive dental Salary Apply in writing or telephone Or Brian Suite 232A Guolph St roqures pint mo usually neon only Ih alter school I 15pm lor old son Good weekly salary lor the right Deri on River Hun area 877 4104 EARN EXTRA MONEY Show out Christmas no No noodod Our makes and Phono or writo today lor Iroe Chnatmns and informal on Monarch Greeting C Cannon Ham ton LBN Phono QUALIFIED JANITOR Roqul of 3 on tonal Good company bono fa Apply In person to fid Georgetown OntirlD 38B43II1N FACTORY HELP rod Immediately Mature person tor Mould ng Day and afternoon Its will bo op pi Wo will train Good company Apply In person CERCORINC Mauntalnvlew Rd Georgetown Ontario IdllVfjmjf C tor a Chris I ion Nursery school PEST CONTROL URBAN PEST CONTROL ol teat roaches and mice skunks vmmeN guarantee BOB CAMERON EMPLOYMENT WANTED MECHANICAL and Work done reasonable prices Call 7121 Woslorn Canada School of Lit Canada fist and the only completely Canadian anywhere Licensed under tho Act RS A C For par no it write Ban Locombo or phono TRANSPORTATION WANTED RIDE WANTED From Slioot to Sheridan Coll ego Brampton Phono 677 WiWIlfH LOST Male Cal Anyone ng seen stray ginger Ploa30Ci877 GS3SSSE3 DOG FREE to good homo piift Husky Two old Good watch dog Recent moving on Call 3491 or 4t2035pl Ptl Groom CI Shampooing Even Weekend YODER CANADA Requires Engine Latha Operator Operator External radius grinding Trainee Fitter Welder Steady Days Company paid benefits 8779444 for interview GENERAL MACHINIST General Machinist required capable own sot up and ol Turret and Englno Lathe Radiol Drill Milling Machine or Vertical Boring Mill in the manufacturing ol Proprietory Pipe Line Fitting and Accessories hours plus overtime Day Shift Usual Benefits Only those qualified nood apply WILLIAMSON CANADA LTD 102 ARMSTRONG AVE GEORGETOWN ONTARIO Real Estate Career Opportunity Are you lor a profession Itat potential lor personal growth cllon1 and Itex bio hours A career In real estate sales requires Integrity terminal Ion and an ability to com well wilti Ho Sound Interest Our no1 train session starts soon Check national system management support rato stal men gagas loans dental and plans slock options new 1981 defer profit BONNIE NOGUCHI ttK EXCLUSIVELY YOURS FIT NESS CENTRE Will bo open bor2nd for our 1981 1982 Fall season Wo look forward you For on ploaso I 877 399G35P Dot Lid ICG1 DAYCARE Foe and older Hoi moals served Glen Wll rented yard 87 414230dcnf planned act warm happy Closo vision All welcome Full t mo p Highway 7 area Receipt 1035dc ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE ROOM FOFI RENT PRIVATE 4 bedrooms maculalo Call 8724 41 QUAINT AND COMFY Throe bung ilow Lot old or miny is Co REALTY WORLD REAL ESTATE 1980 LTD CALL 411136rtnl TOWNHOUSE for sale Largo master other largo bedrooms largo room living 10 mortgago Call Fooert EsUlo Ltd I or b775213 ACCOMMODATION WANTED WANTED TO RENT ddto aged unmarried professional man apartment or unfurnished not centre Congenial an YOUNG Lady Ic WANTED to or Middle aged couple roquro largo homo lor one year No children no pots Ex ova labia Call Mr Bob Holmes 5700 out J09 oven COMMERCIAL OFFICE OF STORE SPACE for Small units Prestigious Iding downtown ELKS Hall Contact Harold oiler 3428irtl STORE FOR RENT Sq Main St Frontage Newly decorated Busy Location FOR INFORM A CALL Dave Barrage r Commercial lor loaso Blocks lull Ask per It per annum nol Call William Ellli lor lull details Coming 134 Queen St E Brampton Excellent Location Enjoy the the latge living room windows the ranch bungalow on tho most secluded lot In town There are many mature trees on tho 1 ace lot All this is just within walking distance the downtown area schools churches parks etc Ashing Call at Hare Real Estate Peel Ltd 2390 Hare Real Estate Peel Ltd Realtor 4512390 FANTASTIC 1 ACRE TREED LOT Close to town enhance this 3 bedroom with large living room fireplace dining room and spacious bright cheery kitchen plus finished room with franklin fireplace Asking 134 00 To view call Millie 8775261 OFFICE FOR RENT Ideally for prolosalonal In prestigious building in Available Im Phono 5026 395733lrtl LAROE fhroo bedroom bungalow two baths Terra Cotin per month plu3utlto3 Phone 877 408535V Two bedroom plus den completely romodellod only Including all utilities CENTRAL CABS Air Conditioned Radio Dispatched 8771111 Tho North Halton Contact Contro urgently requires now volunteers to dodicaie a month to this worth while Next session booms Writo to Norlh Holton Contact Box or Phono- OPENINGS avertable ot Nursery School for Sop- registration your pro schooler 5801 FURNISHED bachelor baseman apartment All utilities included smoker preferred call 409l38fn TWO Bedroom upstairs or ront Apply within Mil St Acton or call IN ACTON healed one upstairs apor Conlral No pols Reply Box 77 The Herald 45 SI FOR FUN BOWLING leaguo ability friendly com Friday Niters mixed bowl Phono Pete or Rose ol 9922 Bowl 2 Road South across from Market and Olive Septem ber Open house Nerval THE SALVATION ARMY pickup service every Tuesday Call FISHING DERBY For re Toms Place south of 1pm Bring your own tackle and compote lor Admission S3 tor and under 1 maximum family every fish plus lor caught Sponsorod by Club 35co Day Trip tor 5 yr olds Tuesday Sop torn bo r to Ontario Mace Foo aroS2 ox Ira a 877 399l35co REGULAR Alcohol cs St John United Church Everyone welcome BACKACHES Well known local Doc lor to give lac lure on dlfforenl related problems end their treatments slip disc lum bago rheumatism 459 AL ANON Family Group meetings ot St John a tod Church St group will meet Wednesday at t 30 p m and Tuesday von at 30 m Anon lac If Pilars help to an yon who loom how live with many difficulties alcohol can or aggravate For further infor mat on call 3013 or 3255 DISCOVERY DAYS To Elm ra and St Jacobs Sep tember 16th to bus lour lunch Crock fee Pro register Rd S 408538co Meet at St John United Church SI Every Tuesday is lor young whoso lives boon affected by someone else drinking For further Information coll It KNOWN to man as Johovoh Allah God Brahman CREATOR For Information on tho Sana Faith Box or phono INDUSTRIAL UNITS FOR RENT ARMSTRONG AVE SQ FT PER UNIT For Information ail Jack 8776936 NORTON Wo would I thank all our friends bours re lot I a local 481 Price stall lor Iholr lovely cords flowers and donations also Rio ladles of A St Church lor thoughts and lance in our loss a dear husband lather and gran Special honks to Rov Graham Bland and Cturo Jones Funeral Homo for their comforting words and our mo need Norton Karon Harrison CAMPBELL and Bon are happy to the arrival second son Jason David lbs 13A on August Anew brother lor Bobby Kelly Proud grandparents are Mr JOHNSON Rick a are happy to their daughter Amy El lb 1 Bom on August 19Qt at Women Hospital A lor and Matthew MIIMI Mr John Spa Hiding of are very to tho of fhoir younger daughter Patricia Molanio to Richard Edward only son of Mr Mrs Edward of Erin on August HOLMES BELL Mr Mrs H Boll ploosod to announce engagement their daughter Jayno All son David son Mr Mra J G Holmes SMEATON William DonaldSuddonly In Georgetown on Thursday 1961 motor accident Beloved husband Marlon Kirk wood doar lather sherry Cathy and Leah Survived by his mother Mae Bella Smoafon 1 ng la wood son ol lata Chummio Rested at the Loo Funeral Homo Main St Funeral hold on Saturday August at 11 am Cremation Remembrances may bo mads to your 408235d WILSON Friday and District Memorial Hospital of Norval in his year Bolovod husband of Anno Chalkor door Ruth Anno Norma and David Dear son Guy and loved brother Ruth Mrs Harry Mooro of Rostad at tho McCluroJonos Funeral Homo 34 Edith SI service was hold Sun day at tho united Church Intorment Hiilcroal In memory to Canadian Cancer Society would bo appreciated MANN Helen On Friday at our Lady Morcy Hospital Toronto Helon Adams Brampton formerly in her 72nd yoor Wile lolo Harry Mann and door of jt Mrs Roy of Carol Fish bum of Kitchonor gran of grandchildren groat grandchildren Door sister Roberta Wilson Of Toronto and predeceased by brothers and ono sister at Funorol Homo 34 Edith Street Goorgotown A funeral commitol was hold Sunday Cremation In memory contributions to tho Canadian Cancer Society would be ap preciated CAROL WHARTONS GEORGETOWN DANCE SCHOOL Classes in Tap Jazz Acrobatics For Girls and Boys ell ages ADULT CLASSES Tap Yoga Belly Dancing Jazz exercise Adult disco and social dance classes Teen disco and social dance classes REGISTRATION Friday Sept 7 8 30 p at Community Centra A For Information caH 15198213800