the HERALD Home Newspaper of HaltonHUs- Since 1886 A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 15 Street Georgetown 1 7 Ontario PAUL J TAYLOR Publisher and General Manager PAUL Editor DAVID BEATTIL Advertising Manager PHONE 2201 Second Dm Mall Number Page TltbltFRAID Wednesday October 1DSI Fitting name for new theatre It is a time for admiration and reflection as well as gratitude when the community pays tribute to one of its most respected citizens Posthumous honors to former mayors like John Armstrong and Joseph Gibbons founding fathers like George Kennedy and community organizers like Gordon have reminded Georgetown residents that the facilities and lifestyles they enjoy today are the legacies of several key individuals who years ago took the time to think about their town future Such is the case with the late John Elliott in whose honor the theatre portion of the new arts com plex has been named The official designation of the John Elliott Theatre was prompted directly by a substantial donation from his estate to the arts complex fund but there are more pertinent reasons making the new facility a name an demably fitting tribute A Royal Canadian Navy veteran who set himself up in business after serving as CN station master in town Mr Elliott was one of those peculiarly concerned private citizens who went public with for town council His interest and involvement in the com mumty rose steadily over the next seven years As councillor deputy reeve and reeve Mr Elliott was a member of several organizational and legislative civic bodies which helped lay the groundwork for Halton Hills as we know it today he even helped plan the regional administration building As a founding member of the Georgetown Volunteer Ambulance Service and a volunteer worker for the local Red Cross and Children s Aid Society branches he helped establish the well practiced network of essential social services upon which a smaller community like Georgetown must depend of the Royal Canadian Legions Branch the Lions Club and the Mr Elliott helped lay the cultural framework on which Georgetown service clubs con tmue to build whether bringing us an nual entertainment or raising funds for causes need As the founder of Georgetown Terminal Warehouse on Armstrong Avenue which his widow and children still operate Mr Elliott established something of a precedent for in and family run businesses his plant quickly extending itself into the book distribution trade The involvement of his two daughters in the Terminal Warehouse is only partially indicative of the family legacy Mr Elliott has con tributed Both Lois and are deeply involved in the fine arts the former as a singer in her own right and the latter recently as a major fund raiser for the arts complex Their ef forts in both areas reflect their father s own love of music as well as business Finally there is the promise of twin scholarship funds being established by the Elliott family for Georgetown high school students one in theatre arts and one in music They are an investment in the community cultural future involving financial en couragement that could eventually put some talented local young people on the stage of the theatre that bears Mr Elliott s name Our grateful thanks to the Elliott family and our sincere appreciation for the late community leader s foresight We 11 all benefit from it the Hills Senior cops talk with commission The new a lion of senior Hull on police officers is at with the Police Commission and expect quick results We haven I a dale for our meeting We re taking our time said Inspector John Barrett of Burlington secretary of the new association These things take lime aid re not in a rush The senior off opted to split from the Reg Pol Association early in the year and form their own association Since then vc been negotiating terms of reference with the police commission Senior officers Include policemen holding the rank of inspector up to deputy chief They can also be civilians In supervisory or dentin positions The deputy chief and chief cannot belong to the association because they arc excluded by the Ontario Pol Wildlife Centre 1981 Harvest Festival runs from Oct 3 to Nov 1 offering wide range of Oct A pioneer apple festival features apple pancakes and hot apple elder a elder pressing demonstration Introduced by puppets horsedrawn wagon rides music dancing bird barding and apple contests as well as slides films and brochures For more information call the Region Conservation Authority weekdays at or he Centre llse weekends at Coble Systems Ltd Channel will cover the first three weeks of hearings by the Canadian Radio- television and Telecommunications Commission on pay on Cable TV subscribers can watch the proceedings now underway from Hull Quebec each day to 12 p and from to with a posslblt ty of evening sessions Licenses to operate pay TV systems are expected to be awarded to at least one of he applicants appearing before the Commission Harvest Festival Oct 3 to Nov 1 CRTC hearings on Cable TV Area lawyer discusses small business taw at Ihe Halton Hills Community Legal Aid Clinic third seminar of season tonight Wednesday at m Described as a problem prevention course the seminar at the clinic office in Georgetown examines pros and cons of sole proprietorships partnership and Incorporation us well as business responsibility to employees customers and the government Small business seminar tonight responsibility to employee church giant art sale St John United Church on Oakville Dunn Street holds its 14lh annual exhibition and sale of art crafts and antiques Oct 16 from id am to Some craftsmen and artists and pointers as well as ten antique dealers will display their wares the artwork being previewed Oct 15 from to Admission Is St for adults IS cents for students and all proceeds go to charitable organizations through World Outreach Call for more information The Lung Association will hold Holly Day Dec Volunteers throughout town will exchange fresh holly for a contribution There are many programs needing funding the Association notes which help provide a belter healthier way of Ufo for Ihe community Going on Holly Day Badly bitten livestock account Dogs and wolves have done a considerable amount of damage to livestock In Hills a deficit In the town livestock damages claims account Indicates Coming farmers claims for sheep cows rabbits and chickens which have been killed by wandering dogs or wolves has cost the town and the province about 4 so far this year Payments dale exceed the town livestock claims budget iSs tJ No federalist apologies as Claude Ryan changes tune Ottawa Report By Stewart MacLeod Ottawa of The Herald EnglishCanadian eyebrows swept skyward when Quebec Liberal Leader Claude Ryan stood before his party general council and without mincing a word declared hat angle- hones who continue to hope for mguoge equality in that province are living in a designated dreamland Such equality he announced simply will never occur And the austere Liberal leader dldn t stop there either He relieved himself of one of the strong est speech es he has ever delivered about clal rights and the need tor voters to put the interest of Quebec ahead of other Incidental consideration Wo must not forget our primary tment Is f rst and foremost to Quebec he told his audience We must clearly affirm our Intention to build in Quebec a distinctly French Premier Rene Levesque who has much more practice in his field could not have said it better himself And perhaps It was because sounded so much like Levesque that the eyebrows were raised from one end of Canada the other The Globe and Mall for nstance plastered Ryan comments over Its frontpage AndtheCBChosaficldday ask the Liberal leader o explain his apparent conversion to Quebec nationalism NOTiflNCNbU What former newspaper explained patient detail was thai he was merely changing When his full text was examined he would there was really nothing very revolutionary In All he was doing was remind h followers that they were And yes he was still a committed federalist and yes he still opposed Levesque sovereignly at on You see it s a very del s when you get Into discussion about Quebec nationalism and had to be extremely careful with a explanations But I suspect at If he had his druthers and he I afraid of being n he would have said thai this speech In possibly Wronger terms should have been del a year ago Had Claude Ryan taken that type of approach into he last ro election campaign he mlgll well be premier of Quebec Instead he con to fight the association referendum devoting on amount of time to the defence of federalism while permitting he politic luxury of putting Quebec first And all he time that Ryan was mourning creditable defence on behalf of federalism was accusing of being nothing more than a for Pierre Given the circumstances was a difficult accusation to shrug off too ate ft Intriguing to wonder Just what might have happened if Ryan had entered that election campaign with that si rr ng Quebec first speech hat has finally come o his lips Had he spent less lime trying to be philoso phical about renewed federalism and more time talking protecting he Jurisdictional rights of w no or things would have been far more difficult for What the campaign was reduced to was a Quebec nationalist fighting an almost apologetic federalist As himself said With its false and insidious propaganda the has often succeeded in twisting our real purpose so hat Important segments of the population believe we arc reactionaries who would put Quebec back into the stone age Now that Ryan has obviously set out counter this propaganda political oratory might never be quite the same again In other words might hear much more about federalism But then again perhaps thai the only way federalism can win Elgie ties labor equality to his managers futures Queens Park By Derek Nelson Queen s Park Bureau of The Herald With plenty of blarney and Just a ouch of he whip Labor Mln Robert continues his crusade to Imposo employment quotas on this province He denies hat Is what are of course His latest exercise was a speech lo chief executive officers of employing largo numbers of women which almost orders they Implement affirmative action programs to benefit explained the government own affirmative action program for females along the following lines Every mlnlslry annual numerical planning largest for hiring and promotion of qualified women into areas where they are under represented This aim Is far beyond any Ideal of establishing equal opportunity Plann are quotas pure and simple If group under represented now To moke the government own 11 these quotas which are reset annually them an Incrtdil incentive futures Tie performance appraisal of n onagers will be lied to their In meeting 1c argct quotas Elgie said That means the manager own promotion is on he line if he misses he goals set proceeded to tell he chief officers thai the private sector must Jo the rmative We ho opportunity founder lake corrective action because it is a rational bus practice not just because the government ordered it he Bad lope vc can proceed on his assumption but 1 si all continue lo review both distribution and the incomes of women In the Ontario labor force ihe pace of progress under our voluntary system he warned One can bet what the next step Is If It results don match whatever preconceived Incomcond participation roles his fixed In head United States economist Thomas lias documented the tragedy of years of American affirmative acilon will employment goals and time tablet urges He concentrates on affect upon blacks perhaps because Sowell him self is black and reaches the conclusion that essentially upper class blacks benefit and lower class blacks lose from affirmative action qualified blacks are increasingly In demand for the avail able spaces while for those near average the demand decreased since what managers wants to gamble in the face of go action potential lawsuits for discrimination and his or her own career BIO DIFFERENCE For example between 1907 and lira he income of collegeeducated work experienced black ma lea climb ed from per cent of equivalent while Incon almost Identical Meanwhile work experienced black mates with less than 12 years of schooling saw heir Incomes drop relative to equivalent whites from n per cent to per cent The demands of the market work even with people Removing barriers for the advancement or women who to pursue careers is long overdue Why isn for example urging on cabinet tax breaks for companies that si daycare facilities at the Job Bite But extra step of compulsory targets or quotas changes the dream of equal opportunity Into the evil of equal statist lea I results YEARS with miles on a rebuilt motor in good condition throughout Is selling for according to classified ad SI George s Church has a new choirmaster Mr William Bradley has relinquished his position and his law Bruce Harding has been appointed choirmaster in his place MalnSlreetcontinuestochange In one week Murfln closed his furnace and sheet metal headquarters and moved to Toronto Black bum one of the oldest clothing businesses was sold a man from Toronto Henry Helfanl Is opening a new clothing store in the Building on Main Street called Henry a Cut Rate Store Bell Tele phone Company announced they have bought the property and plan erecting a building on the site Tor the new dial system TWENTY years High school board members are looking for a name for The building will be a vocational A lighting is to be reached soon At present dummy islands have been erected In a test plan and street lighting Is by strands of bulbs which crisscross street at Intervals One of he best horse shows in years a well contested cattle show and on outstanding exhibit of flowers highlighted Georgetown a lUth annual fall fair Saturday The Honorable Louis minister of welfare cut the ribbon opening the addition to Centennial Manor a home for the aged The manor now has a capacity a library auditorium chapel barber shop and beauty salon Traffic hazards for children in the Stewart town district were protested by the Women a Institute in a letter to the Esqueslng township council Monday night The narrow billy roads and big fast moving trucks were the cause of concern The suction from one of these big trucks la enough to pull a child off feet the letter claimed Counclllsgomg to discuss it with the school board TEN YEARS AGOMinor house league hockey in Georgetown will be operated by the Georgetown Royal Canadian Legion has ended Its 17 years of operating and sponsoring Kid Hockey The Legion dropped its sponsorship because of Increased rental rates for the Memorial Arena Ice announced in mid August Georgetown council won turn over MB which the Board of Education claims belongs to them The money is in a trust fund and was accumulated when Robert Lane developed a subdivision in the old orchard It was originally to be used to acquire school property for Georgetown Georgetown schools are now administered by a county board and have passed out of local jurisdiction Reeve Morrow told a council committee meeting Monday that the town has no legal obligation to turn over the money to board but perhaps a moral obligation Other councillors felt the money had been Intended for use in Georgetown and should remain the property of he town Young coaster plunged down Maple Avenue hill Sunday afternoon In the GT Motor Sports Club first annual Grand Prix for soap box racers Set yearly salaries for councillors and members of the planning board committee of adjustment and the recreation committee suggests a report made to a committee meeting Monday by Reave Morrow His plan was endorsed by all councillors present except one The reeve proposes hat councillors receive a flat yearly replacing the present for each council and committee meeting they attend He would set planning board remuneration at and MO for the other two boards with the mayors yearly salary of 4500 this would amount to a total bill of tor council for planning board and each for the other two boards Councillors serving on these boards would not get extra pay Their would coverall remuneration for public service The primary reason for the change would be lo have an accurate budget estimate each year impossible when meeting fees are paid Also would be 1 600 less than budgeted for salaries this year The University Women Club had their Inaugural meeting Sept The newly formed club a chapter of toe Canadian Federation of University Women ONE YEAR second proposal to scrap the regions sewer surcharge rate poses a strong threat to regional solidarity Burlington councillor Joan All Ingham a recommen dation calling on to revert to the old chargeback format whereby the regions different municipalities pick up their own sewage tabs was passed by the sewer rate committee Monday and will go before council Wednesday The recommendation is expected to be defeated by regional council It would Increase Hills tax bill in and decrease the tax bill for Burlington residents The resignation of business development director Bill Marshall last week mean a bead hunt for the region to fill he lop administrative position The Georgetown Volunteer Firefighters Association is asking for donations for a new machine called the Jaws of Life It it used to free victim trapped In auto accidents and costs The Ministry of Health has ended Its recall of apple elder produced at Lloyd Farms in Norval The ministry investigation Indicated that gallons of apple drink produced at the Laldlaw Farm Sept was linked to the mysterious kidney ailment that sent It youngsters to the Hospital for Sick Children two weeks ago Lab tests showed only one specific batch of was linked to the potentially fatal disease The Raiders opened Ibdr regular season with a pair of victories against CoUlngwood Friday night and Barrio Saturday Despite a numbing wind and attend ance was good at the Georgetown Fall Fair Hilda Stein won prixes for her efforts of them for flower arranging and the rest for baked goods and a water color painting Nick and Dolly both announced their intention to seek the Ward two seat on Halton regional council opposing Russell Miller Mr Miller was acclaimed to the seat 1S7 POETS CORNER In Loving Memory The city lights arc gleaming The soft winds whisper by The moon la slowly riling High in a starlit iky Through silent mist sad memories dear My heart Is calling you To say Dear Friend I loved you Belter than I knew Yon have crested the shadowed valley Adieu Old Friend Adieu 1 It your smile of greeting Your friendship good and true Somewhere beyond sunset Somewhere beyond the blue The bells will loll I loved Better than knew We about oar homeland Of folks we knew so well The beauties of braes Where loved to dwelt We planned to see the hawthorn tree The wild rose on ha briar And strata by River Roe This was our hearts desire Bui aft In fancy 1 be there To view those scene with you Where winds will sing Moved yea Better thstj I knew We shall not pass this way You creased the Great Divide And there amidst Gods Host I know that yea abide And as job entered Heaven Gates To Join God chosen few The Angela sang We ten yew Better than knew Margaret Wag