A LOOK BACK j4 I mi tie K Friday October THAT WAS THE WEEK THAT WAS Fed up residents await Ewing St work pics sharing the In Now Kern love survived In after Sue fern took her pink Ihe II all make sense play last tonight and t wins res i den Is will have to tolerate rough roads for an indefinite period of time but at least en nee ring studies on the rood a eventual i construction will begin shortly Fed up with tin roads and a standing that there Is tome money available for repairs resident Cope Inst week demanded un behalf of himself Is neighbors that council use the money to correct the problem or give It to llo id problems stem from 1371 when developers Rap Company Ltd and tiers completed an 1 1 til subdivision at the Inter set 1 1 on of and Ontario Strict Under the subdivision irLcmcnt the builders agreed to pay the town portion of the ing once the housing project White the money to pay for the engineering study which council ordered Monday night it is not enough for the road complete reconstruct ion Mr Oltcnwas week earlier that II Is unlikely the work will be Included in next Mayor argu ed that an additional road projett In the urban area would be unfair to rural rcsld mils who have equally bad road problems in some areas Although a number of pointed out that const Continued on page Itompln l le lluwklns above left llie American country rock singer who his I line r Tit these past years played to about fans at the Id Ire night The Herald will carry full covernRc Including exclusive In lit regular Wednesday Canadas history detective to address Museum guests Described by Hid from vicio la lo as in inform live humorous mil story dueel will s the friends of Hilton Tuiihj Mr describes his job as part friendly per suasion ind part investiga live reporting His most valu able find to date is a collection of tellers written by John Graves Simcoc the first Museum next I Imtenant Governor of Upper Canadi It took three years to position track Ihi down if its kind in Mr they ucrc found with a is liaison New Zealand farmer in for Archives Ontario Northumberland County Mr riul the lountrysidc in si arch of jble old documents and II his que job at lit museums main hill In Conservation owners In hi case of the letters the Archives paid 15 for their purchase Tux relief is inccnlive lo donate Mr describes tidy housewives as he bane of his existence they are tor cur throwing things out lie however that while men arc better at collecting women arc far better sources of information red ribbon for Mayor Pete to Irv his on Thlt time the Mayor a helping hand from Norma I lllotl wife of the late John Elliott after whom the new theatre In Is named Daughters Ilreuda left and Lois hold up the ribbon North Halton Sports FACTOflY OUTLET PHONE 877 J MATTS ALUMINUM SMUG HAL TON PER REGIONS ALL EQUIPMENT Skates Sticks Overstocked Must Sell Friday October 1000 pm and Saturday October 900 am 500 pm 1 Micron Munari SKATES Assorted sizes SERVICE FREE Your Ad Could Be Here DOWNTOWN GEORGETOWN 8777777 NORTH HALTON SPORTS E A Mitchell LIMITED REALTORS APPRAISERS MORTGAGES PHONE Queen Si E Brampton MADE WOODEN AND WINDOWS If ENTRANCE UIOTS A slicing w- INSULATED WMDOWITMintM 877 9332 1388 Drapery Cleaning Service Pleat No Shrinkage Fresh as new Finish BARRAGERS Cleaners Ltd Georgetown 8772279 HALTON HILLS SHOPPING PLAZA TRAVELOGUES to make your planning more fun Jamaica October 27th Club Med November 9th Skiing November 24th Time 8770103 Refreshments Served Your Own This large two- a I or horn design Is Ideally suited to the wider frontage building lo and provide In excess of a qua re leal wellplanned finished floor area A lull provides abundant or I ha future developmonl of additional accommodations andor ractaallon facilities The exterior It nil had In horizontal with a high gabled I malarial cost main an try Into a spacious rsc oyer and outerwear which contain a twopiece vanlely From oyer traffics moves naturally let I and Into tha long rectangular dlnlng room combination living room faalurea a l SPACIOUS TWO STOREY BAVARIAN STYLE HOME HAS FOUR BEDROOMS and a amallpaned bay window Tho dining area provide a easy accaaa to Ihe wlda tear balcony via con venient sliding glass walk through Tha wallplanned kitchen provides a logical work triangle configuration abundant cupboard room for excellent separation of for mal dining whan entertaining masonry flanked by dotal storage for James and A large laundryjullllly facility It threat rlaera from Ihe family room An en trance from two car gar go Increases con venience of facility All four are positioned on Ihe second leva accessible via from main reception foyer Each generous clotat and good ex lor vlow and natural light Tha bedroom suite ha a full walk In closet e Ihroeplftca art- suit bath with tub and a dec tor alcove formed by package including llrat Is economically priced at and an eight plan package alto Including lha first sat la only you choose Include for postage and handling Ontario residents add lor rant tho i The i front facing bedroom features a wide front facing balcony with via sliding glass doors This la an outstandingly home design of larlng the larger family and con a every turn Plan lor design No SI may bo purchased either by the single at a coat for flral tat and for each ad ditional aot or by tha A live plan edition Design series SO featuring Imaginative decorating end home Im provemant Ideas plus quality home plans of every lypt Available for 12 plus pottage and handling To order any of these Item pteaae send cheque or money order payable to Home the Weak Add rasa to Home of tho Week CIO The Halton Hill Herald Unit 1 Cerllngvlew Drive Built In H Cleaning Systems HALTON CENTRAVAC THIS WEEKS MINI SPECIALS WALL PANELS CERAMIC TILE 75 BRAMPTON GLASS DOOR FIRESCREENS GRANTS MOTORS LTD MIUwUnlH Beat Msttrttist DIP SELECTIONS SAVINGS FURNITURE Jim Murphy wf taping Texture spray Plaster repair Chimney rape Ira Altera on DAVE Mcmullen Qansral Contracting 8778483 DELREX Aluminum Limited A Awn no Canopies Storm Sell 11