Fitness a way of life for Dancefit people rtge quired to pay a for each course considerably cheaper than comparable exercise programs Everyone must sign a medical release form and Mrs Burns suggests that heart patients and even women recently from pregnancies should get a doctors consent before enrolling Otherwise theres very little else to buy tor the course Participants normally and some of the veterans proudly slip on Dancefit Tshirts Dont go and spend a lot of money on running shoos Mrs Bums advised during the Interview Ideally shoes flood In the and with this is rata shoes are footwear for the avid As Tar as the In structors are concerned all they need is a hall large enough to accommodate their classes and plugs for their tape decks What kind or assurances does the public have that consistently provides an effective exercise program session niter session Well consider the rules the Ins true tors must follow from their First of oil prospective Dancefit Instructors have to butt out no smoking have to pass a weight and fitness test and they have to show an interest in their awareness of fitness possibly by taking courses on fitness leadership and cardio pulmonary resuscitation WAY OF LIFE Printed in bold capital let at the bottom of one page of the Instructors brochure Is this concise message Fit Is not an exercise class it is way of life And they are reminded or this even after they have achieved their full fledged instructors wings Ira rue tors have to pass an other fitness test following each ten week session and II they fail well Few exercise programs such an opportunity to get fit without worrying about looking bad if each step t done to crisp perfection The idea is to have tun socialize a bit and then come back next week to try again Mrs Bums acknowledged Bound for glory at the Imperial Room Ronnie puts on special show just for us Continued from Page I And the fans and the other rock stars still ccmc ta Toronto to see him at the Nickelodeon on Street which be virtually ran for years and years or else where In Ontario The Beatles were still In the process of breaking up when the late John accepted a Toronto promot ers Invitation to headline a Rock Roll Revival concert at Maple Leaf ens and Yoko stayed on Ronnies form during their visit having a bail riding around on his snowmobile machines Bob Dylan the American protest singer turned rocker turned gospel singer affords Ronnie an indelible link with pop music history It was a newly electrifi ed Dylan who lured Hawk- Ins backup band The Hawks off to England for a groundbreaking lour After that The Hawks another Arkansas boy and four exp atriate Canadians whod teamed up with Ronnie for his crisscross travels among the midwest country dives became The Band one of the moat popular American groups of he 1970a When the Bond decided to call quits with a special goodbye performance four Thanksgivings ago at San Francisco they invited along all the old friends whod shared their music and their stages There was Dylan Mite hell Van Morrison NcU Young and Ronnie Hawk ins The event was captured in a feature film The Last Walti and per formance stands as one of the best segments Lost year brought Ronnie another film role that of a Yankee army officer In Mic hael nos epic Heavens Gate As movie buffs the world over know by now the lengthy film died a nasty death upon release as Hawk Ins himself nearly did during its fuming be took a bad spill from bis horse but got up laughing The movie Is set for a third commercial release this lime The Johnson County Wars These days The Hawk continues to brandish his peculiar ageless rockablllty on the tube Tonk described by CTV spokes men as a combination of Hawk Solid Gold and The Ronnie Prophet Show debu ted two weeks ago with Hawkins as its host over coming bis nervousness in the television studio Bosnia will be introducing such spe cial guests u Aston Kris and Bo Dlddley himself A long way from Arkansas and a long way from Winter- land Hawkins and Bo ley will no doubt get together for a spirited version of Who Do You Love a hell soon be asking concertgoers of Halton Hills Laurie Burns left and Virginia Walker will be running Ibe rail session of inert It which begins Sept IS Mrs Barns has been offering the unique fitness program which turns dance steps Into good cardiovascular exercise for almost year in the Georgetown area Miss Walker a veteran of the Dancefit program here Is starting the fall season as an assistant Instructor Registration for the program will be held at IS In Howard rlggiesworth School Sept that toe works with a class she works at a good clip encouraging her proteges to try and keep up Few people can in those early weeks of each session until suddenly magically those funny the faces of those men and women during the last class a real of Holstein prizewinners Judge Jeff Nurse had the pleasure of awarding to fellow Gordon Bustard and Henry Bart el as well Elmlawn Farms at the recent Peel County Hols tc in Show Mr Bustards and Mr Bonds C M Grace was Judged first Junior Heifer capturing the Montreal Perpetual Trust Trophy In a special class Elmlawns Elmlawn Tennile was the best four year old cow in a field of ten Knitting mill robbed Clothing items valued at were removed from Beaumont Knitting Company Ltd overnight Sept 15 An east side window on the ground level was broken to give thieves access to the building in Glen Williams At RYDERS TV Our Goal is INFLATION RATE and with the help of Sansui we might make it NEW RECEIVERS R 5 R7 We checked the 1 977 Prices on nearest equivalent No Significant change NEW SPEAKERS Lower in price at our store than ever before for similar units DIRECT DRIVE TURNTABLES New Models due in at less than including cartridge CANADIAN MADE SPEAKERS S35 S45 S55 with discounts of 30 Off List Prices LET US SHOW YOU We can show you the old price lists to prove we have broken the inflation barrier with stereo From Drawing Board to Home Delivery we are all showing 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