Page SECTION THE HERALD Wednesday September 30 Bridge club deals out entertaining Tuesday nights Herald Where can you go for an entertainment and And there are tournaments almost every weekend Moat of the big ones are in Toronto so Its handy he said Both come from Brampton Mr Raymond said there a The Georgetown Bridge Club started In 1W at a bridge game In Duke Wiltons borne The game attracted lot players and moved Into bigger quarters at the Hall Mr Wilson was director of the dub until this year when John Rivera took over bii duties Getting to know duplicate bridge only Si Not too Many players come from places these days and Brampton and half The Georgetown Bridge Club is one of the cheapest things Rivers can do Tuesday nights and lis members know It They Mark comes every meet In the Legion hall right second or third week to play off Georgetown a Main Street bridge In Georgetown with his at p buddy Richard Raymond The turnout Is usually about people With four players to a table that makes nine tables of veritable duplicate bridge The game of bridge develop ed from whist Charles developed the system of play ing called the American Stand Other systems since invented lend to confuse begin ners according to John director of the club since January play any system we want but everybody at the table must know what the bids mean according to that ays tern If they don know what a means ask and the other players are obliged to explain it to them said Mr Rivers A bid is the naming of a suit The Georgetown club was formed In starting with a bridge game in Duke Wilsons home Mr Wilson was direct or of the club until this January The game at his home eventually got loo big and the players had to move to other quarters Most everybody here is a regular bridge participant and attends clubs elsewhere A lot of these people are playing almost every night of the week said Mr Itivcrs It s possible for them to play that often because theres a gome on nearly every night members of one club playing clubs as well We play here because there are no other games on Tues day We ve played here for ten It a a nice club The directors have always been amiable said Mr Del Wallace said hes a regular at the Georgetown bridge club every week when 1 on Everybody con recognize bridge table but not everybody can play bridge Mr Rivers welcomes novices We teach anybody who wants to learn he sold Hes especially keen on attracting high school students to come out and ptay Chris of Georgetown was recently learning how to play with the guidance of Mr and Mra Wilson and Judy Rivers An In the paper last week brought me to the club he said I used to play before and Its coming back to me Chrla Joked that he came out for the pretty girls and said he wasnt disappointed Players play in pairs siltlne opposite their partner Some people come to the club with a regular partner others find partner there promise singles that they always play My wife Judy Is my extra if we a odd number She si Is In and makes a pair said Mr Rivers SAME CAME Duplicate bridge Is primar ily the same card game as rubber bridge but its more competitive he said Every once In a while they gel loud and I have to say nobody knows what Is going on at the next table said Mr Rivers All the pairs In the room are playing all the other pairs In the room They rotate from table table and end up playing Ihe same hand at some lime in the evening explained Mr Rivera Everybody Is dealt 13 cards at the table and that hand will never change all night for whoever flils al the table he said In seven minutes Bridge players are very honest said Mr Rivers They re to test their skill Ho says Its rare cheating at the club level Mr world club championships they pull down a big screen In front of write out their bids of delivering them orally They want to bo sure cheating t take place even In voice Inflection between part ners DOE TALK Ive been damaged la bridge talk means somebodys complaining of poor conduct at ihe table Some nonos may have been commuted A code of conduct hanging on wall of Ihe Legion hall fists unacceptable behavior for bridge players Any move ment expression or action which conveys Information to a partner Is an Infraction of rules so Is Ihe use of differing designations words tones or emphasis for bids which give partner information a t your hand A director la resent to ensure that all play within the rules So watch what you say and how you soy It If you plan to play duplicate bridge with proper clique tie BUSINESS DIRECTOR I OPTOMETRISTS I CHARTERED I ACCOUNTANTS Today hand is a bridge player dream As the saying goes there ore tricks to burn No less than five of the nine northsouth pairs reached the top score on this board however east west pairs at other tables did not sit idle Some bid enough to create a doubt in the northsouth con tract and succeeded In causing the latter stop In an Inferior contract This was the hand If you were East West what would you leave bid create doubt Continued on page Would like to on you with GIFTS and Information Gaorgslown For this Inloimitlon and Housswarmlng gilt call 8774812 TOWN Of HILLS PROCLAMATION AND WHEREAS this that Improved Prevention bo prevent economic waste and tragic loss bio THEREFORE I proclaim Sunday October to Saturday October loth 10Q1 as Prevention In the Town Halton Hills 1 An places bo carefully inspected by occupants end all conditions likely to couao or promote the spread of lire bo removed MAYOR TOWN OF HALTON HILLS Canada Trust Realtor 8779500 29 Ma n Street Georgetown ARE YOU OF MOVING How many hmes have you moved in he las two years Make the next move right one we have a beautiful 3 bedroom home with a large mortoage at 11Vi 3 ACRES OF BEAUTY Is Ideal sports entertain the homo home Is for active family bedroom ranch bungalow car garage workshop Priced BOO HONE 1 storey brick home Mutated good rool In celled condition Largs formal dining room French doors to bright living room Oak floor with chestnut 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HOMES THERES NO PLACE LIKE THE PERMANENT MIMBER OF THE TORONTO BRAMPTON REAL ESTATE BOARDS VENDOR HAS BOUGHT MUST SELL WANTS ACTION On this Immaculate bedroom bungalow situated In a mature area ol town Walking distance to schools Shopping WITH SEASONABLE DOWN PAYMENT WILL HOLD AT Why not see It today this could be the chance of your to own your lust house or to move up to a detached CALL 877 8244 MOVE RIGHT IN To this carefree 3 bedroom end unit Unbelievable financing till See It now with Freddie or 792 1 PEEL CENTRE SHOPPERS WORLD PLAZA BRAMPTON CANADA PERMANENT TRUST CO LTD LANGS FEED MILL o OUTLET COMPLETE LIKE OF ENERGY SAVING WINDOWS ROOM THE PLACE TO SAVE MOUNT TO N UNITS GEORGETOWN PHONE WALL PANELS CERAMIC TILE 75 iiil id BRAMPTON ALUMINUM aluminum gam SOFFIT A FASCIA WINDOWS CHOICE OF COLOURS tf0Mi low RENTALS FREE SERVICE FREE HOME OF THE WEEK TRILEVEL LEISURE HOME HAS SPACIOUS UNFINISHED AREA TMa tourbedroom recreational home la Ideally Iff narrow frontage building alia especially a lol which la graded or drop oft It contain In aioaaa of square feel of finished floor on two lams larga ondeveloped level nearly TOO feet floor arts In for development additional accommodation a andor In door recreational facilities wraparound Iron gallery and upper Irral balcony The main entry from the carport Into a raoaptlon f and and luggage Whence traffic moral forward and to the left Into ringdlntng room alevatednearlh masonry fireplace dramatic open celling and eliding gieta gallery door las storage G0RD HAMILTON CUSTOM CARPENTRY AREA AGENT FOR WINDOWS Call or The open kitchen from tha area via optional accent wall and coo mart op area Tha kitchen atepsavlng work and ample coo nit work surfaces A threepiece bathroom la positioned adjacent to tha reception foyer and la ac cessible from all of the main living level One main level bedroom Is poaltloned Immediately to tight of the stairwell down to un finished lower level The three upper level bedroom are positioned round the Internal gallery Each at wag and good for and natural light A eliding glass walkthrough to upper balcony whfchle shared by the bedrooms The master bathroom fourpiece with twin vanity alnka via eliding socket door The targe Inlshed lower level provides approximately fail of floor area for the future development of recreational facilities occasional accommodation a Plana tor daslgn No may be purchased either by the eet et a cost of for first set and for aach Afh-e- plan package Including package also In cluding the first sat la only Whichever method you choose pteaae Include IB for postage end handling Ontario residents please add a tea Bend for currant adltlon of Select Home Designs featuring Imaginative decorating and Noma Im provement plus quality home plana of every tvpe Available for 2 plus 78 postage end Ik Home of Weak co The Halton Hill Herald Unit 1 CarUnmlew Drive Rax- dale Ontario BET the PLUMBING STORE SUPPLYING WITH PLUMBING FIXTURES PLUMBING REPAIR PARTS aril I 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