the HERALD Home Newspaper of HaHon Hills Since 1866 A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Street Georgetown I Ontario PAUL J TAYLOR Publisher and General Manager PAULDORSEY Editor DAVID Advertising Manager PHONE Second Class Malt Registered Number Page SECTION A Wednesday September Beep Beep The flagman cometh As municipal consultants have determined in the recent past Georgetown Highway corridor is beset by problems affecting not only the flow of traffic along Street but the nature of commerce lining its curbs Civic leaders are only now ning how extensively bad planning in the past is causing unforeseen problems today So it bothers us greatly when highway repairs become necessary once again and town officials seem oblivious to the traffic and commerce problems they create overnight Georgetown s main corridor is now being reconstructed from Drive to Armstrong Avenue a matter of adding a fifth lane for the most part and the problems caused by the work go beyond mere inconvenience the highway is an atrocious mess It seems to us without mediate benefit of expert opinion that the inevitable reconstruction project could have been handled in phases with Guelph Street s considerable traf fie load diverted around single work areas no longer than several hundred yards Instead the contractor heavy equipment and workmen line the full length of the torn up highway shaving out a section of asphalt in the middle of the road here laying sewer and wfttermains at the side there Hydro workers crowd around utility poles to accommodate the construction flagmen wave passing cars onto soft and not so soft shoulders to avoid swinging shovels and laborers relax for lunch in the blockaded safety zones that used to be a passing lane The reason behind all this chaos is not lost on Georgetown taxpayers anyone who faceb the horrendous lines of cars on Guelph Street at suppertime each day is looking forward to the finally widened highway with relief The addition of a central turning lane in certain sections of the road will resolve many time wasting traffic delays and in general create a much safer driving environment What is much harder to justify is the town and contractor all at on approach to reconstruction A de of laborer teams attack different sections of the road at the same time no doubt saving themselves and the taxpayers some money but wreaking havoc on the average driver s most mundane outing Frankly we d rather put up with a section by section construction project for a full season than the all at once assault the course of two months Spot construction is easily countered by minor detours blanket reconstruction is unavoidable for resident motorists aggravating for passing through drivers and a pain in the neck for Guelph Street businessmen AlbertaOttawa oil agreement has the nation over a barrel Leathertowners set an example In a world in which our metaphors are often linked to cars Ac tons Association appears to have learned something from the recent history of the North American automotive industry You can go just as far do just as much in a Volkswagen as you can in a more ex pensive full size gas guzzler While the region s own grandiose scheme for luring new industry to Halton is failing to muster enthusiastic support around committee tables at regional headquarters Chip Petnllo Association chairman is whipping up all kinds of exciting interest among local businesses and residents who want Ac ton listed as a major point of interest on Ontario roadmaps The regions proposal to spend on business development in Halton by 1983 is years too late Business may be booming in Oakviile and Burlington but the development doldrums nave hit Halton Hills Tired of waiting for someone else to pick up the proverbial cudgel Actons Association has decided to do its own knocking on executive doorsteps attracting new commerce to the community in a colorful and unique manner Like all great ideas it the pleat and most obvious that seem for By Stewart MacLeod years to go unnoticed Acton has history the association has noted a history based inextricably on the tan industry Connect the history to the community s business community sew on a catchy steer hide logo add get a man like Mr Petnllo to help with tailoring and sud denly the idea has already achieved more for the community in sheer business optimism than Haltons business development department has since the region was formed in 1974 We congratulate Mr Petnllo and the Leathertown Associationall membersfor their initiative in bringing commerce to Acton The materials are there to make the com an important stop on a tourists itinerary However any group should be wary of government wrenches which while they may help sometimes slip into the machinery Meanwhile the rest of the town is indeed curious about what all the fuss is about Actons sudden pre occupation with itself may yet serve as an example of how the rest of us can pull ourselves away from an am commuter identity to recognize that we have a distinct municipal heritage as well something that other people in the province might be interested in Ottawa The Herald you are wondering ether w ore off under the recently signed Ottawa Alberto energy agreement than we would have under Clark Tory government It belt to think about something else The answer il semis will never tie known Naturally it interesting point ihc was dele ited because It proposed an IB cent a gallon lax on gasoline And Ihc Liberals won lie subsequent bj lower oil than the Tones Why we be keen to know Just this new agreement stacks up against llie Conservative propos Well everyone has tried and all we have Is an unholy mess of contradictory figures that are further compounded by a vast variety of inlcrpn tit ions ibout what mihl have been and what might still be every time new set of statistic produced another countervailing set ls thrust upon us And the explanations covering them are worst than the themselves NO MORE don l suggest thai we let Minister have another Ho tried it at this moat recent conference and alter minutes of explanation our confusion was complicated by acute exhaustion At point he had us saving a think on family fuel under his new deal with Alberta But Hint for last year before the deal was The prime minister tossed out this In tho face energy depart data that would suggest the vera fie family would be off under the Tories Trouble la we re not sure at any given time whether are diking about crude oil natural gas or gasoline or whether we re buying it at the wellhead or at the pumps in Hires or and whether it coming from existing wells or future ones One sit of statistics produced by the Liberals that had the Tones remained in power a barrel of oil in 1354 would cost us S3 But he lories have produced another set of statistics designed to prove that the 1WH price would be only The New Democrats have their own estimates but lets not gel Into that according to Ihc Ottawa Alberta agreement it seems the 1984 price will be Ml And If look at last car a National Program we will sec itmt the prleo would have been this difficult enough the proposed Tory deal with Alberta had not been completed and quite apart from differing we are lacking specific details There is also the problem of Ihe tax credits promised by former finance minister They would make quite a difference but Just bow much depends on who happens to be speaking at the moment Similarly when It comes to flgur out Just what the Liberals meant when they promised lower fuel prices than ho Tories It also depends on who is speaking That promise It appears had certain time limits And according to be latest by Ihe promise of lower prices applied In i960 before any agreement was signed and at the conclusion of the He said there was never a specific promise for lower prices in 1081 1382 and 1983 Now if you con find any statement where I said that In 1081 we would be belter than he Conservative budget minus bo then I will have been faulted bylhnt If the world prices go up faster than even ve predicted In our assumptions with Alberta yes of course the oil import compensation change will be slightly higher than Is calculated in our tables but he consumer will be Infinitely belter off It was at this point t lost interest In the comparisons The answers are simply not worth he anguish Will proposed rights charter fit us into neat categories Queens Park POETS CORNER Be Not Resentful When a person Is trying and making gain Give them great courage and help train Be not Jealous and stand In their way Give them credit and make It a day ways ore remembered never part Some of he old folks that you knew They had hop and love for you Do not let hole good folks down Bear cross and wear Ihe erown expect he cream of he crop Your humble share will make you top You can avoid a crucial of lair A rue person with lave and care By Albert Brooks Derek Nelson Queen a Park Bureau The Herald Opposition to Bill an act to revise and expand protection human rights in Ontario continues lo mount here Unfortunately much of It centres on such in Ihc bill as he freedom of Human Mights to search and seize business documents will a irrant and compel eslimony without benefit counsel Bui those lies worry mi less than the general thrust of hill which is to pigeonhole us all in Utile categories by color language sex and even Inndlcap a means from discrimination Bill Is a lucpnnl for a rate relations industry as exists today In ho United Stales and the United Kingdom function of that industry is o designate a group disndvnnlaged then Impose by regulation a quota system for that particular on all employers Moreover unlike today a Human tights Commission which responds complaints from Individuals BUI says the commissions police or can actively look for discrimination against groups I NUMBER laving a vested interest In finding such discrimination they undoubtedly will do so which will mean further expansion of ho racerelations indu In general and he provincial Human Rights bureaucracy In particu lar And the new aim of ho Com mis si on will be to bury what liberal societies have fought for and partially achieved equal opportunity for Individuals in exchange for equal results for groups The of Toronto provides a prototype or how the new system will work In practice across Ontario First members of the city own race relations industry survey city government departments and by color people either while or a visible minority Then they count noses Tho audit department which Is tut visible minority is praised for Its commendable hiring The fire department with less than one per cent is frowned upon The r all city hall average for visible minority employment is seven per cent WHO WITH These figures are immediately compared with the race relations Industry of Toronto visible minority papulation 30 per cent being a favored figure nowadays Next you have the mayor In this case Art Egglclon say he city ls a multicultural community and he city population should be reflected in he civic workforce Thai sounds like every depart ment or at least the overall ratio An dhow is this to be accomplished By quotas of course or as the mayor so delicately put It the fire department for example will have to Improve lis recruiting techniques NO HOPE One might think be Ontario Human Rights Code would ban such obviously discriminatory hiring on the basis of color But while it does now Bill will do away with that tion Discrimination on the bails of color euphemistically called special programs in Bill and affirmative action In the Pierre Tmdeau Charter of Rights will then bo legal to help disadvantaged groups achieve equal opportunity But of course the only way race- relations Industry knows that groups have received equal lunlty Is to measure results that la to count heads and compare averages In one place with another Which brings us full circle for quotas for those lucky people who belong to government designated disadvantaged groups although Interestingly that won t guarantee aid for Individuals within tho group From our files Sunday noon to pm Holy Cross School Georgetown Kinsmen Soap Box Derby THIRTY YEARS plans inspect ho public library and the library board J and Harold Henry Interviewed council on behalf of the board saying that the building is In deplorable condition and that a conservative estimate for renovating would be The cement floors ore rolling and plaster is falling down The present budget of the board shows 730 and fixed expenses of so hardly enough purchasing and allows nothing for major expend lures Mr Lambert said here was a possibility the town could be better served by a new smaller building Permission was grunted to the Boy Scouts to hold Apple Day on Oct Councillor Lyons questioned expenditure for putting new pavement in front of Silver s store It pretty hard to support a expenditure without council support when hundreds of citizens ore asking for sidewalks all over town he said Coun Marshall said The sidewalk was in terrible shape 1 vc seen hall a ladies fall I paid for a pair of stockings myself lo avoid trouble There arc lots of bad sidewalks but Main Street he best place lo start repair work Georgetown will have dial phones in Bell Telephone announced this week The company has purchased property on he corner of Main and James Streets Residents of Glen Williams will benefit from he new service for all elephones in thai area will be converted to twoparty or private line service The open seasons and bag limits for upland game birds and small animals for 1951 in Ontario were announced by Harold Scott Minister of Ontario Department of Lands and Forests An ad announces the opening of Henry Cut Rate Store on Main Street beside Georgetown taxi Opening specials include ladies all wool pullovers for boys rivet pants for and men heavy work pants at J I Lambert was elected chairmen of the Georgetown Library Board Monday and Kennelh resigned as secretary treasurer a position he had held for several years YEARS Reed has placed third In the world championships In Italy this week She is the sister of Mrs Elmer Walker of Shelley Street Mr and Mrs Joe Hunter or have sold 13 acres of land that include the flats behind the Plas tonics firm and the old switch where the freight to travel to pick up flour from the mill The purchaser plans to build houses on the property and may make It Into a park A recommendation that the proposed new Court House be proceeded with immediately was contained In the Grand Jury Report submitted lo Mr Justice The recommendation noted ihat the present court house was antiquated and needed to be replaced Administration of the Jail was termed efficient but more office space better ventilation and visitor facilities were recommended A full program to mark Canadian Fire Prevention week Oct to 14 is being planned by members of the Halton County Fire Prevention bureau with the theme Don give fire a place to The Georgetown Little Theatre concluded its first year in operation with a theatre workshop conducted by Ron Hill Rusty was elected as new president of the club There was a gala official opening of Main Street held Saturday with the Girls Pipe Band parade ribbon cut by three senior Georgetown merchants Toll free calling wns introduced between Georgetown and Huttonvllle Sunday making It necessary for customers lo dial the complete telephone number Telephone users had become used to dialing only the last four or five digits of telephone numbers when placing local colli In an effort to raise the calibre of the local baseball teams minor ball officials are working on organising an offseason baseball school for managers coaches and umpires from January to the end of April When final work ls completed the George town and District Memorial Hospital building fund will a deficit of S2 according to a report to the board from administrator Graham Some of money may be made up by grants from provincial and federal governments TEN YEARS AGOGcorgetown library is starling toswlng They re bringing the Canadian Brass Pops Concert to town Dec Warren Wright the Georgetown man who made the film The Many Faces or Hungry Hollow received an award from the Georgetown Naturalists at their first meeting of the fall I made Ihe film with the only Intention being to draw attention to this beautiful area of Georgetown sold Mr Wright He emphasized that volley subject of his film needs to be preserved Scotch Block Dam and Reservoir officially opened Started almost two years ago the long earthwork dam cost Si million The dam is off Highway InEsqucsingTownshlp It wilt serve water conservation purposes Donaldson of Crescent Is off to British Columbia Saturday with the hopes of Ontario riding on him lo emerge the winner of Canada Straight truck championship In the truck rodeo Sept he beat out other drivers to become the champion Ontario driver of straight trucks For last two years he has captured the Toronto championship and this is his first time going so far In addition o driving he contenders are Judged on a written exam appearance and attitude plus their safety record A ninemonth long salary dispute between the Georgetown police and the police commission went to board of arbitration Friday In an effort settle the matter Tho board must hand down a decision within GO days Mayor Smith said fluoride will be ed when No water well is tapped Into the system this fall Voters favored fluoride In the December plebiscite ONE YEAR Barry Shepherd says he will not seek reelection It will mean the end of a month career In board politics for Mr Shepherd who regained the Wards three and four scat Betty Fisher has decided to run for the seat A draft of a study commissioned a year ago to examine Georgetown Street corridor cost of Maple Avenue strongly recommends widening road to belter accommodate traffic flowing through business district Toronto lawyer David Greenspan will attempt to negotiate an end to dispute separating the Separate School Board ant Its 400 teachers at a special conference Saturday The undefeated Rebel CrocsCountry learn claimed two more victories this week as Ibey won the team championships at both East York and York meets Paving will be done at the new Hills station before the building opens In Decern r At Thursday meeting members of the police commission changed their minds about leaving the paving next year wllh only crushed stone on Ihe parking lots