Page Friday Together we can help you better Royal Trust BUYING SELLING CHEQKOUT THE CLASSIFIED ads CLASSIFIED DEADLINES Dertlnt CLASSIFIED CASH RATES I no I MEMQRIAMS tor each poetry Add tons CARDS Of THANKS Wo Add urn wads each ENGAGEMENTS DEATHS BIRTHS MARRIAGES TOTS LMktfl hoc BLUE SHAG cushioned back Used- 877 0232453 AUTOMATIC Wntar Con lion no system Like now Gas Lawn Mower ver cosset wth speakers 0194458 TRAIN EQUIPMENT High quo ily x 8 plywood board track cars and accessories FIREWOOD and up cord call Hon 1188 VACUUM Cleaners and Filer Queen Krrby Compact central FIREWOOD Mixed spit dry Tu Garden 1 south Ac ion 853 FRESH TROUT Natlod cleaned Individually packaged order do Smoked Froodolvory Troul Farms Ltd TEA FURHtTUHE SALE CLAUSEN LTD MILK 3 QUART BAG OR JUG Early Special Georgetown Jug Georgetown 7 AM T0 10 AM Monday to Friday 189 WEDDING DRESS Colour 853 3661 PR SNOW TIRES 78 Soil vacuum ok collont lion All attach mo and shampoos r 1976 CHEV MONZA mufllor tunc up As is S 200 5 Lyons Georgetown FIREBIRD dark blue vinyl roof sun Needs work or 1B75 WAGON on condtion ins do and out Rust proofed tool racks toad lavoliers now tiros Ccr tilled SI OLDS Hard Tod PS PB radio radals Nopd3 some work Evenings 197B BIRD very good con very stylish car S4500 B77 1219 FORD PINTO Station Wagon brown excellent tor ports ballerina groat sot snows Call 1975 PLYMOUTH GRAND FURY Uncertified BOS odor 838 WE HAVE MANY QUALITY ECONOMY CARS To choose at prices you can afford Low down payment Bank none ng EXCITING OPENING exists to become Career Sales Agent or George town and d tuna Ideal opportun lor a poison In the com build own without investment with com pet live and tango ol unity accident and and group products Good bonollls Salary nog to per annum plus bonuses during 30 monlti per Ex tinning travel Call a In Branch 277 4B9840hw CREATIVE CIRCLE EARN SB hour Shorn hobby In horns pa INFORMATION CALL 8771063 BRAMPTON PLASTICS INJECTION MOULDING CO Has opening for ox per ion cod sot up personnel Only Inly experienced op performers apply Good company For mat and or call srn 4 FORECLOSURE SALE OF Up to children ladies wear All merchandise off batter Under Irom a secured creditor we ere to sell the assets of LARRYS HOUSE OF BUYS 124 Mill St E Acton DAY STORE HOURS latdayThura Nov 10 00pm 2nddayFrl Nov 13th 10 am to 00 pm 3rd day Sat Nov 1 am to 4thdayMon Nov 16lh 10 00 am to 00 JEANS CORDS STANFIELO UNDERWEAR TOPS SLEEPWEAR SOCKS SKI JACKETS SWEATERS DRESSES SLACKS BLOUSES SKIRTS JACKETS Shop early for beat selection In time for Christmas A B GOULDRECEIVER The Buyers and Sellers Market Place 8778822 HELP WANTED TECHNICAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE have a position or an ambitious person our inside Sales The successful applicant should have a minimum of Grade 13 education and preferably a Technology Diploma Previous background should include 2 yoars Industrial sales experience or equivalent period instrumentation work This position leads to promotion to outside sales alter successful com of Fully paid company include Dental Life Insurance and Pension Plans For appointment call H DUNSMORE Moore Instruments EMPTY DESK We have a desk available for a reef estate salesperson of the nght calibre No experience necessary but helpful We train and provide llcen se help Must be willing to work full time and take direction readily We furnish sales aids personal growth programs loads referrals generous commission split pleasant office facilities For a career in real estate with Family Trust Call Mb Ton Sullivan between a m and 8775261 FAMILY TRUST CORP REALTOR SECRETARIALINSIDE SALES A challenging position for a competent secretary whose interest include customer contact and In side sales administration Secretary to the General Manager and Sales Manager Competitive benefit package Full resume required Contact MR TOMLINS CANADA BRICK CO LTD 2772794 FOR INFORMATION TRANSPORTATION CLERK Our Switctigear and Division Transporta Hon Terminal located in Georgetown Ontario res a Transportation Clerk with excellent typing skills A working knowledge CRT equipment along with custom and imporVextXHl knowledge would be an asset Minimum Grade 1 education with 3 yBars office experience Westmghouse oilers an attractive starting salary and an excellent employee benefits Submit applications to Transportation Terminal Switchgear and Control Division WESTINGHOUSE CANADA INC PO Box 250 Georgetown Ontario KM PARTTIME POSITION The Herald has an opening In Its classified depar for a telephone salesperson The individual should have a pleasant telephone manner and bo people orientated For more Information call THE ADVERTISING MANAGER at Between 1100 am Fridays PART TIME REPORTERS WANTED to cover occasional sports and news oven is In Hal I on lis or Tho Herald mostly EXPANDING CANADIAN OIL CO odors opportunity or high income plus rogular cash and fringe bono Is mature In dividual In Georgetown area Airmail president O Box 70 Station Toron Ontario SOMETHING FISHY Choice 38 acre estate trout ponds 000 pine and spruce trees and 1 50 fruit trees A fabulous home has been skillfully renovated and enlarged A heated workshop and a variable gold mine on the property Asking SI 64 with attractive financing For further details call Paul or Rosanne Flaherty or Res SEEING IS BELIEVING A bedroom older home In Erin almost all rebuilt Maintenance free exterior largo kitchen with loads of cupboards Family room with walkout Close to schools and shopping Good 1st at 10 till April 1983 Asking only See it today with Paul or Flaherty Rally Limited ACTON GOOD MORTGAGE Well decorated and carpeted 3 bedroom bungalow attached garage The full basement has recreation room and additional piece bathroom and kitchen 1st mortgage at 10 due August Vendor will assist with small second Asking 69 GEORGE GRAY REAL ESTATE Days Evenings FARMHOUSE Erin area Phone Doc 1 ELKS Had lor rant Contact Harold CCpltte Sr 230oflorS30pm 342801 HOME tot in Georgetown near Station Doyblo goago lm References 1505aflor7pm 1 02484Bfm1 TWO bedroom opt Acton Main SI plus stove alter 5pm BUSINESS CENTRE PRESENTS Choice location for your business at 3B0 Qualph StrMt corner erf TALTB77rj202 OFHCE SHOWROOM SPACE Dim Em 009343r ACCOMMODATION WANTED ELLIS TRANSFERRED to own Cll ELUS REALTOR 8776917 OFFICE HELP full Box Georgetown VAN DRIVERS WANTED Must have yoars clean record ox In trucking In and are In In a position apply FULL TIME or fl days m hour PART TIME Saturday flam pm S3 por hour PART TtME Evenings Mon Frl per reply to BOX C0 THE HERALD ST GEORGETOWN NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OP LILLIAN BERTHA FINLAV ALL PERSONS having claims Estate Lillian Ftnlay late the Town Vaughan In tho Regional Municipality York who died on or about the day March are hereby notified to send particulars of same undersigned on or Estate bo distributed w regard only to the which undersigned shall havg notice and Dm derdgnod I not bo to any person whoso claim inoy shall not then have nol DATES AT HILLS THIS DAY OF OC Stanley Flnlay Administrator of the of Lillian Bertha Flnlay by his Sol tors KOGON 1 Go org Ontario SPECIAL Free lube with oil change Mechanical repairs 1 Safetys Large trucks our specialities All work guaranteed WILSON CAR SALES HIGHWAY 25 ACTON ONT 8532431 WESTERN CANADA SCHOOL OF AUCTIONEERING LTD Canada the only completely Canadian course ottered anywhere Licensed under Trade Schools Licensing Act S A C Forporuculoraof course write Box bo Alberts or phono LreiBESiiIiH EMPLOYMENT WANTED Small repair EftimMip cor and electrical Call Lloyd 4316 3791elf WANTED Antique furniture trunks fruit postcards toys Items gold or silver jewellery etc anytime WATSON AUTO WRECKERS FREE PICKUP 8776226 GIBSONS Dead Stock Service Dead or disabled animals removed lb paid for old healthy Wo can you cause death cutset OARAGE AND BAKE SALE For Pet Wee Dor It Hockey teem 37 Stockman Crescent Saturday Nov 14 Good glass toys furniture en etc Line Hwy 25 South Tvvp Yard Dating Lid Bnmploo Acton 1 1 am to to Sat URBAN PEST CONTROL TImi ants rat spiders tuts MmrTTETV QUARAIVTIE BOB CAMERON 8777014 I DOG FOOD High quality ttw 653 2431 Pet AN Breeds Grooming Clipping and Shampooing Also Evening Wookond Appointments Available ding training lessons Indoor arena healed Top in structton to oil loves flB Pad AUCTION CAHS TRUCKS VANS OFFICE EQUIPMENT CENTRAL CABS Air Conditioned Radio Dispatched Hour Service 8771111 ST JOHNS UNITED CHURCH Annual Bazaar bo hold November IB el In Church Ha THE HILLS RECREATION DEPARTMENT In with tho Ontario SW CouncH Is offering a Ski Demonstration Thursday November 1981 Alpine pm Cross Country 6 3D Georgetown High S3 Register now at Recreation James Strool Georgetown out lor more information jwToundland Club Ar mstrong Ave Unit SLUE TRIANGLE BAZAAR on Tuesday November 12 noon 30 m Rd Afternoon tea served SI por 50 per child BA2AAR SI Georgos Anglican Church GO Nov 10 am 3 p Featuring Bake Tablo Sewing Table Snack Bar plus much moro Also Fun Fair 10 am 12 30pm SUNNY ACRE FARMS MIDGET Hockey Team Garage Sole ralllo Saturday Novembor Details lo follow DR DAVID C will speak on the Question How can Religions World Unite selections by group of professional musicians Sunday Nov Community Hall Stewart own Refresh menls served Admission Sponsored by the Bahals HaltonHMs THE ROTARY CLUB of presents BILLY BISHOP GOES TO WAR Saturday Nov the John Elliott Theatre For tickets 017245ce ST JOSEPHS Parish Bazaar Saturday Nov 28 In Acton at the Acton Legion GEORGETOWN T1CULTURAL Society Mooting Nov IB at Knox Church Halt Mrs rva present a show nature and gardens welcome AUXiUARY la holding their i nua Bazaar and Penny Sale Horn p m Novombor Kids gel your picture taken with Sana from 1 to m and moo I our special guest BIG BIRD PARENTS WITHOUT PARTNERS AREA CHAPTER ARE YOU A SINGLE PARENT wishing to meet other parents without partners Col or 3245 for In formation Georgetown and District SKI and SKATE EXCHANGE Sat Nov 1981 an Items lor sale should be brought to downs between am Registration is between m a The a mlntmum tea or 25 whichever is greatest on any item sold After 4 on Saturday remaining Items a property CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Helton Hills I win be having a booth at the Blue Triangle Senior Citizens Christmas Bazaar on Tuesday 17th Fils do I do mol el no pour to car en dehors do no Pour do Sat Nov 28 Baking sewing too etc CHRISTMAS CRAFT SHOW Gills ornaments toys lower than shpp prices ANNUAL CHRISTMAS SALE Coramlce and Creltg Something lor on your Chrlal mns 1st Christmas trees or slocking stuffers and largo variety and decorative Hems Best prices anywhere 37 Moore FORGE STUDIO GALLERY Terra Ctrlstmas Colloc Hon Blown glass pottery hand panted silks and pain lings by Ontario Opening Sunday Noverrtbor Hot Cider ved Gallery Hours Wed Thursday Saturday Sunday 5pm 877 GEORGETOWN l Trip Friday Novei Sirvercrook Outdoor Educotlon per child En tended care S2 50 extra Pro master at Mountains lew S WHITE ELEPHANT AND BAKE SALE Glen Williams Town Hall 1 1 m Saturday 1 All oleoma Como and WILLIAMSON and Janet noo Chamberlain aro pleased lo announce the their daughter Julio Rebecca on at Toronto Hospital Proud grandparents and Mrs J Cham of Toronto and Mrs Williamson Brentford HAINES Words cannot ox press what wo loo lor an our and rolatrvos who have boon so supportive and help tut during the toss our beloved Husband and Dad to mention you ell by name Tho Floral Trlbulos Memorial Donations Mass Cards and Condolence Cards always bo remembered Special thanks to Graham Bland Father Dave Colo PruJ St Albans Quid our Neighbours Drs Thompson and Browning Nurses on Word A Jonos Funeral Home Pan Bearers and tha Merchants who wore Flower Bearers Earl Culhbert or his Eulogy to John end SondraGrokj Terry Scott Chris Both S Gloria Tom Ev Haines Joy David Smelt wood parents brother Sister late John Joseph Haines would like to our many thanks to our relatives neighbours Organizations lor cards lowers donations phone calls wo received Thanks to Rov Bland Thanks again lor your concern and thought You will long bo romomborod God You I would to thank lor cards g Its visits and phono colls was a patient In hospital and since returning ho Mane Murray Georgetown invito you to an Tyme Country Breakfast SUNDAY NOVEMBER 22nd am 1000 am SI AlbanB Church Hall Glen Williams Adults Children Children and under FREE JUUANREEOMPP MAYOR PETE 8778768 8773856 SCHOOL KM DEAF CALL