Letter to the Editor Tilt IlLItAID Wednesday Octobers 1981 PBRC5 Relaxed pot laws disturb parent SCORE ONE FOR THE KINSMEN and Haiders urn I full turned use in Kinsmen community projects Helping team and Kudrasms Ret game past president Don Pearson fcurrtnl president Stan Lorn so a hare of the Role receipt far At of Owen Sound way were left to Kim men and Raider executive member Herald pliotoby Dave Rovney The follow an circulated to area newspapers by llaltebury To editor of The Herald In Ihc future Is my understanding that your member of Parliament will be to vote on legislation to decriminalize the possession of marijuana hashish hash oil and other cannabis products Ah a concerned parent of a teenager and I believe that simple possession of these drugs should always rcmiin a criminal offence as v Ithout this restriction the use of them will undoubtedly incieaii especially the use by The possibility of a criminal record certainly nets as deterrent under the present legislation and I am convinced with decriminalization this Will effectively bo removed decriminalization at 1m same time is a possible by govern towards the use the drug My concern items from the resenreh reports which have been published recently about this drug by such as the Canadian Association the in erica in the Addiction Research and many many I am all Canadians to fully investigate the properties marijuana and writing your of Parliament on this issue the mild it wni thought to be ten years Additional research and intensive studies of its use during the past decade has caused a significant In opinion with reports strongly endorsing the very serious harmful effects it has on the lag Marijuana Is a compound of an estimated to sOO chemicals the active Ingredient in all cannabis products becomes part of body tissues gathering In the fatty cells of body remaining there for many months affect especially the brain and the sex glands Lung and damage and the defence systems has been reported There are reports of chromosome damage which presents the problem of rcUrdallon and other ma lilies In generations yet unborn Research also that live marijuana cigarettes do us much lung damage as 112 ordinary tobacco cigarettes Long term marijuana interferes personality development emotional Theres space for you on No 2 By JOHN ROE Herald Special Hills Arts Council is less than short of its pledge towards the Library and Cultural Centre building fund thanks to continuing strong demand for on Georgetown Rug hookers wall hangings The dec ion whether to go ahead with a second rug hong was made Tor both organ this week when re quests topped the limit on the first rug The cutoff now will be 100 names or Dec 1KI1 whichever comes first But given the steady flow of name pur chasers over the last weeks organizers recommend that those planning to buy a name space should indicate their intent now with a postdated cheque rather than risk appointment The total raised from the rugs thus far is already making it biggest single money maker all the fund raising projects under taken by organizations in fulfilling the Arts Council pledge made more than a year treasurer Ron ivies said the grand total now stands at 136 The Hug Hookers were to meet with architect Keith this week to discuss locations or rug hangings in John Elliott Theatre Long who is heading the project explained that whereas Hie group has drawn up tentative design plans the final location and complete list of submit ted will determine the ultimate design The Intent all along has been to produce an historic work of art she said since decor these hangings will hang in Once all names have been perpetuity It is important that received the Rug Hookers will hey blend with the theatre them in accord with THIS WEEK AT THE CENTRE TODAY The Halton Hills Public Library Board and assisting agencies present Canadian folks i rs The Family of Man at m THURSDAY The John Elliott Theatre continues Us busy schedule of opening with an afternoon presentation starting at 1 Featured are students of Holy Cross Cocur George Kennedy and Joseph Gibbons schools FH1DA A second afternoon school program again at p with students from Georgetown High Stewart town Centennial Christian Reformed and Harrison schools the revitalized Georgetown public library holds a special reception by Invitation only Studio Productions presents John Smedley Lynn Wclton In A Celebration of Song starting at m SATURDAY A long awaited storyllmc play for youngsters Padding ton Bear shares his adventures courtesy the Erewhon Theatre starling at m A Dante Spectacular begins at p featuring representatives of the Brian Foley Dance Studio and the Alda Ligita School of Classical Ballet SUNDAY Popular Canadian recording star and host of CBC Television This Land Sylvia Tjion performs two concerts at and their overall design Each namespace which can be for as little as per month for a year post dated cheques or for a min imum single lump sum of consists of Inches Pros peel I namespace pur chasers should lake into account when planning Ihelr space that each letter will be one inch wide a half Inch between letters and one Inch All name space purchases arc recognized charitable donations for income tax pur poses Donors will receive official tax receipt from the Town of Hills prior to income lax filing For full details as to how to participate in this unique fund scheme call John Roc at or Elizabeth Shore at Name space purchasers last week were The Family Vio la and Ted and Family Graham Irene David Knren and Katie Far Bob Carroll and Michael Evans Wallace and Jen Thompson fain and Bill All I son Family Janelle Duanc Bryan and Elaine Lew is Val and Hilda Stein growth and learning ability especially In the young ft can bring on hallucinations sions paranoid feelings end confused and disoriented thinking Adolescents arc particu to harm from marijuana because holism Is much faster than that of an adult thereby causing damage Also Ihe majority are not yet mature enough to evaluate the dangers The psychological effects arc profound The syndrome is especially teenagers It causes a loss of ambition and caring they become lethargic and cannot function in life nor deal with reality It takes their desire compete learn and put In an effort Thinking and memory is impaired school per drops dramatically Marijuana use is reaching epidemic proportions in our schools and teachers are quick to point out the numerous problems that arise to the use of this drug I do not wish a criminal record on anyone but marijuana to be such a dangerous drug that its use most certainly warrants a criminal record We have a responsibility to protect our youth and society in general The decisions regarding the use of marijua should not be left to teen and children The age first time users Is becoming lower Many don I realise the dangers Involved or the prob able effects on future genera lions Therefoe the need for a strong deterrent is essential to prove to them that marijuana cannot be tolerated the facts your conscience will not allow you sit Idly by while Parliament sanctions legislation to decriminalize the possession or marijuana I urge you to contact your local member of Parliament Imme diately and request that ho act accordingly Name withheld by request PS Don you feel that special emphasis should be placed on an educational program to make people more aware or tile Inherent dangers Involved with the use of these drugs THE HAIRSHOPPE 31 A MAIN ST S GEORGETOWN Next To Canada Trust 8775845 GUYS AND GALS STYLES FOR ALL AGES APPOINTMENT NOT ALWAYS NECESSARY The Royal Canadian Legion LT COL S COUSENS BRANCH NO 120 MILL STREET GEORGETOWN ONTARIO RCL BRANCH 120 REMEMBRANCE DAY PARADE SUNDAY NOVEMBER 8th The Branch Issues an open invitation to all Georgetown organizations who wish to participate In our Remembrance Day Parade to be at the Branch at on Sunday Nov PARADE WILL FORM UP ON MARKET ST MARCH NORTH TO MAIN WEST ON MAIN TO JAMES JAMES TO CHARLES AND ALONG CHARLES TO THE CENOTAPH THE RETURN ROUTE WILL BE CHARLES TO JAMES JAMES TO MAIN ALONQ MAIN TO AND BACK TO THE BRANCH Mors local bonk managers come forward wilh pledges for centre Under a unique fund raising drive bankers are encouraged lo each contribute one per cent the original public fundraising goal of on behalf of their branches Mayor Pete Pomeroy received cheques from the Bank and Bank of Montreal Monday On hand for were tlefl to right Bank manager Bill Ward I Main Street branch Floyd Kyle Square branch and Bank of Montreal Georgetown manager Jim Taylor Herald photo St John Ambulance teaches heme nursing skills that can mike home care more comfortable for both and family They can also make it possible for a family member to be at home rather than m a hospital or nursing home for information on home health care courses the St John lance Branch in your phone book or St John Ambulance at The New Look of Is at GS Television SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY SALE PRICES MPioMeen package sale Turntable Cirtrldgs PACKAGE SALE PRICE 699 SxSeOQRacolvitr ES2BSCttldQ Component Stana PACKAGE SALE PRICE 799 95 MPIOMEER UNITS TO CLEAR SX3400 Receiver Equalize D1500 Timor SR303 Reverb Amp SK3 Port Cass 129 Port Co TELEVISION Sales and Service 8779541 ITS TIME TO PICK A DEAL AND AVE 1979 CADILLAC COUPE DeVILLE Loaded Low Mileage lock No W LINCOLN MARK IV Loaded DODGE CHARGER Tu Tone Blue Daytona Model CAMARO PS PB Automatic Slock No VW BUG speed Red Ext Offer good until Oct 31st 00 AS IS SPECIAL 1973 OLDS DELTA 88 PS PB Automatic Excellent running Condition Stock No PLUS MANY MORE CARS TO CHOOSE FROM ARMSTRONGS 347 Guelph St GEORGETOWN 8778322