Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 28, 1981, p. 8

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Octobers GDHS CELEBRATES Jthe Ballinafad greets old friend hears talk on Africa band Thanks giving studies for By KAY WILSON Herald Correspondent United Church Unit 1 met at the home of Mrs Keith Webb Thursday with eleven members one visit Marion Laird presided and Muriel Whey read the minutes The overall meeting for all the church groups will be Nov 17 In the church and George will show slides of his teaching days at Fort tion Devotional was taken by Eunice Wilson and Kay Wilson had the study on the First Thanksgiving The origin of three popular hymns or nature were read For the Beauty of Earth This is my Father World and We Plough the Fields and Scatter Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mabel Terry and a social hour wgs enjoyed The members were more than pleased o have Mae Shaw join hem for thoir meeting community Club had three tables at their biweekly euchre Thursday The next euchre match will be Nov In ladles Elsie Jarvle came In first and Isabel Thompson second In men Phil Landry came in first and Garfield McGilvroy second Dune McMillan won lone hands and Helen Balson the lucky draw Sympathy Is extended to Catherine Lloyd Roy Ralph and families on the death of husband and father Jim The funeral was held last Tuesday at 1 p at McKellop Funeral Home in Brampton Unit of United Church had their regular Octo ber meeting In the church basement with Elaine Crawford s group in charge of the program that had Thanks giving as its theme read the scripture Mary Crawford the devotional and Nellie Shea the prayer Eleanor Hyatt played a tape about the work of the church In Africa and a discussion follow on the World Council of Churches and The Sunday School was voted to receive Traditional pumpkin pie was served and a social hour followed A good crowd attended film night In Norval United Church Oct 13 Awards night for was held at E C High School in Milton Oct IS Young people from winning awards were David Wilson Norma Wilson Carol Anne and Debbie Deenik A 1 nstoe ossu aage r to ord A6 IT The held Its October meeting in the church base ment last Tuesday evening Members guests arrived or a pot luck dinner In attendance besides Ihe members was Jim Kirk wood the guest speaker who brought along his Jim Kirk wood Sr a longtime resident of Other special guests were Rev TO Bandy and his wife Lynne When the enjoyable meal was over president of C the meeting to order After the usual opening exer cises there was a brief period II whs then time to call on Rev Klrkwood who as the president remarked tomcat of docs not need to be intro duced He spent all his child hood days in the village and a I tended area schools and church be Fore going on to become a United Church Mini Ho spent many years In Africa The annual Church Bazaar was held Saturday and the reports that it was quite successful Erin and District High School commencement The topic ho spoke on was held Friday evening Ursula The Canadian concern The Eckert was among those from United Church should hove our area who attended Her regard ng Justice In Africa son Stewart graduated from His message was timely and Grade He was awarded ho gave one food for thought Saint John trophy Tho meeting closed with the donated by Ladles Guild Benediction and some Stewart is now in management friendly chitchat and hand- training at Woolco In Meadow THANKS FOR A JOB WELL DONE Over Herald carriers turned up lo munch hamburgers Ihe Georgetown McDonald outlet on Street last week Harvey of and Debrn Mellon of Acton were rewarded for their efforts Herald of the Year by publisher Paul Taylor and circulation manager Marie Shadbolt left The two were presented with awards and cheques That Marilyn Champ McDonald activities representative in the centre Herald photo shakes were exchanged Wendy Hannah was corned as guest speaker in Church Sunday The young folk enjoyed the story she told them before they went down lo Sunday School classes Her message to grownups was impressive was based on The passage of Scripture the Lady at the Well and her conversation with Jesus Board rejects equal time bid for schools Former principal Mike Furlong returned la Ihe Saturday o participate In commencement lor Ihe and 1Z claim One of his duties was to present Michael Furlong Award to valedictorian James Allen a special he founded while serving Ihe school for II years When he last jtir scull and Bluff established a special trail to perpetuate the award in Mr Furlong honor A motion recommending that special interest groups which request permission lo speak to students on potent laity controversial Issues be denied permission unless equal time is given to an opposing group was rejected at a Thursday night meeting of the Ho It an board of trustees We secondary schools were the place for contentious issues said trust Betty Walker She said that granting per mission to address students to special interest groups is currently at the discrellon of the director of education and the principal vale When Penny Short toured Europe some months ago she made many friends One in particular was Smith from New Zealand He promised lo visit Canada some time recently spent six weeks day with the Short ill family Among events taking place at the community centre in the near future besides the monthly dances the hah board has planned Euchre for Nov Plan to go If this first one roves successful here will more Bring a card table please you have one not In Mrs Leo Jamlcson recently returned from visiting her mother In Scotland She reported her mother to be quite well she wished to be remembered lo her many friends in We extend sympathy to the many relatives of the Burt family living In this vicinity Elmer Burt of Georgetown passed away over week end There are brothers and sisters as well as nieces and nephews left to mourn his loss Congratulations lo Mr and Mrs Will McLean who recent ly became grandparents for the first lime Their daughter and son in law became proud parents of a little son Your Freezer with these food values SUNDAY ONLY trout COOKED LOBSTER Q99 each MEATBALLS 181 r alS1 SAUSAGE ROLLS 18 all each SALAMI 050 each FREEZER FRENZY 12 8530101 How To Win At The Losing Game Heres a Sensible WeightLoss Program That Really Works Eleven years ago Sybil Ferguson was nearly pounds overweight After years of fad d shots pills and calorie counting she than she hid Sybil decided there must be a belter way Through intensive and with the help of her personal physician Sybil Ferguson developed a whole new approach to losing weight By counting nutrients instead of calories Syb was able lo lose all those excess pounds quickly and safely withoul hunger or loss of energy Since then Sybil Diet Center Program has spread to over locations all across the United States and Canada We ve grown this this fast for one basic reason The Diet Center Program Works LOSE 17 TO 25 POUNDS IN JUST SIX WEEKS And that rate of reducl on in be sustained until you have lost or even pounds and more We will help 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