Page SECTION Wednesday October T St Pauls special place for since 1845 By Stall Writer It you were to put In a red suit padded with a couple pillows you thnow him from Sanla Hie ruddy round checks while wavy hair and blue eyes cast him for the part right away All he needs Is the beard and the potbelly to Jiggle The minister for St Paul Anglican Church in for years prefers to be called by his first name Most people call me he said expressing his dislike for the term Reverend It an adjective and it not proper grammar to use It that way worked a year in the ted Church archives before be back poring over the books again He working on his doc torn In church history at the Toronto School of Theology at Trinity College and has completed one year of the program He is only working part time as minister at St Pauls It the oldest church build in the Georgetown area said dating St Paul Anglican Church to IMS He said a miller Peter used to have a mill nearby and being a supporter of church gave the land for the building This has always been an Anglican church said Ric Us one of four Anglican churches in Hills The others are Georgetown and Glen Willi As you enter the small church on Winston Churchill Boulevard immediately notice a font fcr baptisms on your right explained the ornately carved font Is placed at the church entrance for a symbolic reason not It is through baptism that one enters the church he said YOUNG MEMBERS We seem to have a tot of baptisms which suggest there are a lot of young families here said Ric He said that sometimes the number of people downstairs in Sunday school rivals the number upstairs in the sanctuary There are about 30 youngsters attending Sunday school and about families in the congregation Although there is a parish hall built In 1920 next to church building it t used for Sunday school said its expensive to heat and that why the basement of the church was built In the 1940s after the war St Paul s has old pine floors Thr in dim Id Si Pauls Anglican Church In directly the church entrance It woi designed local The all side windows on both sides of Ihe church arc an opaque and will soon be replaced several broken In the Churches hand ire may have been box pews originally said Hon pews have gates each end are for keeping from running I during a service lie said there used to Ire a celling balcony and a threedecker pulpit they were removed loo years ago modern is new he smiled red modern thin ItATfcB Old grates have been Icfl in the floor reminder of when tin church was healed by a coil furnace One in the centre aisle trips up many a bride In heels said Now the church Is healed by n furnace and the grates However a big black chandelier of east Iron that matches the grate is still used It was originally lit with kerosene but now functions electricity Somebody tried to steal It once but it was cumbersome enough that couldn get away wllh it said Rlc Instead they stole a small old light From the church entrance which we never recovered lie said churches have to lock their doors nowadays They don t like to do that but there so much vandalism going on he said We kept B Bob Scripture union Scrip lure Union registration was last Sunday Some of our churches used the bulletin provided by Scripture Union to promote regular Bible reading within the family The first Sunday in October Is usually the date when the representatives sign up and take orders for materials that will be used throughout the year in a regular daily and reading of the res One of those reps Mrs Whitmce made materials available to mo for which I give her thinks The quarterly newsletter is of great help in understanding the work of Union throughout the world If church does not have a representative write to Scripture Union Stcclcase Road No 10 Markhnm and ask for listing of their programs Women Alive an tion holding meetings for women s fellowship has created Precept upon Pre cept a program of Bible transform your life This is an Inductive bible study providing a systematic approach to the study of God s Word Further Information from any member or lative of Women Alive or by writing them at Box Ontario the Christian Broadcasting Network and the Club At this time 1 don know what area It may be seen in but watch for it A theory has been advanced by John Hopkins University professor and noted Hans that a wave triggered by a eruption on the island of near Crete parted the Red Sea at the time of Exodus He slates that his study of ancient documents led the first solid evidence verified the Biblical lo an unexpected degree Remember the While Church service for Thanks giving Sunday at p m In Cnledon A recent meeting of all Roman Catholic bishops in Mexico labelled Billy Graham as a christian Soap operas on television are extremely popular these days yet they give no encourage ment to life Now there Is a Christian soap entitled Another Life produced by HOOKS A booklet Is avail able entitled Fvolutlon and the Bible by Robert Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Virginia Polylechnlcal Instl Subtitled the Light of 15 Radio Carbon Dales this booklet confirms why Christians believe in the Crea lion rather than evolution Available from M C Publl cations Box 520 Ontario 1K0 Postage 1 sure would be appreciated What happens after deauV In the After Life by Tim gives insight into such subjects as where are the dead what is the resurrcc and other questions that one may have regarding that which we all must go through INTRODUCING The All New Compact KANROLL SHUTTERS to protect you against heat cold noise and burglary KAN ROLL SHUTTERS Sovo coat by Koop your no an a ban or to Iho protect against Ihownd and cold and ems the rays sun In Inslol iuckly now and nomas Socuro your homo or Curatory lonw any mess Thoy hnvu Iho with a locking do vies aim I on itio For More Information or FREE Estimate Call ALUMINUM 27 Church Street Georgetown LANGS FEED MILL galea fits war ill Pleat lawn A FerbViara J Mm Marti el FACTGFTY outlet COMPLETE LINE OF ENERGY SAVING WINDOWS THE PLACE TO SAVE UNITS GEORGETOWN phone WALL PANELS CERAMIC THE BRAMPTON srrai MEL ALUMINUM SIDING A FASCIA SEAMLESS SHUTTERS A WINDOWS CHGtCEOF COLOURS MMMJ LOW FREE SERVICE FREE IHSTALLATMM SI G0RD J58 HAMILTON CUSTOM CARPENTRY Vinyl AREA AGENT FOR WINDOWS CallS7M144or About live of Ihc tall side wn dows on each side of Ihc church need replacing and Hie would like the opaque glass with clear glass to let in more light lly the church is a glass window of many colors by local The location of the church is trucks changing gear on lllthwoy can be heard during the service said You get the odd dog walking In he laughed Paul sponsored such howling dogs and family of nine Vietnamese refugees last year which quickly became selfsupport and moved Brampton sold Vie re not big on tiona If we do something everybody pitches in and things arc done by the whole congregation than by organizations he said said the church operates on a very Informal level because it fa small and Intimate BUSINESS DIRECTORi Or RR Hamilton Dr DC Patterson Prolaitlana 14 Head Georgetown Ontr TELEPHONE UlliMJiMIllI GW Coibert DC CHIROPRACTOR Street Georgetown For Appointment Mil CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Goebelle Wagner Main Street South Helton HUH Georgetown Ontario 8775155 You are I 877 R Clipsham Limited Surveyors Consulting Engineers Road South HALTON Hlllt Georgetown 414177 7 FOR HOMES THERES NO PLACE LIKE THE PERMANENT MEMBER OF THE TORONTO BRAMPTON REAL ESTATE BOARDS If an older home is your love you don have time to update it restore and decorate it This one is lor you you tall in love with it the minute you see it to help to sell it vendor will hold a 1 mortgage at 12 A deal you cannot afford to pass in these days of high Call me RUDY 877 8111 WANT A GOOD DEAL How s 900 for a 3 bedroom brick bungalow with a 15V lor 3 year and 1 7 there after to see it call RUDY or 792 LOW DOWN PAYMENT WILL TAKE THIS ONE Asking with 1st at 1 1 till This end unit is vacant and 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convenient door tor greater legibility Tha mailer bedroom Is spacious and luxurious providing e lull walk In closet an angular seating alcove and a en bathroom with tub bidet and a separata vanity may be purchased either by the single set at a cost of 00 for Ihe first set and lor each ad ditional sal or by the package A five set plan package Including tha tint Is economically priced at and en eight eat Which method you please Include lor postage and handling Send lor current edition of Select Home Design magazine series fa ring decorating and home prove men Idea plue quality homo plena of every type Available lor TB postage and handling To order any of those Items cheque or money order payable to Home Week Address to Home Week CIO The Kill Herald Unit 1 1S1 Carllngvlew Drive Be dale Ontario DIP DIU 4560304 the PLUMBING STORE YOU WITH PLUMBING FIXTURES PLUMBING S REPAIR PARTS FEATUFUHQ THE TOP QUALITY LINES OF DELTA AMERICAN STANDARD t I MOEHt CRANE FREE ADVICE FOR THE YOUHSELFER 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