SECTION C THE HERALD Wednesday II J COMMERCIAL OFFICE OF STORE SPACE tor rent Small units available Pro3tlgioua building downtown ELKS Hall lor ront Contact Harold Colpitis alter 342Blrtf GEORGETOWN Spocioua room con por month October 1 3599nltor5pm 44B337lr LARGE Fir3t and last months required Must own frldgo and For view call FURNISHED room lor rent Suitable lor working lady Call 8778957 after pels Available Oct Call niter BASEMENT APT lorn drinker INDUSTRIAL WAREHOUSE SPACE ft Si per It net 1352 sq II net Call Knnlcrest Properties Ltd Em INDUSTRIAL UNITS FOR RENT ARMSTRONG AVE 2400 SQFT PER UNIT For Information Jick Luehol 8776936 STORE FOR RENT Main St Frontage Newly decorated Busy Location FOR INFORMATION CALL Dave Barrager 8772279 Comma re ial Of lie lor lease Toworsj Minimum 1 Blocks with lull so 1 Per annum not Call William Ellle Realtor or lull EMPLOYMENT WANTED LEGAL SECRET AHY day to and reports at homo WANTED Small repair plumbing and electrical Lloyd p m ST COMING EVENTSlCOMING EVENTSlI BIRTHS Pretly Pel All Grooming Clipping and Appointments Available ACCOMMODATION WANTED RESPONSIBLE sober non professional man seeks Quiet congenial surroundings In grantor GoorQOlown or unfurnished We would liko Regional Police Firemen Am bulance Hospital and Doctors Club Standard Products Loo Funeral Homo Rev end a super neighbours and rotative a lor your dotal con trlbutlona load cards and acts kindness In loss a and loving son husband and father Ho was also our best Mao Bollo Morton Sherry Cathy and Leah BRIDGE Beginners Loglon Hall Froo FLEA MARKET Saturday 26 ASP Parking lot For pick up Hums bo donalod for solo Call or All proceeds to munlty work OPENING MEETING season Belles ana Bonus GO years Monday p Hall 422037C0 ages Mons Mixed Young Adults 1 29 yr Golden Ago Youth Bowling Poo Woes lo Seniors National Youth Bowling Council Supervised by Master Bowlers Phono Polo or 9922 Bowl 12 Ont ling Friday Room lor a low more Anyone Interested phono or Rose Bowl S Ontario REGULAR open Alcoholico Anonymous Friday p SI Grand or Box C lira Oc 4th Open to racora 7 lo THE SALVATION ARMY pickup Tuesday Cnll877B522 September 30 pm Old and now Horticultural Society Full Flower Show silo and mooting Sept at Knox Church Everyone welcome 421837cunl ANON at St John Church juctph SI and Tuooday tactfully help to For 3255 CAROL WHARTONS GEORGETOWN DANCE SCHOOL Classes in Tap Jazz Acrobatics For Girls and Boys ol all ages ADULT CLASSES Tap Yoga Belly Dancing Jazz exercise Adult disco and social dance classes Teen disco and social dance classes REGISTRATION Friday SeptHtri pm at Centre Auditorium For Infoimation call their long awaited first Lisa Emily on 8lh Pool Memorial Hospital As well bung first child Ocampo Lisa who in at 5 lb II is a beau til tit lor Eleanor to JOHNSTON Helen Caoluio Memorial Hospital on Thur sday Soplombor 10 1981 of the late Russell Johnston sister ot John R dear Hill Lovingly remembered by David and Barrio and McCormack Funeral hold in United Church Toronto Monday 14 Intormonl Park Lawn Cemetery Bedford Funeral Directors PAYNE Freda on Saturday Soplombor 19B1 at homo SI Frrdi ana Also survived by five A private tunc ml service was hold at I ho Jones Funeral Homo Edith St Georgetown on Seplembor I lowed n Monday HUNTER Jon Member Chel3oy Park Njrsmg Homo Joan in her TOOph year Wife Hunter and dear Willi Walter Resting Homo 34 SI Georgetown whore Funoral and Service will bo hold Wednesday afternoon Intormonl Hlllcroal Comotery Norval JARD1NE A On bolovod William late Norman Ivy Mo Keswick and Murdoch Brampton Roatod at Taylor Homo Sulton 7pm Monday Funeral service was hold In Cluipol on Monday evening n Cremation Will day September 13 and District Memorial Hospital Bill Koriack husband Edna Davison and loved Karon London England Nancy Mrs Tarry Lnno Gootgotown Neil to Ato Georgetown Kayo E Noolvillo California and Rullr Mrs J Tobb Georgetown I Robyn Adrlorno d at McCluro Homo Edith Sir eel Funeral service was held Tuesday af ternoon SI Albans Anglican Church Glen Willi at Cemolary In Memorial to the George and District Memorial would bo appreciated LET US TAKE YOUR CALLS SERVICE NOW AVAILABLE VOICE ft TONE IELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE PERSONALIZED SERVICE AROUND THE CLOCK WIDOWS GROUP mooting Knox Hall Sopt 22nd at p All widows Is our Antique Please bong small antique item 454037co ARE YOU A PARENT parento Anglo 3773245 4475C011 Hindu UNITY OF MAN Buddhist Jaw i Muslim Bona Tho Children God For Information on Bahnl Faith Box Georgetown or phono SOCCER PARENTS support welcomed at Cup Finals Girls Bolton 30 am 6 pm Boy vale 10 am 6 281h Walchlorllyero coming homo regarding Club Closing Banco Fhdoy October Legion Hall each 42293Bce George a Anglican Church SI Goorgolown On Soplombor 11 30 to 1 Turkey scalloped potatoes salad Adults Children CARDS OF THANKS TO LOU HILDA Dodo Thank you Lou lor your visits Dick during months ho was In Hospital Hamilton and also for Tho amity Mrs Chris Sorgo I wish to thank friends neighbours and who so kind to us during our bereavement A special thank you to Auxiliary Robokahs and tho Ladlos ol SI Church CORRECTION Due to Manufactures error the Infant Sleepers adver tised in our Sept 6 flyer sale price are not available in sizes 1 regrets any inconvenien ce to our customers CORRECTION Due to an error in the Sept 16 Flyer on page 53 it reads 3 piece 64 32 6 oz gourmet set 747 It should read 2 piece 16 oz oz Gourmet set 497 Zellers regrets any Inconvenien ce to our customers RESIDENTS OF HALTON Your comments and reactions to the REGIONAL DAY CARE STUDY DRAFT REPORT are being sought You are invited to an OPEN HOUSE on Tuesday Sept 22 1981 at 700 pm GORDON ARENA STREET GEORGETOWN For a copy of an Executive Summary of the Regional Day Care Study Final Draft Report please call 87881 13 Ext 303 Regional Day Care Study Steering Committee Councillor A Chairman OELREX ALUMINUM Spaciillitiln Aluminum SlrJInt Fascia Trough MATTS ALUMINUM BOX CHURCH ST GEORGETOWN ONTARIO Aluminum Siding Storm Doors and Wlndowl Esieitiouchi 8774747 8774217 REE ESTIMATES GUARANTEED APERSONALIZED CATERING SERVICE BUSINESS MEETINGS BANQUETS WEDOINGS SHOWERS PARTIES No Occasion Too Small SERVICES CAMERA II ELECTflOLYSIS J i RENOVATING UPHOLSTERING CONTRACTORS Camera WILLOW ST ACTON 8530250 FAST Repairs oil photographic oqulpmont FREE within A AND SAVE Free Estimates CotfFnxt ANNS CARTAGE AND PIANO MOVERS FULLY INSURED Everything WILL DISMANTLE Samples mats to 7 Qusllllod stall on hand atoll WILLOWST ACTON 8530250 Acton Photo Camera TEDS DRIVING SCHOOL Shelloy St Georgetown DAY OR EVENING INSTRUCTION LICENSED INSTRUCTORS FULLY INSURED DUAL CONTROLS Oporatftd by Tod Seen Dial 8774006 ALL FORMS OF INSURANCE For Prompt Service HENLEY LTD COMPLETE TRAVEL SERVICE INSURANCE Main SI 8772214 J MILK HOME DELIVERY SERVICE IN GEORGETOWN CALL DAYS EVENINGS OR WEEKENDS THE MILK MAN NSULATION INSULATE NOW Get Ready for Winter Residential Homes Farm Buildings Schools Churches Commercial Insulation GEORGETOWN MILTON ACTON HOUSEHOLD SERVICES NOT ENOUGH TIME IN A DAY CONSIDER MAID IN CANADA ft fll Acton Bui OFFERING Com plots cleaning an a weekly lily or monthly basis Trained dependable bonded workers Our own supplies and equipment prices puce PHONE 8773561 FREE ESTIMATES loleclrolyal and act the lie services THE BEAUTY SPOT 8775376 loading retaining walti clean up maintenance FREE ESTIMATES TUITMANS GARDEN CENTRE SOD FOR SALE INFIELD Bin lino Dairy Road and Britannia Road 1 Eaat Wodallort lay sod OPEN WEEKENDS 17626941 17940557 For Acrylic Tlpa THE BEAUTY SPOT Brampton Monument Works MONUMENTS MARKERS LETTERING PLUMBING HEATING BILL GARBUTT Plumbing Heating Ltd 8773638 PLUMBING HEATING SID SPEARS SONS Plumbing Keating Repair WE SELL THE BEST AND SERVICE THE REST 8772121 RADIATORS REPAIRED a CLEANED PEEL RADIATOR SERVICE 126NelionStWaal Rear of Din la Cup EARLS FIXIT SHAVER SERVICE 34 Georgetown Raima Electric Lawn Small Appliance BlowDryaia Curling Ironi Swimming Pool ore 8774822 RENOVATING CONTRACTORS MIKES HOME IMPROVEMENTS rooting renovations and general For Free Cell NYES AIR CONDITIONING any room air conditioner repair or loaning during tho slower Fan en Winter Good until February Also repairs to dp humidifiers MOTOR SERVICE GARDEN CHAIN SAWS FREE PICK UP 1 ACTON Con si PLASTERING REPAIRS ALTERNATIONS end TILE WORK 4168770493 WOODEN EXPRESSIONS In deck and quality carpentry work Lea Cook 8771907 HOME RENOVATIONS A complain home Improvement Quality From rod Improvements Interior end enteric 8774080 SUPERIOR SHOE REPAIR GEORGETOWN MARKETPLACE ALSO MILL ST ACTON 8532811 COUNTRY CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY All types of of I 1 1 y further CALL 8531810 or UPHOLSTERING UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE RECOVERED REPAIRED Qualify Workmanship TH BRIGGS Slewarttown BILL VAN WEED PEST CONTROL GovUconcod WEED SPRAYING FERTILIZING INSECT CONTROL WoAlgoSellFedlllier With or Without Inaectlctdea 8772594 SOFT WATER THE WAY IT SHOULD BE FREE INSTALLATION and Service COMPLETE LINE Treatment Equipment lor Homes Feints end 8776242 PAVING CONTRACTORS SAVESSS TOP QUALITY GUARANTEED KING VALLEY PAVING LTD 3Z9732 ONTARIO ASPHALT PAVING DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS TENNIS COURTS ETC BARNS AND STALLS ORNAMENTAL CUSTOM WORK STATIONS meter I Extra resurfacing In commercial are Expert workmanship toiler and machinery Free estimates Written guarantee Complete re am Of CALL NOW ASK FOR 8771 1 81 4535265 7834097 King Valley Paving a roapacled established paving com pany that servo Georgetown tit surrounding a rue MEMBER OF CONSUMER PROTECTION BUREAU THE BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU 1H1JBs KING CREST PAVING INC A Of INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAYS BARNYARDS PARKING LOTS TENNIS COURT ETC SCRVINQ YOUR AREA fOBMANY YEARS BECAUSE WE FEATURE TOP QUALITY MATERIALS EXTRA REINFORCING IN TRAFFIC AREAS UNCONTAMINATED MATERIALS WORK DONE BY EXPERTS ONLY HEAVY MODERN FREE ESTIMATES WORK GUARANTEED DUALITY WORK AND SATISFACTION BONDED COM PANY LAROEOnSMAU UK DO THEM ALL CALL AND LET OUR QUALIFIED EXPERTS ADVISE YOU ON ANY PAVING WORK BRAMPTON TORONTO 2446055 OF THE ABB REGISTERED WITH CONSUMERS PROTECTION