Newspaper of Halton Since A Division ol Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Guelph Street Georgetown Ontario PAUL J TAYLOR and General Manager Editor PHONE DAVID Advertising Manager Second Clan Number 0943 Page SECTION A THE HERALD Wednesday October 1981 Legal pot debate still smoldering Parents service clubs and social agencies across the land are currently rallying to stop a piece federal legislation which most Canadians had accepted as inevitable the decriminalization of marijuana Political observers continue to suggest that Parliament will indeed pass laws making simple possession of cannabis a misdemeanor punishable by a small fine It was less than five years ago after all that the nations legislators were generally agreeing marijuana users should not be thrown in jail for taking a drug many experts considered no more harmful than alcohol Medical studies since then however appear to have turned the issue upside down alarming previously unconcerned parents with indications that pot does indeed have some disturbing longrange effects just like the antidrug crusaders used to say Now police associations educators the Canadian Medical Association and dozens of citizens lob bies are urging the federal government to hold off on if not reject outright any suggestion that pot controls should be softened The worried parent who has written The Herald and other newspapers see page urging readers to advise their MPs against decriminalizing marijuana is typical of the new opponents of liberal pot laws She points out that young people may not realize in the short term how physically mentally and emotionally damaging the drugs extended use can be and expresses concern that decriminalization may be interpreted by them as a government sanctioning of pot use We disagree and nor do we believe that maintaining or inten sifying current cannabis legislation will act as a deterrent to the teenage drug user quite the opposite in fact Weve raised the Prohibition syndrome idea before with reference to soft drug use young people will not stop taking illicit drugs simply because the government tells them not to and preteens who first begin using marijuana because of peer pressure will not so easily be swayed from an activity that because of current laws becomes to them an adventurously clandestine form of rebellion From James Dean to televisions the outlaw image is still a hit with the postwar generation and insensitive political administrations needless to say do little to help young people separate right from wrong What bothers us in particular about the letter to the editor at right is that its author leaves what we consider her most pertinent point until the very end what about an educational program for our kids Again weve made this point before Unique public awareness cam paigns like those undertaken this year by Optimists International and the Canadian Teachers Federation are laudable but barely cover the tip of the iceberg Stranded in an ocean of moral contradiction by their stresspossessed parents most of todays young people lack the inner guidance mechanism that might steer them away from drug abuse and longterm dependence on artificial stimulants What is needed then is an overall educational system geared to the practicality of modem living in North America Total immersion cour ses living skills value counselling and such innovations as the positive peer pressure system outlined in last weeks Herald are slowly turning secondary education into a more wor thwhile and rewarding experience but clearly theres still a long way to go Threatening young people with punishment for activities they do not consider crime or even sin is far from the correct answer- If todays parents cant teach their children BY EXAMPLE the proper righteous and healthy way of living then perhaps our educators can somehow produce a new generation of parents who will SPARE TIME LEGEND Ronnie a legend In spare time performed wo in 1 ml ton lail Tuesday helping open lie new li bra rycultural centre Ilia particular brand of mink which can be as taking the beat part rock country and good of has crossed age barrier tor about year and growing strong with a new younger following A review of lail weeks concert and more photos will appear the lleraldi Weekend Extra Friday George at K aaaaaaaHaaRia Letter from the editor Paul Just my imagination Is It Just my Imagination Has the crime rate in Halton Hills soared over the past year or la 11 just that cur police beat reporter Ml la gleaning more I lems from the staff sergeant every week My speculation may be than objective last week I arrived at my Normandy Boulevard homeatabout one night parking my car as usual beside ho bouse which Is on a quiet residential culdesac Four hours later I was at the Georgetown police station reclaiming my billfold full of driven papers membership cards and medical Information that I routinely keep in my glove compartment Much to my astonishment some youthful thief had calmly strolled up my driveway to the unlocked car climbed In and rooted around In the glove box There was no money Im naive not The regional thanks again boys had picked the kid up not far away soon after the big heist Already the proud owner of a criminal record hed stolen pickup truck earlier that night abandoned it after two blocks driving and started roaming around windowshopplng among parked cars At the police station my property was buried in a pile of combs cigarette packs bottle openers and Canadian Tiro money The kid must have had a sack like Santa Claus by the tune the cops nabbed him It was a minor incident to be sure Just another stalls He on the police blotter But Ive lived in Illlli all my life and didnt quite expect anything like this for awhile yet Fortunately were still a long way from frequently witnessing the kind of tragedy that occurred in Acton last week Lets hope things get better before they get worse BAND VISITORS You can dance aa much as you march to the mule of the Canadian Force Vlmy Band which performed to near capacity audience last Tuesday at Acton High School and at Georgetown District High School lail Wednesday Known previously as the Air Transport Band the Kings Ionbased group started out in INS and travelled to many foreign countries since audiences with Ms varied repertoire Herald photo by Has Pierre Trudeau cornered our angry Gang of Eight Ottawa Bureau of The Herald Heaven knows arc many the situation but It seems to me that Prime Minister Trudeau by gaining agreement In principle to another first ministers meeting on the constitution has virtually won his crusade Unless there are some startling surprises its difficult to sec how can lose Certainly he has everything to gain There is no doubt that the vantage points vary and an Ottawa Citizen report for Instance that the premiers have skillfully forced Prime Minister to delay his plans to act unilaterally on the constitution Frankly I would have been more inclined to say that Trudeau rather skillfully at that has forced the dissenting premiers into a rather awkward comer There Is going to be pressure on The Gang of Eight to come up with some positive compro mises when they meet with Trudeau toward the end of October particularly after the prime minister offered what he termed significant compromises himself PRESSURE SHIFTS And after meeting with the prime minister Premier William Bennett of British Columbia who was represent ing the dissenting premiers said that his colleagues found much that was positive from his meeting with Trudeau Given these circumstances plus the fact that an obvious majority of Canadians arc becoming fed up with this horrific hassle the pressure la clearly on the premiers to come up with some positive responses Quite apart from public opinion surveys open line radio shows across the country indicate that there Is widespread support for a quick settle ment of the constitutional squabble and even those who stoutly oppose Prime Minister Trudenus methods and perhaps even the content of the pa trial Ion package often say he should go ahead with his unilateral action But frequently there has been the suggestion thai and the premiers should make one lastditch effort to reach a compromise particularly since the Supreme Court of Canada emphasised the need for constitutional consensus And wc must not forget that the New Democratic Party now Is hinging Its support on final attempt to negotiate such a consensus with the provinces On the face of it and without knowing the details of proposed compromises he would have appeared tohavegonea long way toward getting this NDP support IT the dissenting premiers found much that was positive in the proposals surely the New Democrat cant perceive it to be any less CANT LOSE Even If one or two of the opposing provinces decide to support the package along with Ontario and New Brunswick the prime minis could probably lay claim to the necessary consensus And if three or four provinces get with him ho will have clear sailing The worst that could happen to the prime minister it seems to me is for the eight opposing provinces to remain where they ore In that case will still be ahead of the game since Premier Bennett has already indicated that Ihc prime minister Is making a serious effort toward compromise And if he should fail to reach agreement with any additional provinces there will undoubtedly be increased support for his unilateral action He will have merely added emphasis to his favorite argument that unanimous constitutio nal agreement with the provinces Is a virtual Impossibility Barring the unexpected It would seem to me that by following the course he has charted the prime minister has everything to gain almost nothing to lose Young Tories receive dose of Bill Davis pragmatism Queens Park Queens Park Bureau of The Herald For this observer It was a remark able moment one I cant recall encountering before in more than a decade of off listening to and rending Bill Davis speeches To a gathering of young Tories here the premier wnicdcloquent about the philosophy that underlies his view of the Ontario Progressive Conservat ive Party and its role as government Now this kind of speech can often act like a sedative on peoples hearing but Davis gave of his superior plolform and kept his audience hooked Mind you the politically oriented young end to be more interested In philosophy than their elders It becomes a voyoge of discovery when young Edmund Burke and John Locke And excluding the In the PC Youth many young Tories make lhat trip Unfortunately for PC youth unity however they often arrive at different destinations REAGAN A segment of young Conservatives has always been attracted by the American political right wing the Ronald Reagan view of reality with Its roots in economic and political freedom Another segment and the with which Davis identifies sings mora In tune with the British Tory heritage with it belief in peace order and good government rather than the States life liberty and the pursuit of happiness In practice the British lineage means heavy government Involvement in most aspects of life and Davis was not apologetic about it arguing for example that In our small country where capital Is short government must I cod the economy He mentioned Ontario Hydro the Urban Transit Development Corpora tion and the oil purchase as classic cases PEOPLE TOO As for the rights at Individuals those too must be handled by the legislated route Again he have an example saying he made no apology for his govern ments taking away the right of an Individual to drive an automobile without a scat belt to protect that Individual against him or herself In the same vein he defended he controversial Bill the revisions to the Human Rights Code as a means of protecting minorities He reiterated the obvious hat Ontario Tories are not doctrinaire but pragmatic and dont need purity of thought to do their Job In the end he touched on me inner Davis and said the key for him Is that when he shaves In the morning he had no difficulty In looking himself in the face Nor should he The Davis brand of Progressive Conservatism the so- called Red Tory approach has long validity and great history In this country But he Tear exists valid in my view the activist Interventionist lice ti vis t brand or conservatism is running away with Itself Funding was a worthy very Tory typo of gamble but buying Revisions extensions to the Human Rights Code yes but special programs for designated groups the reach of the stole keep growing Is Swedishstyle spiritual death and bureaucratic dictatorship our destination too POETS CORNER Autumn Down In the valley the swift river Up m the hill top the Is The streams fret and as they A If In defiance to winter cold blast harry by Soon through the valley bis prey will The leaves tell a tale softly they As winter her blanket shall all over I cant linger long cold autumn winds sigh But hark through the comes The hive ring sumac her red leaves Old Mother are falling To one and to all a if to proclaim The now crimson maple her gar lings Gods In bit heaven and we have hit promise Across the wide landscape sweet Flora The woodland shall bloom In their has vanished beauty again The once lovely blossom are withered By Margaret King and dead Georgetown YEARS new industry In Nerval la LlndnerGurd Ltd Wood Products bull din a behind the federal mill and is slicing apples for the wholesale trade The bulk of apples arc purchased by bakeries hotels and restaurants In the city but the firm is experimenting with small retail packages in under the trade name Orchard Fresh Brand While working on a water main on Mill Street near the Main Street comer last week town workmen cut telephone cable by mistake disrupting telephone service at one end of town for several hours Two lost Lost Oct on the Seventh Line between Golf course and Sllvcrcrcck one washing machine lid Anyone find this would appreciate if you would phone Also lost is a smokers pipe straight brown lost In the vicinity post office Ideal weather conditions favored the annual match of the Plowmens Association held Inst Thursday There were contestants somewhat below the average entry of the post few years Hornbys Stanley May won the Champions Special for the best ridge In walking plow classes by a contestant So much interest has been engendered In the growing Porky prize at the weekly bingo at Holy Cross Church thai on Monday the church hall could not accommodate all the crowd So lhat everyone has a chance at the prize money next week the bingo has been moved to the larger Legion Hall Porky Is a special prize offered for a full card calling up to SO numbers No one has won for several weeks and Porky now contains about 130 TWENTY YEARS AGOUnlos council secures some definite opinion From the Ontario Municipal Board by next week Georgetowns December municipal election may continue on a basis at electing council by general vote than by wards as lias been anticipated Bowing to the wishes of the electorate expressed in a plebiscite lost December council passed a bylaw returning to ward votes and establishing three wards Until now the town has been unable to find out what the board intends to do At present the Acton mayor receives a year and the councillors MOO a year roughly a meeting which Is deducted from meetings not attended The continuous expansion of Georgetown High School in enrolment facilities and teaching staff has created another first the establishment of teaching departments and the appointment of department heads Blair Armstrong has been named head of the commercial department Paul Lcgge head of the English department J head of the math department George Register head of the science department and Florence Luke head of the modems department Publication of names of delinquent tax payers may be a measure adopted by council this year to overcome a situation which Mayor Hyde termed critical at Mondays council meeting The cofounder of Vorian Associates Ltd which has a plant here Sigurd Vorian was killed In a private plane crash in Mexico Mr and two associates invented the Klystron tube basic clement of radar Rex president of Develop ment Ltd of Mayor Em Hyde He was arrested Wednesday by the Criminal Investigations branch of the OpP taken to Milton and later released on ball The Rebels made Milton eat crow for he second successive time by dawning them to in an Important Inter School football Georgetown High School The win clinched the league for the local squad TEN YEARS AGOTho lights illuminating the field went on officially Monday night when the Georgetown Kinsmen Club Vice- President Warren McLay flipped the switch in a brief ceremony at the control box Installation of the lights was a Kinsman project A picket line has reappeared In front of the Georgetown Hydro building on Water Street to asking people paying bills to honor their picket line The contract with the Hydro Commission expired April The Hydro employees arent receiving strike pay and so some of them have been working at odd Job Go transit rail service to serve Georgetown was announced Thursday by Premier BUI Davis He said he hopes the system can be implemented by late 1072 and plans negotiations with Canadian Georgetown Brampton ales and Weston The Go transit scheme utilizes Govern ment of Ontario trains on CNR lines Georgetown will have a full time paid Ire chief before the end of the year Council agreed to advertise for one Coun Hyde was lie lone dissenter He said It was the first to a full time paid fire department and that it would account to a quarter million dollar budget in a few years Reeve Morrow felt It was a timely move since the town now has people think we have been very close to borrowing trouble by not having a paid he said Another first for library service In town will take place Oct when a bookmobile will bo in the Georgetown Market Centre books and records normally borrow or exchanged at the Georgetown Public Library on Church Street will be accepted at the bookmobile In an attempt to school facilities in Georgetown to the best advantage and to provide residents with the opportunity to their favorite sport or the Georgetown recreat ion committee has begun extensive investigations has been distributed to households of the Moore Park area ONE YEAR municipal spending the biggest issue facing both tqwn and regional council In the next two years Mayor Pete says he will consider resigning his position If south lUlton forces regional council to abandon equalized sewer rates a move now being studied Reversion to the old chargeback system whereby each of four member municipalities must cover Its own sewer and water service costs could have a million Impact upon I Oils urban taxpayers according to the mayor The Separate School Board received an allotment last Wednesday from the ministry of education towards the purchase of properly for a new faculty forSt Joseph Separate School In Acton Work la well underway on renovations to toe Paper Mill Dam in Glen Williams Changes to the dam are part of a major project by the Credit Valley Conservation Authority to prevent the annual Ice Jam and flood on the Credit River The Georgetown and District Red Cross Society announced an Acton branch would oon bo formed with Henry as president The Optimist Club of Georgetowns Third Annual Cross Country Run went on scheduled Saturday despite miserable weather Hills extremely slippery forcing many runners to use their hands as weii as their feet some grabbed nearby trees for support There were 334 runners attending the meet representing 15 of the schools invited