ID SECTION A THE HERALD Wednesday Sepitinber 1981 Were a smash Sunday Series a sellout Much to the delight of Ihr Club of ill ticket for clubs Super Sundays Series for children ire told In than One week after Ihty became Elizabeth Young who headed up tins with Pat Stuart- wag deluged 1st I week for ticket which sold out at IS each The price Include admission to all shows the new cultural centre the National Tap Dance Companys Oliver Button Urn Sissy Nov 12 Eric Making Musk Together and the Lampoon Puppet theatres Little Blue Hedgehog next April IS Maud in Not Now Darling dramatic shift for Marilyn HALTONHILLS COUNCIL Calling new members The pace of life has definitely kicked into high gear as fades Into memory The Arts Council has plunged into Its annual membership drive which will extend through September and October Anyone interested in joining may contact at for information A vote of thanks from the Arts Council to all those who participated in ticket tales for Musical Trilight Thanks to their efforis success is assured Dont forget the first concert is Sept featuring the Travellers A few rush seats will be available lift Anyone who was too la to to purchase teat plaque for the Arts Complex but would still like to be associated with this great project as a patron should consider adding their name to those to be worked Into the two permanent wall hangings being provided by the Georgetown tug Hookers Only a hundred people will be so honored All Ihat Is required pledge of a month for a year or a single donation of further Information contact John Hoc at or Elizabeth Shore at dates to remember Sept 12OcL 1 Gallery House Sol presents A Survey of Painting in Georgetown Artists participating are Frank C Black Hamilton Day Reginald Inlays on Marjorle and Jo Hereon Sept 12Sept Ticket sales for Super Sunday Concert children Call Elliabeth Young at for and information MARILYN Jerry Travellers here Sept 23 Hills Arts Council proudly presents its first concert of 19S182 Musical Scries featuring The Travellers the world famous Canadian folk singing group The concert will take place at Sucre Hull Guelph Street Georgetown next Wednesday Sept at The Travellers who date real beginnings to the 1955 release of This Land is Your Land a Song which has says Jerry Gray one of the original members virtually become a second national anthem The song Woody Guthries classic with Canadianlzed lyrics from to Vancouver lias also been The Travellers signature tunc over the yean The Travellers manage to play about dales across Canada in a year and recently recorded their 15lh album Merry Go Round It may be the fact that their first interest has always been their love of the music hey searched out and sang rather than a need to commercialize It in order to live that led The Travellers their position of leaders in their field In the years since first public appearances The Travellers have lived up to their name They have brought folk music of Canada to more Canadians than ever before with songs of other cultures added to their repertoire to balance concerts They have played the finest concert halls in the country the smallest la the largest colleges even night clubs These days Mr Cray We just try to be honest to our material and I guess you could sum up our music in one word Canadian Sponsorship assistance for this Concert Series has been provided by the Province Ontario through the Ontario Ark Council By Herald Special month Little Theatre opens its season the comedy Not Now Darling and In add In a number of familiar faces they welcome five new members to the cast One lliihc is Marilyn Peck A resident of Brampton ami a teacher of music and physical education for the Peel Board of Education Marilyn comes to GUT with a wide variety of theatrical experience Her most recent rota were Tina In Li I lie Theatres product ion of Here Lies Jeremy Troy Daisy Mae in Abner and Babe in Pa jama Game for the Brampton Musical Society In Not Now Marilyn will play Maud Bod- ley the long suffering wife of Gilbert whose amor ous adventures are enough to try any womans patience However Maud has a few tricks of her own up her sleeve anil the audience will be amused to see how these come to light during the of the play Asked why she Joined Georgetown Little Theatre Marilyn said she needed a change from Ihe light fluffy roles has played In the musicals also a new group not to mention a new will add to the challenge of a different type LEGION BINGO TONIGHT and every Wednesday pm of role Nol Now Darling opens Oct with Georgetown Theatres annual bene fit showall proceeds toward the purchase of an orchestra pitcoverforthcthcalrc The show will continue Oct 1917 and For a reserved scat please call the Box Office at HALTON HILLS ELKS LODGE BINGO EVERY MONDAY 57 Numbers Start your evening off TV entertainment with Cable Pros on ling your community nights a week Tuesday lo Friday Call us for details at STARTSFRIOAY a step beyond science fiction I HEAVY war METAfi g a HELD OVER 2t THE FOUR SEASONS Jill Mary Evans School of Dance Principal Mrs JM A RAD I STD S B now being accepted for children of four age and up to learn the Royal Academy of Dancing method of classical ballet Commencing In September the lessons will be held at St Johns United Church Guelph St Georgetown Examinations are taken in the D method but stress is placed on enjoyment of musical inter pretation mime and national dancing as well as on good sound ballet technique Classes will also be ottered to adults wishing to participate in Beginners Ballet For further In to Mn 31 St L7Q3A9orphon CANADIAN ODEON THEATRES AY GEORGETOWN 3 GARY COLEMAN ON THE RIGHT TRACK Sal S ARtniiRWCFir ID DUDLEY MOORE UZAMINNE1U ARTHUR Weekdays Sat Sun in THIS WEEKS BINGO IS Sit Beside a Winner Week Friday September 1 8th 981 in Prizes Lightning Round pm Regular Games 730 pm JACKPOT In Specified Numbers NORVAL JUNCTION FtxmtMly 8772385 News for teachers In order to Improve board staff and community relations the Board Education voted Thursday to prepare and distribute an annual staff directory and a biannual newsletter The newsletters will cost about to print and mail and the staff directory about The directory will bo distri- lo all board employees and trustees and the news letter to about house holds in The board considered creat ing a new position for a community relations officer to promote greater understand ing between public and educa tors but voted against It saving about To ensure a supply of officers and instructors for its squadrons the Air Cadet League of Canada has provided full lime summer leadership and technical train ing courses for more than senior cadets HALTON HILLS ELKS LODGE No 540 Mountalnvlew Road Georgetown MONTE CARLO NIGHT 8 PM 1 AM September 1981 CROWN ANCHOR OVER UNDER HORSE RACE BLACK JACK PER PERSON THIS ENTITIES TO 2000 SPENDING MONEY AT THE DOOR AUCTION May We Present or your listening dancing pleasure DANNY AND THE MAVERICKS THUDS FBI SAT SEPT 19IH JOIN US FOR OUR FRIDAY HOT BUFFET LUNCHEON 79 Main South Downtown Georgetown UPTODATE MOVIES IN MOVIE RENTALS INQUIRE ABOUT OUR VIDEO CLUB BETA VHS VCRSIN HITACHI TOSHIBA ZENITH BLANK TAPES T1Z0 BRAMPTON COLOUR SOUND HOW TO FEED A BUNCH WITHOUT PAYING A BUNDLE The New FALL SEASON IS COMING dont get caught in a Snowstorm If your TV Is on an antenna of lower chances are most of the channels are snowy and unusable to say the least Have a look at our pic tures or visit a friend whos on cable Wouldnt you like those same solid colourful pictures on your TV Call and find out how little It costs how easy It Is to have a full dial nineteen channels In all CALL US FOR FULL DETAILS 2 BUFFALO 4 BUFFALO 5 TORONTO GLOBAL BUFFALO TORONTO 11 HAMILTON KITCHENER TORONTO TORONTO 79 TORONTO LOCAL 3 BARRIE LONDON 12 PETERBOROUGH 17 BUFFALO 26 PARLIAMENT BUFFALO 47 TORONTO AND MORE COMING Ha Cable 11 Main North Acton Ltd WITH THE COLONEL SANDERS DOITYOURSELF BUFFET FROM KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN When youre making plans for that sports banquet church social or club party plan to serve the Colonel Sanders DoIt Yourself Buffet From Kentucky Fried Chicken Just call your nearby Kentucky Fried Chicken store up to two hours ahead of time Then come and pick up our finger lickin good chicken salads and Grecian bread for only PERSON Serve your bunch the Colonel Sanders Buffet From Kentucky Fried Chicken It wont cost you a bundle And theres nothing like it And include plates serviettes serving spoons tablecloth chicken USA GUELPH STREET GEORGETOWN