Page SECTION C THE 11PRALD Wednesday September 3D 181 Hills Community Le Clinic holds seminars Landlords and tenants Act outlines your rights Continued from page CI in writing not necessarily because It a legal document but just so It dear According to the Act It Is illegal for a landlord lo charge a damage fee as part of any rental agreement However he can oak for a security deposit equal to the last month a rent which is commonly done when the land lord asks for the first and last month b rent before the new tenant moves In But the last month a rent should actually be treated by the landlord as trust and he is obliged to add six per cent per year interest on the amount until Ihc tenancy ends A landlord cannot tell you to leave at any lime Mr Craig stressed That a some thing a county Judge and no one else can do Residents may be evicted If they fall to pay the rent cause damage lo Ihe apartment disturb other tenanta and for overcrowding Ihe residence and violating Ihc safety or other lawful rights or interest of the tenant s neighbors A tenant may also be evicted If he carries on an Illegal business on the premise or commits an Illegal act People living In subsidlied housing who falsely list Income or the household can quite legal ly bo ordered lo leave At end of a rental term the landlord may decide thai ho needs the tenants apart ment for a member of his or long as he gives the lenanl GO days notice he can still apply for an eviction on these grounds according the Act Other reasons for deciding lo let a tenant renew the rental agreement Include Ihe tenant Is persistently la to the rent tenant employed in the building and given lodging as a the company originating as an to purchase Ihe residence as pari of a condominium deal the tenancy Is ended because Ihc condominium agreement falls through McDonalds- Colouring Contest The Northwest Passage from Atlantic Pacli Was a that many looked lor cause It would bo terrific II look C to finally do chore Sofgoanl Lorsan In 1944 Win McDonalds Gift Certificates And Watches Oat your Crayons and Fell Markers going win cemficataa lor delicious food at McDonald a- Entriaa will Judged on originality and month thra will a draw for a Ronald McDonald- Watch LAST WEEKS WINNERS SINCLAIR Georgetown 345 Dr Ac ion STAGEY SINCLAIR Qaorgatown HARVEY 34SWatcottRd like can do it canM THE SUMMER COLLECTION FORCE GALLERY TERRACOTTA featuring Ontario a In Blown Pottery Wood Silk PrlntaandWatarcolouri SHOW RUNS MONTHS OF AUGUST Wad WILLIAM ELLIS HEAL ESTATE LTD NO TRAINING TRACK But there is lob of room lor one on acre farm Cornea with bank bam hilltop home and I of frontage on Trafalgar Road Market priced at SI talk with Stokes ARE YOU A HANDYMAN Then this lima gam In la lor you Priced to re Heel the required Improvements exceptionally good terms Call Ftosal Barker for do tails LET 8 TALK HORSES Whal a spread near Twelve fertile with exceptional home bams and arena And this gorgeous homo of Can Batlo Stokes and lore toft horses I THE MIGHTY MINI RANCH You would not believe all too goodies packed into Wo two acre lot bam with loll dog end this unique home featuring 2 fireplaces baths and 3 walkouts All for Sao It lot The unique floor plan embodies all the most desired features The ad dress would look good on you details by calling Peggy Bouraaaa HILLSBURQH LIGHT LOAM AS acres with born and shed The now extension on mo homo Incorporate a family room with fireplace A building includes shop end cosy two apartment lor a second family EXCELLENT STARTER HOME IN ERIN bedroom homo on a front setting Finished roc room broodloom through out TOPOFTHEVALLEY The window this home affords a breathtaking vkiw On a fully Iwo aero lot just oil Highway Erin Asking with good mortgaging CaB BID Ellis to The vendor has lust an mortgage on commercially zoned on Main Street It Is tunny tlmo Got the from Bill RIDING HORSE ROW A lush 10 with some hardwood forest A rustic cedar home with vaulted callings Your now lllostyio awaits you from town at w rh good terms Call Barb to get started 1 Does your business need ine ex posuro of the St Strip Are you ready tor your own build on the St Strip Whether you thinking of buying leasing or wo have on the St Strip I Ellis and lei a talk business THE FAMILY HOME DELUXE Throe spacious floors attractively carpeted and Features I extra washrooms and central air assure family comfort Priced at Call Rosalie Barker for Inspection COUNTRY HOME SITES homo silo hills and soma ago on Trogalgar Road Asking Big Sky Country A lor from live In Erin Township and open sites Asking 32 Sao It with Stokes Hidden Homo Site Tree cover runs for whole BO frontage on this lor ton acres Asking vondor mortgaging Can BUI EUs AFTER HOURS Rosalie Barker Stokes Sue Hamilton 8774613 2798579 Don Sanderson Cec Martin Barb Dunleavy Peggy the building Is be demo lished extensively repaired or converted to another Instead of a residence Once again the tenant can present a case against any eviction order before the court In cases In which an unavoidable eviction Is faced such as impending demo lition of the building major conversion In the use of the premises the landlord and the tenant can reach an agree ment about when the rental agreement Is to end of the type of accommodation the landlord is obliged lo ensure that his rented premises are kepi In good repair are fit live in SOI Vfc Following guidelines in the Act Mr Craig suggested hat tenants facing major repair headaches should notify the landlord giving him a reason able amount of time to solve the problems satisfactorily Some properly bylaws by which residences cither rented or owned must be kepi if they are not it up to the town bylaw enforcement lo Investigate and lay charges if necessary Although Hills has a properly standards bylaw lis scope is limited the bound of the Acton and George town Business Improvement Areas Passed earlier this year it has allowed the town to study the Iwo cores selling goals for their apparently futures raced a belligerent landlord most real dents in town will probably lo complain a county Judge if much needed repairs prevent them from enjoying their residences Its advisable to make repairs without an agreement from the landlord or a court order Mr Craig warned It quite possible that a tenant who makes the repairs intend Ing to recoup his expenses by withholding part of until the bill is paid could find himself at he wrong end of a thing llsonlyfalrlo consult with the landlord on the repairs needed getting at I en si three reliable estimates on how much will cost lo make Ihcm And withholding rent could initiate eviction proceedings on behalf of the landlord for defaulting on regular payments The tenant should always wait for the court decision not taking any action until he judge decides the landlord should moke all repairs or agrees let the tenant do at the expense of the landlord Meanwhile Mr Craig point tenants waiting for repairs lo begin on their residences following court order can also apply for an abatement of rent A lenanl must prove that his rent should be reduced because without repairs the residence may not be worth what he is paying to live In Last Wednesday night seminar on he rights or landlord tenants provincial law quashed a number of old wives tales harbored by many of the or so people crowded Into the Hills Community Legal Aid Clinic on Georgetown a Street Evicting a tenant Is not something a landlord can arbitrarily do lawyer David Craig explained The eviction notice must come from a county Judge after a hearing In which both the tenant and the landlord are Involved I if era J dak etch by Cart COUNTRY CHARMER cms 3 bedroom home on country lot close to town Bright largo livl freshly decorated plus F si Mortgage at 11 198S Call John FRIST 11 TIL Super 3 bedroom brick bungalow on a nicely landscaped Close Park area and down town Features Hollywood stylo bug hi cheery living room Plus a one bed com spar to the tolls Coll John today HOOK PARK Latoa lam home located lost from flopping and Go bus This maculas home boasts a main floor room room lots of cupboard space extra lame concrete patio walkoul anily room plush PEACE AMD TRAWOBJTY Is offered busy with bedroom home main floor room garage located on a beautiful ravine tot in area I no homes Call Marge darks SWIM Is price on year old 2 storey bedroom home with large eat In kitchen and main floor den This Immaculate borne Is in moveIn Don I be disappointed Carl Marge Clarke lor your appointment to view right BUN DETACHED WO Immaculate home with garage in scenic Glen Large deck main floor laundry and more Call Jim Akers Seventy percent Interest In vacant land that is currently being Reposed tor an home sub division in Georgetown Call Jim or mors details AT TLL Lovely bedroom home on treed fenced lo which oilers the most in privacy Gleam floors throughout Don delay I Jim today BMMALEA BEAUTY 900 Fully detached bed homo on a beaut landscaped la I Features dining room tasteful decor broad throughout much more Good financing as well Can jr Over 7 ft floor space which Includes a storey structure One and one clearance overhead door buldngappiax years old located en structure is feel above Found level which is protection against Hooding and Is a convenience tor load and unloading Call Jim DETACHED ONLY Super starter or retired home on tar 1 43 light In town This home bedrooms dining room private backyard mature landscaping 1 car garage and rn Call Tom Jim BROKER John Clark BROKER Marg Clarke ATKINSON RAVBOCTTINQ On the of town and a lorn bedroom ve Spacious entran ce and entertainment I v and room Maple Hanover kitchen and main family room with walkout and log burning Oilier Include quality central vac system Paved d car garage Huge deck aero rear house plus plus Very real call today tor your appointment FMM very good homes bain drive shod le acres Loam pool sauna mortgage 1 1 July close Asking ODD JOHN WOODS NICKFERFtAFlO Two sell contained bedroom apartments in a big brick older home Prime downtown location Walt I II you see the marvelous an aero Hurry lor INS ex opportunity Big bedroom brick backspllt on landscaped lot In location Extra kheben cellar car garage are some of tha fine Be first to lor your imenl Do you need a good home on acre minutes where the zoning will accommodate your work Machine shop upholstering body shop a most any type business requiring Industrial Zoning The 3 bedroom brick bungalow has big bright windows throughout fireplace in living room ec room and extra bedrooms downstairs us today for your tment Listed Brick home in the hear horse country ATM Design Award home wttti all the amenities expected choice area Big main floor family nun with fireplace and walkout washrooms tufty fen ced and landscaped garden Central air con ditioning end wry mortgaging Can for WW personal Ashing only of Beauty needs Owner retiring Must Soil PMau v drop Is mi sfflet far ri M ACRE FARM Minutes town Excellent workable soil For further Information call LDVEIVCUAHBUMOALOW With many extra tenures dm shed basement new rool pato single paved drive Call today lor your Da among fist to view this new listing Asking