Page A THE HERALD Wednesday November 1M1 SCHOOL DAYS AT THE CENTRE A tale of em shelves from clown High School scratched rudely on slag and Id their bloomers but they were doing ll conscious The young men and women were singing and acting out an Introductory scene musical My Fair Based on the play by George Selections from a musical Cool in the furnace based on chapters one to three of the Hook of Daniel were lung by the Georgetown Christian School Choir There seemed to be quite few choirs on stage Friday afternoon from the various schools participating The largest choral group even fit on the RDOP reports stage Centennial School choir with 130 student Joined up a sing with the Stewart town choir while Georgetown District High School band played in background Overflowing Into the aisles singers posed a problem for choir director who I avoid having her back turned to some of them University Rural Development Outreach Pro ject funded by the Kellogg Foundation will con Jo stage public forums and workshops in Ha lion reg Ion during the coming year as part pilot project on rural development fa Hal ton and Huron County Ins summary report officials recently recapped the projects progress In thus far underlining the pub lication of by a local rural living talk force and the development of a community Improvement pro gram for Acton as major achievements thus far Summer projects produced historical studies of several small communities and a well receded audiovisual product Ion Tine invisible Giant on the importance of urc in a rapidly urbanizing zone ll report states It is Intended to Information preparation and dissemination the combining thrust for all Outreach projects la 198143 Country DRY CLEANING 8770387 halton hills shopping center LIMESTONE ALL SIZES GRAVEL FILL AND TOP SOIL BUD HAINES 3 DURHAM ST 8773302 8775163 COLLISION CENTRE LTD OVER YEARS EXPERIENCE Were Professionals in what we do EXPERT COLLISION REPAIRS EXPERT COLOUR MATCHING FREE COURTESY CARS FREE ESTIMATES FREE TOWING ALL INSURANCE CLAIMS HANDLED FAST ropmk COLLISION CENTRE LTD I I A library in culture shock Herald Staff Writer Hills Is going through a species of culture shock Georgetown librarian said evening at a quiet reception celebrating the open of the library in Its new facilities Amid tables of dainty sand nibbles and other goodies Betsy Cam well said she predicted the public would experience such a shock upon visiting new library They come in and ask Where are all new books she said They expect find a vast of our book collect ion but that t happen over night She said the library has on capital stock lining the shelves already and with books running an overage of apiece now massive book purchases t likely to be around the corner Mrs Comwel said making the new facility work Is next on the agenda Services be expanded and staff upgraded and increased SPLIT UP Because the building Is so divided and split up we can work the way we used to she said With two floors to operate now and various nooks and crannies the physical layout of the library requires more staff which the library is currently hiring This building Is just barely big enough for the community Bernard Shaw the popular musical Ihe story of a young English flower girl who is taught proper by snobby Protestor Henry The show at the libraryCultural Centre Nov ti and Herald photo Spooky creatures from Harrison Public School grade one opportunity to use Centre s stage Dressed In their filled Ihe Cultural Centre stage Friday afternoon as part of the Hi I low en costumes the youngsters recited poems Afternoon School Program in which local schools were given the Herald photo now said Mrs Corn well Further expansion will Lake the form of branch libraries something she sees happening within the next ten years If the McLaughlin devc iopment B McLaughlin Focal Properties Lid proposal for 1 homes In south eastern Georgetown goes through It create so much demand that we need a new branch she said Mrs Comwel said she expects to sec- on increase in circulation and a vastly diffe rent pattern of use now that there are places for people to sit and study In the library Thero be a major increase In the demand of reference services she said The expectation that library is fully equipped will be difficulttomeet Such ex pec la lions require a highly train staff and a greater depth of collection she said To make library more efficient computer services are being Introduced Linked with the Ookville and Milton libraries Georgetown Public Library will have their resources to draw upon as well Mrs Cornwcll sees this as reducing duplicate purchas and increasing sped a I i in each library collet This Is a pioneer step linking up with two other libra ryservlccs she so proudly We re a prototype a pattern of cooperation The library Is moving towards becoming fully automated Mrs Comwell said a flic Is being built up on computer of all the borrowers and books in the Georgetown collection Codes similar lo product label codes are being put on the library books so that they can be charged In and out with scanners much like the Lob- laws store scans products for the price at the checkout counter sir More than half a million cars out there arent showing their age and the reason is Preserva Shine a unique protection system that seals out the slush and soot the salt and sand that can ruin your oars finish And it works In fact one Shine treatment and an annual resealant treatment and your cars finish is guaranteed In writing For as long as you own the car Unlike wax the Shine treatment is buffed right into your cars finish to form a protective shield It done with our Wonder Tool our patented machine which works like the human hand only times foster Tidy Car also restores vinyl tops to their original appearance and keeps them looking that way It a small investment that keeps your car looking showroom new We guarantee it And everything nat does for your cars finish New will do for the interior Our New treatment thoroughly dry cleans your cars interior and protects it for a full three years guaranteed too Call us today Same day service- free pick up and delivery CHRIS BYDEVAATE 111 Georgetown 87761 36 Protection you She said it will give the to produce a date for the library a much clearer Idea of computer said Mrs Comwell where Its strengths are Librarians have coding be completed by the spring Seiko Quartz Hell love every minute of it GEORGETOWN MARKET PLACE 8771230 Onewordiaysllall said Betsy ComweU chief librarian at Georgetown Public Library And last word Is Mrs Cora we It cut Into a cake Friday baked by librarian Anne Irvine and iced to took like a book by sudiftvLtual technician Jeannette Thompson The library staff were boiling and punch reception to celebrate new facilities the LibraryCultural Centre on Church Street Herald photo Home Video Cassette Recorder I J Model handsomely styled with all front controls records I with opt camera horn broadcast built digital clocktimer digital tape FREE MOVIE cum MEMBERSHIP INCLUDED WITH RECORDER PURCHASE HUNDREDS OF MOVIES ANY MOVIE VIDEO RECORDER Jj3days 3 days movies Blank Tapes and Cleaners days members