5213 FOBERT V EXCELLENCE AWARD IN CUSTOMER RELATIONS Georgetown Agricultural Societ celebrates anniversar Now thats a fall fair agricultural petition rldn nil that make a fall sir so special return tonight and tomorrow he Socle ihr of the local fall air Spend an hour spend the ihrre loads of entertainment here and etc none Invited to come out or hi Rain birthday parly TonlRhl olden llflmiH lean tomorrow of Tern all kinds things to FalrKrodndi Iirk oil In llijiHa or I imjlnn how much Mil in pick Into a Mill mil rti mien of Hit iirKttdwn cull arc fair celebrating il opens r and il about hours I lit Hurt huh that will go home id mi the vanity and pace of lUmt around the track is ill finally open he fairs Special its have 1kiii invited In the anniversary off 1 he famed On I Police a precision li im of police motorcyclists indu in a stlf tint evening by popping Mr the armoury r the ritown orgnnltrs of fair I in 1mch hiking about the I li dote take com Milium he Will lira lid under ho big top by In the of the a jru IikjI will be hanging out some good old rock and roll its debut in at the Sir George lb on Street earlier this icir packing tht house of tlnir stint Tin agricultural shows nil farm the core of harvest Gates to tin hi r rounds will open at i m morning There are wislern horse shows heavy shows hunter images and very with the kids a Kama beginning at a for Ihe pet show too here are a variety of unusual classes including he saddest looking dog and the pel that best resembles the president of fall fair Hardly flattering but the Idea behind the show is to strive for so bring out your pel mongoose if you feel It has a chance to win something A stroll around the track is practically impossible see something that catches the eye and occupies your ion Take the exhibits at the society exhibition hall the rear the fairgrounds for crafts representing hours he Latent the Inside there arc ail kinds of Continued on Page MISCHIEF CHARGES LAID Two counts of public mischief were laid man this week by Hilton region police Dietrich year old claims be Is harassed by some members of he Georgetown division lib problem stem from a domestic eight years ago Bob Mlddaugh laid he charges were laid following an Investigation of Mr ease by Haltwi police Front yard havoc A thought he was turning left at Weber Drive in Georgetown when he drove through a fin and hedge tearing up the of a residence about IB metres west of the Duncan Road and Crescent intersection Damage to the hedge fence and lawn was and damage to the vehicle was WOO James of Georgetown was charged with impaired driving Acton jewellery theft An Acton home was broken into Friday while the owners were at work Jewellery and coins valued at were stolen from Lot Concession home C char in Q St accident Lightless bike struck driving with no lights II oil i iicidinl nifht on and Streets in Doug Trimble of George town wis riding his 10- speed bicycle on Street when i driven id of twmg Tin Ink wis irnLlliiiL mjik turn iiLmrb Street must is tool lituhi of tin hood and into the a second car lopped There was no dimugi to he turning but there was to second driver door Mr Trimble was taken to and District Me mi ml Hospital with major The Price is Right STOCK UP ON FALL FOOD FAVORITES Fresh grade A Roasting Chickens 99 LEAN BACON FRONTS OF TRY OUR HOMEMADE SAUSAGE DAILY FRESH EXTRA LEAN COOKED HAM SIDES OF BEEP FREEZER BUYS NO LOINS OF PORK HINDS OF BEEF Si FRESH CHICKEN LEGS BACK ATTACHED LEAN PORK CHOPS BUTT STYLE PRICE INClUDES CUTTING WRAPPING FREEZING CUT TO YOUR REQUIREMENTS FULLY GUARANTEED- WIENERS ALSO FRESH FRUITS VEGETABLES We Sell Red Brand Beef Only OBRIEN MEAT LTD 77 MILL ST ACTON 8532240 CATEHINQ TO YOU DAYS A WEEK OPEN 1 1 SALE ENDS SUNDAY OCT nun win the energy bottle tollllEIBIll Get Ready For Winder Residential Homes Farm Buildings Schools Churches Commercial MUIRHEAD INSULATION Georgetown Milton and Acton Specializing in Residential Wall Insulation Ask us also about replacement windows For More Information Call 8777447 135 Anniversary Georgetown Fair OCTOBER 2 and 3 FRIDAY EVENING OPENING Starts at Don miss this special program Ollical opening Special Program featuring MIsaissauga City Sweet Adelines Judging Winners of Chocolate Cake Contest fn Armoury ZELLERS BIG TOP Friday evening program lor young people featuring Saturday A Pet Show starts clock Talent Time at 1 Sat Local folk singers blue grass couontry western groups ALBION HAPPY LANDS MIDWAY EXHIBITION HALL CONTINUOUS PROGRAM All Day Saturday horse show starts tit a PONY RAMA at sharp AI30 Pet Show Hunters Jumpers program both a m p Livestock show of prize winning cattle ANNIVERSARY FEATURES Georgetown Girts Pipe Band Trick Horse Tachmon Car Club Dressage demonstration Senior Cltliens Band antique calliope Exhibits Clowns Lots of NEW features at same OLD prices ADMISSION Adults Students Seniors 00 Children under 1 0 years FREE Georgetown FAIRGROUNDS PARK Georgetown Agricultural Society For Information CALL 8772084