Page WEEKEND Friday October 1SHI Lots of family nondenominational programs As noted In this column previously local churches are very active Including lots of activities for the family as well as the various adult programs conducted as The Holy Cross Renew program is designed for large groups or small depending on the For those who feel uneasy with lots of people around there arc more inti mate sessions with the leader The reverse Is true for those who wish to get lost In the The next session will be next Wednesday Oct at in the Parish llal The good newB of God s healing power will be under the leadership of Dr and Catherine McKonna McKcnna is surgeon at York Finch Hasp and Mrs McKcnna is a registered nurse They talk on their experience over the last five cars with spiritual renewal through the heal power of God IN THE CHURCHES Lutheran Church under the ministry of Dr has been consider free classes investigates the influ culls in modern society and religion What are these Cults should be of value to all Christiana In Ihcso last days Coll Pastor at for further details on this series Presbyterian Church will hold a tall service and meeting next Tuesday Oct 27ol7 Highlighting the annual s on will be an address on Caring Princess Margaret Hospital Also participating in the ses- By Bob Oihvter devoted lo iho Internal Year of the Disabled will be the Hope Singer from A fellowship hour follows everyone Is welcome Is the Church growing under the pressure of the modem world Figures show that million Christians over ihe age of IB claim to have made a personal commitment to Jesus Christ Notice the word commitment This signifies more than just a basic belief and shows the extent of evangelical teaching in that country I have no for Canada since this was an American survey but it is expected that the tame average should apply There is complete religiou Halton social planners seek more regional dollars The government of Mozam has closed all churches mission hospitals and schools and prohibited Christian youth and women organizations from meeting Pastors have been prohibited from visiting In rural villages yet Iho Church In Mozambique has refused to buckle under to such governmental pressures In Kenya new churches have sprung up on the coastal strip of that country Kenya has an area of soma square kilometres much of It desert With a population of II BOO the government has open mind on religion BOOK REVIEW I had quite a surprise recently The number of Christian books available Is very high The varielyoftiUesisexcillng and with this lo mind this column will once again attempt to give a series of book reviews for Christian and nonChristian alike The main Idea is to those seeking clarity on the Christian and those who are serious students to buy and read Of course everything In between will also be considered A new book to mc Is Incredible Coverup by Dave This book was recommended to me by the Christian Book Shop in Georgetown from whom get most of the for these reviews This book deals with pre and POST TRIB theories This Is the belief that God will take his Children out of the world before tho tribulations that will befall the world the if you may call sides know all aspects of the discus- last limes This book is There Is often serious dispute This book to for the essentially a post trib view over the feelings of these two serious student of lbs Bible but should be studied for the groups In the Christian and should be approached complete feelings of all sides Church and It behooves us to prayerfully or not at LEARN TO DRIVE THIS FALL BRAMPTON BRAMALEA CENTRES SPECIAL WEEK PROGRAM Sat Oct 24th 9am 330pm Consecutive Weeks The Region Social Planning Council HRSPC has the region for an additional 137 to cover secretarial costs and off let expenses for the remainder of the year Composed of members from social planning councils In north Holton Burlington and the organization has most recently been an ex tens study or funding available for volunteer a gene in the region One the report made when presented to regional council last January was that badly needs Its own United Way because it cannot always depend on fund from lar in Burlington and Oak A steering committee form from the later this year has been preparing terms of reference which will be needed as the region creates its own United Way by IMS However the says it needs a secretary to handle the workload the organization now has largely because of its role paving the way for region wide United Way While regional chairman Council favors thrift despite staff concerns Despite staff mid priced contractor would do a more professional Job of making masonry repairs at the town a administration building on Trafalgar Road council has decided to give the job to a local businessman who bid a lower price A seemingly Innocent an nouncoment of a tender open Monday night dragged councillors into a deb ate over whether lo give the contract to on town bus mess which may have more experience In brickwork or lo a local firm which has not been involved in the trade for a number of years Tower Restoration Ltd of Toronto contractors who extensively on renovations In the commun hall lost year was the staff s first choice for the brick repair project proposing to do the work for tt about cheaper than a third tender submitted Although the staff report on the tendering said thai both Tower and ihe low bidder Halton Building and Mainten ance have good reputations the latter has not been regular ly involved in brickwork since the late 1950s But most councillors maint that Building and Maintenance the lower bidder by should get the Job or at least the two competitors should present their proposals before counc Mayor Pete that administration building exterior problems arc caused by bricks ing because water and frost KAREN IflaTS ASSOCIATE DEALER CHRIS BYDEVAATE COMPLETE CAR CARE SERVICE PRESERVEASHINE YOUR CAR BEFORE WINTER Preserve the beauty of your automobile Investment with a protective shield that seals out the harmful of winter Protection against snow road salt sand and other chemicals that reduce the safety and beauty of your car TIDY CARS OTHER SERVICES INCLUDE STEAM DRY CLEANING INTERIORS UPHOLSTERY GUARD VINYL ROOF RESTORATION PIN STRIPING TOUCHUP PAINT SPLASH GUARDS SAME DAY SERVICE FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL OR DROP IN AT 111 MOUNTAINVIEW RD N GEORGETOWN 8776136 Jack envisioned the region social planning councils and the umbrella HRSPC remaining for the next two to five years social planning council chair man Judy Barrett saldlt would be premature to comment on whether or not the two social planning levels will eventually amalgamate chief administrative officer Dennis said that some municipalities have regional social planning councils which appoint local to deal with particular community needs BRIAN GOODLET Agent Mutual Life of Canada 4513460 or Mod Nov 16th 6 30 Consecutive Weeks MortNov 30 030 4 Weeks ALL COURSES ARE NCOME TAX AND NCLUDE THE ROAD TEST in Brampton Downtown phone 4594418 Young Drivers of Canada seep through Ihe rather better job from public meet soft on The lost council decided to chose I me some bricks were the low bidder at the municipal tors was years ago Apparently agree with son e counc ltors sentiments hat no one on council was qualified enough to nc which contractor could do a FAIL and WINTER Be a friend for life Donate some time as a I Driver to your local Red Cross They re waiting for g your call DRIVE A HAPPY WITH THE HELP OF THESE SERVICE PROFESSIONALS put your car in Licenced Mechanics Specializing In Electronic Analyzing Tune Brakes Wheel Balancing Car Safety Inspection Tires Batteries and Accessories OPEN DAYS A WEEK Joes Gulf a Service 9 HIGHWAY No 7ANDDELREXBLV0 GEORGETOWN r COLLISION CENTFIE LTD I LET US STRAIGHTEN YOU OUT Noed a colli specialist We re the folks to seel We can fix dents on any model car give color matched paint obi Call us anytime for a free estimate also FREE Towing and Courtesy 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