Page SECTION THE HERALD Wednesday October Gems collect first victory but injuries abound Gemini conch Dove is starting see his Georgetown Junior learn from staying away from penally box and the team is beginning to reap rewards After suffering a penally filled toss lo Tuesday Sept the Gems rebounded and took the stuffing out of Dixie with a 63 victory on home Ice Sundiy night the teams improved play has 10 do with his ployirs realization lhal can l win games in the penalty box 1 pleased happier that wo out of the penalty box The guys are starling to listen he says On goals by Kevin Franks and Mike with assists coming from Rick and Itlv Kennedy the Gcmlnls wen leading I the end of he first period However three power play goals and one effort by In the second period slowed down Gemini Streets ville went ahead at Ihe end of the with Georgetown getting a lone goal from Kennedy on a power pluy from Chuck Marfan and Mike consecutive goals by Hill one in the second period and two in third period rounded off the scoring for the Georgetown net Ihird period when the Gems were Rick MadgcLt ended Ihe scoring for one minute into the period on a goal from Mike McMcnemy and Bill Taylor GcorgFlounG Dixit Against Dixie Georgetown on to a lie the end of the second period to register a final win over the hapless Beehives before a large hometown crowd Coach Dave wilier was especially pleased Ihc tremendous fan support ai d response to the Gemini play An unassisted goal by Hob Dean a power play goal by Hilt Taylor from Bob Morrow capped off the first period scoring or Ihe is gave the a It ad before Ihc Beehives lied game again five minules later at the mark The Gcminis came alive In Ihird period to store three unanswered from sharpshooters Chris Chuck Moffalt and Mark Hamilton for a final victory Goal lender Steve Sullivan played for George town and slopped shots while lis I part deflect shots Tin ll in forward llncsare well set or the team now and Ihc coach is to practice haste plays such as penally killing break out patterns Skating Is tak ing up a lot time during the When you win every responsible Swltioc hays but I was very appointed we tot to wile Penalties led to Ihe loss The may he too much pressure now from some people to produce a winning team but he says there art other loncopls to approach the season her than whning What we arc trying lo do is supplying fans with entertaining hockey Swlticr says Meanwhile the Gems arc suffering from some season Injuries crucial cam Alternate captain Ed has a separated shoulder as Guy Cornier Also ailing Mike with lorn ligaments Bill Taylor with a bad back and Chris has a broken toe Goal lender Sieve Sullivan plus Brad McMeckin Kennedy and Bob Dean arc all suffering from various and sundry Injuries have all refused Ten local runners in Labatts marathon The Toronto Labalt Marathon featured tome local faces from Georgetown as en longdlsUnce runn era participated in the Sun day run Veteran Mailer Bob Daniel I was even seen by Globe and Mail readers Monday morning as his Ins style was captured among leaders early In race in a front page sports picture Darnell had not been train ing extensively for race as he has been busy building a summer collage over the past few months so his lime of 2 is about one half hour more lhan his usual finish for a marathon However his wife Agnes was running a marathon for Ihe first time and her plac was impressive as she finished with a time of Anita Warner who Is a local ma rat hone having Qualified for the Boston marathon did run in the race she watched and other owners stride down the course Agnes looked strong km Warner said Another first time mam from the area was lb who said he was quite satisfied with his finishing lime of 43 Impress with the efficient official of Ihe race and the co operation of the police Cheering from the crowds turned out to be a helping hand to runners lb said Porker from Georgetown ran his first marathon also with a finish time of 45 He I been able to run for three weeks because of an Injury so he was pleased with his Austin Hams completed Ihe marathon with a lime of 40 while Ion also competed in the 26mile run although his results were known press time Tony Matthews was also entered In the race from Georgetown according to registration inlormotlon as was Gary Simon John Kennedy and Keith Acton Sabres under fire but coach isnt worried Haider President Bob Hooper Ibach row left help Georgetown Chrysler proprietor It worth make the official puck drop to usher In another too or A hockey Centre Kick Kcssrll takes the draw for the Raider Pee wee boys led by Chris Adamo After beginning the season ith torrential onslaught of rival teams firepower Acton Sabres coach Jules sees an exhibition defeat and Hip first sLison defeat as minor to club Burlington downed Acton 13 la Thursday in an exhibition match while day Ihe Sabres faced and they were beat in 1 In a team that has not seen any exhibition play before the Burlington game Hussion was happy how well the Sabres moved Ihc puck but concerned about the team running out of steam against Nevertheless its too early to Judge the team and Russian saw both and disaster In loss Friday The but playing too much as indlvl duals especially when it comes lo feeding the wingers Chris Ad mi Adam IanBlar291m Michael DeRyck Christina Lone 83 In Laws Michael Mc- Elroy Michael Caspar Jamie Brian rell 473 Chris Somers Barry McLean Ian Vint Brian Bell David Ridley Michael Larocque392165 Jeff Del 396 159 GIRLS Sandra Weeks 197 Lisa Brad Ing 449 Judy Alton 398 Michelle JUNIOR Julie McCorry 280 Karen Doyle 654 248 Trade Peg Kim Jones 244 Cindy Knvanagh Cowbrough 204 JUNIOR BOYS Anthony Lnrsen Philip Hughes 630 1251 David Hicks May 237 David Nich- Murk Miller David Varrtcchio 121B Mnrc Ron Campbell Night hunt winners Ontario Outdoors YES the Salmon and rainbow trout are In Ihc rivers Remember the trout season closed so be sure you are in the areas designated as Year round open season Check your copy of the Ontario fishing regulations They are on the move upstream and salmon have the spawning urge and usually do not feed This NOT a reason to mag these fish With a little or a lot of coaxing they will strike a lure of bait and to resort to snagging la to resort to the worse behaviour In a so called Anyone caught snagging fish or suspected of doing so can be arrested and charged Do It right or don t do It at all Simply leam what makes a fish strike and try that lactic and you will have your salmon Put all trout back carefully If taken In a closed area and don I try to fish for them spec Ideally Bassflshlnglsilowwilhtheeoldweatheroflate but It will warm up as we will have an excellent Indian summer Watch out for a winter with lots of cold but lots of snow MANY COMPLAINTS Why does Ihe Region of Hal ton complain to much about a four day deer hunting season This la Ministry of Natural Resources policy and I don t think they even have lo ask the region to hold a hunt It is only a courtesy and the councillors should back oft something they know nothing about The Ministry of Agriculture Advisory Committee has advertised as prom to those who wish hunts on their land to lessen problem of deer damage Lelsleavethedeerhuntprogram to those who are trained to know these things There are enough crying lovers around as It Is and they also don know what they are crying about It Is Just another case of get on the band wagon Just received the bulletin from the Chapter of NAVHDA which if I interpret correctly stands for North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Thanks lo whoever put me on mailing list and all others would be welcome More on this organization next week With the archery season for deer and other hunting seasons ready lo go the closest location to get archery equipment is Freds In Nerval Fred now has a wide range or hunting gear and he archer will be pleased with the availability his hunting needs DOG SCORED Rod of Georgetown scored in Registered Night Hunt in Chatsworth recently Or at least he and his dog scored Banjo a black and tan bred In Kentucky was High Scoring Canadian Black and Tan and was second overall in the hunt This requires three hours on the trail with a total cast of our dogs over dogs participating Points are registered for striking the trail and treeing a coon If dog leaves the tree or trees a porcupine then points are deducted In Owen Sound Rods bitch pup was show champion In the Canadian Autumn Open Lance Thurston is Rod partner and lives in Bloomflcld Ontario A winning kennel for sure and good luck In future trials Winner in the Toronto Star Great Salmon Hunt were Jan Van who took home in prizes for the largest salmon The flsH weighed in at IB pounds so we still did not break the pound mark yet Jon also won for the largest Coho in the Labatts Team Championship and may with same fish take the OFAH MOLSONS Big Fish contest Other winners were John Spencer Rick Clarke Rod Porrott and Herb all taking top priies in the other categories The hidden or open draw prize went Larry The prize was for any fish entered In contest and the drawwasmadefromalllheseentries This prize was worth and was Identical to the top prize except smaller The Toronto Star presented Mayor Hazel McCallum with a cheque for 000 to provide Improved launching and docking facilities Hot news next wee so tune In then and keep your act clean in meantime SENIOR BOYS Ted Jerome Stone Philip Carrier Paul Chaplin SENIOR GIRLS Roberta Burke 309 Jane Hicks Kelly McCorry 633 Sandy Marshall 613 222 HIGH SCORES Ralph Gallant IS25 Bert Craig 130 Ron Beck Alme Chlasson US Henry Goulet 211 YOUNG ADULT LEAGUE HIGH SCORES Gary Louth 294 Paul Ewlng 753 257 Gary Hole 719 267 Colin Hicks 299 Tom Bob Wilson Roger Andre Bois venue Al Stennelt 257 Grant Richardson Rick Gourlle Steve Foster 61B Mark 610 Wendy Chaplin 288 Wendy 665 Sandy 231 Diane Leonard 260 Sheila Beatty6222l6 Julie Burns 227 Laurie Rotary Club BOWLATHON for Rotary Community Projects SAT OCT 17th 200 to 600 pm at GEORGETOWN BOWL Plodge sheets rules list and entry form ava labia at the Bowling Alloy out and novo some fun helping rase money or a good cause OPEN TO EVERYONE FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 8773486 win the energy bottle MUKMT MOTORS Mmintainvitw Road 447 DISC BRAKE SPECIAL Over 24000 miles Its time to have your brakes checked Take advantage of this limited offer Phone for appointment now Georgetown Tire Sates Ltd Button SI Georgetown 8771535 GOOD YEAR Get Ready For Winter Residential Homes Farm Buildings Schools Churches Commercial INSULATION Georgetown Milton and Acton Specializing In Residential Wall Insulation Ask us also about replacement windows For More Information Call 8777447 the coach says The was doing well against Burlington alter the first period holding the Cougars to score and actually their The penalties hurl against Burlington if Acton can play aggressive as they were in Burlington thai Is a big Words of praise were men tioiied lor Denis Char in Burlington while Hoy is playing well for his first regular season game as a junior A lejm meeting Sunday after noon seemed to indicate the coach that the team Is than they were at Hill time last year is hoping lo keep the goal against average down but very happy wllh Wilson who came up with key WIN MOO TICKETS Provincial SWEEPSTAKES TAYLOR AUTOMOTIVE COMPLETE CAR CARE ARMSTRONG KIDS FUN PAK HOW ONLY I Tenant Country dbv mm thruway unFioov ltd 8770155 EARLS FIXIT AND SHAVER SERVICE GLASS DOOR FIRESCREENS QUEEN ST ACTON ONTARIO tc 8773521 Jlininj JGuunge