WE DO IT ALL FOR YOU Herald advertising Donna Brown from right wis among Ihr down advertising Bailsmen and annuitants who attended recent fourday career development seminar presented by Thomson Newspapers at the Holiday Inn In Chatham Thomson training supervisor TP Hush holding ruler a resident conducted the seminar which Included an indepth study of creative advertising layout and copy as well as professional retail marketing techniques with an eve to belter client servicing Thomson photo heeds appeal for helping hands SECTION C Tilt HERALD Wednesday October Pmj CLERGY COMMENT A simple resolution on Thanksgiving Day Jlmitoyles bt s Anglican Church The first frost has come the harvests ore gathered and wo approach the celebration of Thanksgiving Arc we too wealthy Everyone will No no I need more Even though our harvests are almost always good at limes when inflation and interest rates arc high we know do not have enough Casting minds over the entire globe however we realize that we are so wealthy even the poorest among us compared to bo many mm and women and families Poverty and starvation are the counterpoint to our thanksgiving One response for those who seek to act sensitively is to shore resources through many chanties or churches which provide relief and development services to third World nations Another response is to examine our own lifestyles The growing numbers of backyard gardens the Interest In health foods food cooperatives the introduction of no- no me products In supermarkets oil may be signs of growing awareness that our lifestyle must change will change of course whether we like It or not as economic realities force us to spend less To consciously set about simplifying our lifestyle and at the time improving lis quality is a worthy Thanksgiving Day Resolution How long will the cry Wc wont morel be tolerated by the great majority of the globe inhabitants who In comparison have little or nothing the part of ordinary citizens may seem small and insignificant but the concern and awareness It signifies will be Important parts of a more Just and humane world TOWN OF TENDER PROPOSAL proposals I tod or renovations to the second loor Gordon Me mart Georgetown Ontario Existing to bo removed and a now of Installed with enlarged washrooms a bar etc to handle a proposed banquet facility A new door plan is ova table showing In dotal what Is roqulred Bidders must prepare a proposal materials com costs of renovation and construction Information and drawings from Mr Doug Vivian Arena Manager Gorgon Memorial Arena Goorgotown Ontario Phono 518SEI nr Mr Hugh Patterson Purchasing Georgetown Ontario Phono Ext 1 Oct 101 Lowost or any not necessarily ace op tod By publicist The Catholic Women League held their first meeting of the 1381 year recently with a moss by Father Dave Cote A very moving poem about the elderly was read by President Helen as a way of introducing our guest for the evening Vol O from Helping Hands A talk was given outlining Hands what it does In the community for the elderly and the physically handicapped The ActiVan project which was instigated by Barb Stevens a for Helping Hands in this area was discussed This very worthwhile project transports people who would otherwise be unable to travel by regular means of transportation Unfortunately more money and support from the is needed to be able to this service Marg Willis thanked our guest and presented her with a small gift A letter from the foster family in India was read The family arc all well and was sent to help support them Goals of UNICEF During the remaining of this century Die United Nations and the World Health Organization are working to achieve the follow goals provision of safe waler for all by the year 1990 eradication by 1990 of five contagious diseases which prcscnty kill or disable 10 million children every year health for all by the year Ontario needs your help NOW to achieve these for the coming jeer A letter was received from Ccnten Manor Ladies Auxiliary expressing thanks to the ladles of the C W for donations of goods for their spring Bazaar Anne volunteered to convene the Christmas Dinner Convenors for the Christmas Bazaar was also discussed at this time and also a bus trip to A motion was passed to purchase an altar cloth for the church Margaret was presented with a 25year pin by Carol Powell Membership Convenor A letter was received from Justice Minister Jean Chretien acknowledging our petition sent In late spring Tickets for the sary Dinner ore still on sale Theresa Ford Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting Goliger8 HILLS SHOPPING PLAZA Presents- TRAVELOGUES to make your holiday planning more fun The Sign of the Times Bahamas October 1 3th Jamaica October 27th Club Med November Skiing November 24th Door Prizes Time 30 m Refreshments Served INVESTMENTS OF HOWES HAS TWO Of 1981 BUILT HEADY FOB COMPLETION BOTH OF THESE HOUSES ARE OH MAW STREET I0T1 South Maple Ave Consists It 4 bedrooms baths 4lr roughed n I replaces 3rd roughed In 1 solid Oak ji Oak kitchen Maple Ave 1B50 so n bedrooms roughed to Two lull levels completely I nlshed down Id the sauna 4 bathrooms fireplaces da it room windows everywhere acres 2 nuns Iron town Pool Included Call Ellen Hogg for details 5236 IB Realtor 8779500 29 Ma n Street S Georgetown ARE YOU TIRED OF MOVING How many times have you moved in the last two years Make the next move the light one we have a beautiful 3 bedroom home with a large mortgage at 1 due ACRES OF BEAUTY This property is ideal lor or biking outdoor sports Perfect place to home This home Is ideal lor active lam ly 3 bedroom ranch bungalow car garage workshop Priced LUIUHY Large storey bedroom b aluminum Ik on an extra largo lol The vendor has by company so we are looking tars II you are In ihs market lor a larger please give us a call Ihe leaturos a bathroom epsuile in mastor bedroom beau fam room on mam door with buck I replace powder room skylighl In main basen has lougnod In room Price Is good mortgage Norm Sinclair LAZY MAKS DREAM Move in nothing lo do but life 3 bed brick bungalow beaut luily I nishedw ih completely rec room wet bar clear I replace games room den Asking only ISKMOfUOAGE AVAILABLE REDUCED TO SELL storey 4 bedrooms buck will eat in kit living loom n room Main If lam Iv room I rroiaca f walkout lo large yard Priced at BEAUTIFUL RETIREMENT HOME storey brick home Insulated good root In ei cell condition Large formal rung room French doors to bright liv no room Oak Moor Priced al Detached garage Largo 9500 BEAUTY For growing famly this homo has In pool to tho huge basemen I room steps largo kitchen and I press liv and d ntng room Come Inspect the del Sold brick 3 bedrooms good tat Waiving distance to stores and schools Mortgage already on ihe property lor you assume try an oiler Ellen Hogg dorhasooughl COMMERCIAL Z0MN0 IH Huge house busy Interred on suitable lor or dentist Hi HEAT CLEAH bed bungalow with garage good Llslcd UN Ellon Hem today B77 1 BOO ANOTHER country site kitchen den format drann room huge dpi a en at Ihis you cant go Call Ellen Hogg HEW HOMES or Inlormation iBSsiiS POPULAR LAKEVEW ACTOH brick fin shed family room with Excel mortgage lab o immediately Call Barbara en 183 RENOVATORS DREAM SO DO apt Large lot Live In one apt and lei rem pay mortgage Mortgage Each has private yard and entrance Each has Make an oiler Barbara 5296 3 BORM STOREY BRICK old we I designed 1 old we I designed homo Car with laundry room ed CallBabara 4 storey brick attached garage Hear all schools 1 bath 2 pc Immaculate home family room wilh flP Call storey buck 900 bdtm apt EXECUTIVE HOME SOU 4 bungalow in village RocXwood Beaut lul F large kitchen with to Call Bar REDUCED TO How else can you get so much lor so little Tins acre properly Is in a scenic area wilh nice homes close Some trees and a small pond The vendor l even assist mortgaging Call Alice POSSESSION New home Hon lovely sandcoWured and vinyl Largs eat In kitchen palm doors Conveniently located ballroom on man level Large master bedroom walk through 4 bath with I nancmg Vendor Call Pokluda 1 44 GEORGIAN STYLE HOME WITH BUSINESS Would you I to run your own bus without leaving home This well shed Gill and Art Shop BECOME already tables Only 000 Pokluda for details BRAMPT0N10UTtLIB5 4 bedroom home backing onto parkland cat in kitchen and mam Itoor family room with replace Also Imshed recreation room with wet bar Asking Call Now Alice 1 77 REDUCED AND FLEXIBLE Good potential lor handyman who could finish up Oils old home located on ace country lot m Georgetown Nice basic floor plan Inground pool Asking87 ARE YOU COUNTRY DREAMHOi Is an opportunity to own INS beaut lul home by mature trees backing onto far and vol close to shopping 10 Georgetown Asking For more Information please call Gerry LOT WITH WORKSHOP For you can have Ibis lovely approi acre lot with x workshop located between Georgetown and Acton Please call Gerry BRMG YOUR MOTHER or your brother and I his brick bungalow with In law apartment In basement II migrii be cheaper than lenl Convenient lo schools and shopping Asking Vendor will hold morlgage be current rale Gall Maig Parker 877 5296 A ACRE TOWN Heeds some lender loving care Master bedroom on main Door 2 bedrooms plus small sewing room or upstairs baths Great potential Only Go live on I tils acre Hobby Farm ust the sire for a lew horses cow chickens etc The J bedroom and clean w in a finished recreation Furnace w in both oil table an Oil paved road 10 mnutes town Unique level home with many ng loalures nclud ng pool and sauna Pockel doors separate bedroom areas from other rooms lor complete Walkouts corner skylights For sale or lease Can Parker PICTURE PERFECT ling lor you plus rec room with Franklin A SUNKEN SEPARATE BeautiluJ 3 home big kitchen 900 Call Barbara Jennings today 877 SEE THE impressed indoors bed owns si Ask Barbara Ji huge lam ly RAISED BUNGALOW FEATURES Separate dnng room floor to ceil fireplace car garage Ask Barbara lor more deta is 131 A REAL FAULT Spacious level home we planned and quality 4 3 forma d room Impressive floor to ting plus many more On large country lot close to tow- Pearl 877 BUSINESS COUPLE TOO FOR YARD WORK This attractive may be the answer Dons In shades beige and brown Carries to a Nancy Kelman CIRCA CREDIT VALLEY STONE BUNGALOW Hum LP wlhFP eat In kitchen I village setting Cam or Eades I THE UTMOST CASUAL ELEB ABC bdrms ga living room Immense pool sauna superb CALEDON MOUNT AH ESTATES In Hills overlooking the Credit River Valley superb homes lorn SI to 900 Call for details Cam or THE AM VILLAGE STORE Step into this high producing grocery business Post and sell contained apt Year round trade in a busy tourist area For details Cam or Glorya Eades in Gotta Cam or Eades IMPRESSIVE CUSTOM Cape Cod design In top neighbourhood with schools lor tots to teens located bedrooms ma floor lamilv loom FlP Situated on a laige village I WANTED SOMEONE WHO CAN MAKE A SILK PURSE OUT OF A SOWS EAR homes In the pretty Glen Williams area being sold as one parcel they need work and someone who can see past what s Iheia to could be Nancy Ketman 6B COME SEE COME SAVE II you could save a month lor the next It be wortn buy now This beautiful bedioom backspl has a completely I room wilh and fireplace plus an extra pc washroom Listed at 138 ACRES A big white two storey house In 1 ho coun I ry School bus tight lha door Paved roads In tils country Yes Farm slyle kitchen 4 bed poms 20rnns lo Brampton SI man 877 5296 LHHTMYRRE Lovely bedroom rased bungalow with a formal I replace In the liv ng loom and one stone in rec room car garage sol amidst homes on eslato sited lois Si Nancy HEED FOREST PRIVACY BATHROOMS Try this solid masonry Cape Cod Oiler all the above plus acres beauty in ihe Hills Erin Vendor will assist with Imanclng Cam or Eades 877 lawn lll fl bedrooms lamily room pine IWort son lot In beautiful Cataract Listed to sell quickly 900 Cam or Glorya Eades 1oH a HOMES bedrooms and master bedroom Is a kitchen a main Hoot laundry D vac central vac central air electronic linn neat pump and much more Call Ellen Hogg lor personal In- HEART LAKE Attractive semi detached wilh beautiful decor NORTH OF FERGUS TOD ACRES first to view these beaut hi acres call Joyce Scon MUCH CHARM bedrooms lull basement thro large lot Air conditioned central vac and listed at Call Ellen Hogg 877 YOU HAVE MONEY And want to your own home lake a good look at this 75 acre property It borders on the Escarpment and would oiler you privacy only 15 mini north Asking Call Alice 104 BUDDEAMST Acre picturesque farm Perfect weekend spot 3 bedroom home bam and top house fl Mature Maple bush year round pond and view of mite terms Call Alice 5296 HOME AND It an independent lifestyle appeals you this could be for you Located south of north Steele this 1 acre property oilers privacy good gardening soil a ran- style bungalow with a sell contained Inlaw and a healed workshop The present 1 lor 3 years Asking SI Call Alice Pokluda 8460800 DAILY INTEREST PAID ON REAL ESTATE DEPOSITS k JIM CALVERT SUSAN CARRIER COOPER HOWARD ROYAL CITY REALTY LIMITED OUR STRENGTH IS OUR PEOPLE Our New Location 116 Guetph St 4SS344S QLOflVA BARBARA BARBARA ALICE PEARL 3342 GERRY ROT2AL MARQ PARKER ELLEN Just ol town large rooms perfect for restoration new septic good water supply Built An stone and In good shape Plus Plus Ham to beat Call 175 YES tt There Is a tot left In the Glen High on a Full Approved lust bring your plans or your builders Asking ball Ellen Hogg 5296 178 Cute as a button single garage very kit inandsornucnmoreCailEilenHoggB77 8775296 NANCY CAM EAOE8 JOHN JOYCE SCOTT ALEX