THE HERALD Mondav DccembMtl 1HI Letter to the editor Pilot Parents clarify article spur interest To the Editor of The Herald While we appreciate your coverage of our efforta to form Pilot Parents group In North The Herald Dec IS must correct some err In the a lory First the Pilot Parents are lo help parents who have just found out about their child deficiency or handicap and need the empathy and help of parent who has already been through and overcome such a similar initially stunning experience Extend a Family Is intended to match Interested host with families who have a handicapped child In order to provide the host family with the experience of a close personal rolatlonshl with a handicapped child for brier periods and to provide the parents with some short term relief In other words to povlde an extended family where the handicapp ed child can Interact other children and adults outside his own immediate family The Friend pro contact Barb Abray 877 is intended for handicapped people of all ages without their own families and the North Ha I ton Association for the Mentally Retarded 8775557 does provide shelter and work for such people but these are separate from the programs mentioned in the story We are also Interested In providing parent relief through volunteers on a basis which requires less of a one- family toone family com mltmcnl than envisaged In Ex lend a family For those Interested In part iclpatlng In any of these prog rams who have the time and want to help please call the office or Gene 8775571 and we wilt try to get things going in Yours truly E Vakriote Executive Committee North Association for The Mentally Retarded Norval couple hosts dinner for patient KAY WILSON Herald Correspondent Community Club had six tables of euchre In play last Monday Ladles 1 Louie Alexander Mary Wilson Men 1 Jean Bronder Mac Alexander Lucky Draw Peggy Early Lunch commit tee were Chester Early and Gordon Early Walter and Marg Ridley arranged a Christmas dinner at Hospital In to last Tuesday evening where Is a patient People who have been driving the children to visit their mother helped with the dinner and the Ridley looked after the Christmas crackers and gifts for the younger members and friends of the were given out and a fruit basket for also the Lees who are looking after the children The singing of Christmas carols brought a lovely even ing to a close Community had eight tables in play at their Christmas euchre Ladl es 1 Alice Gurr Pearl Burt Men 1 Marg David son Geo Burt Lucky Draw Muriel Miller Lone Hands Isabel Thompson Hidden Scores Edith Dithfleld Marie Lucky Draws Tor Tickets Garfield McGllvray Mac Eva Hazel Preston Howie AkotL Wallace Del Wallace Elsie Ernie Miller IlaSwitter Lunch committee for even was Cunningham and Diane Taylor Norval United Church Sun day School concert was held Friday evening with all the children of the different class es taking part The junior choir put on a skit Martin the Cobbler Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all the staff of the Georgetown Herald and our readers Goddo here Jan Canadian rock group Goddo described in one recent poll as the most popular Toronto music group returns to for a second concert Jan 10 in what Is expected to become the first in a series of rock concerts at the Junction Formerly the WayJay the club hosted about three rock concerts two years ago Including one by and Is currently lending Its stage to North live taping Norval Junction holds a teen dance tomorrow night Tuesday and booes appearance J an IS will draw an audience for ongoing rock is there yams Of r nay Mary Christmas Joyce Betty Diane Gall The Gals At Sale Dates Thurs Dec or while quantities last Save 33 to 60 Glittering Gold ABorC Reg 99 to 49 19 ea or pr Reg 59 99 and 79 39 A cross jm horse shoe and other lovely little shapes Karat Gold Bracelet and in serpentine f Ira rope cobra and 4097 curb link styles a C 10 Karat Gold Pendants to match up stones and pearls I 16 Irenes Jong Serpentine Venetian 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GEORGETOWN MARKET PLACE OPEN Wed until 900 pm Closing Thursday Dec at pm Charge WHh Credit Account