Friday Januiry 14 IKS Region needs creative ideas for spendin job creation grant What do you do with Police cite enforcement in accident reductions ByANIPEDERIAN Herald Stall Writer A decrease of highway accidents over 1981 In Ha lion has been attributed stepped up police Irnffic enforce ment throughout the past Ha I ton regional police District 1 commander Malt MncPhcrson said speed and liquor arc ally responsible for fatal traffic accidents In per cent of them liquor is involved he said I feel quite strongly that traffic enforcement against impaired driving for the use of scat- belts has led to a red net ion in fatal Inspector MacPherson District which Milton and Halton Hills had fatal In 1981 there were ten fatal accidents in this was further reduced to five We found speeding impaired drivers and not using seat belts were the cause of and we stepped up our enforce ments MacFhcr- said We constantly remind our officers that this Is an area they should pay attention to year- Warnings and charges have increased over years he said though the traffic squad gains public attent ion mainly during the Christmas holiday sea son when four men are specifically assigned to do hecks in the rcg ion Insp said his men arc assigned year round to concentrate on radar and patrol Each shift one officer is assigned it on a day today basis and all our officers pitch in he For driven who think the ended with the holiday season Insp MacPhcrson warns that his uniformed officers arc still out on the road with their radar and ALERT equipment I feel this year driving from Burlington to Georgetown than I did in 1380 because of the driving enforcement ho said Hes dally commu ter to Georgetown THEATRE FANS WELLFED Mi took the fun of Hickory Dock home with them after seeing the Georgetown Little Theatre Peel Panto Players how last month look the on Hi Invitation to color the front of the plays bookie and were subsequently rewarded for Ihelr efforts Giant bags of popcorn presented Iat Sunday to row to right Sue Ann McGeragle age Itrrek Tribe who went picking up the on behalf of his brother Kevin back row Laura Miller Annabel Parkinson and Tonya Morris Michelle coloring entry was also picked among the la best couldnt make II ntatlnn Herald Staff Writer Regional department heads arc Into ways might use the allocated to It under a million Ont ariofederal government Job creation program On suggestion mention ed at Wednesdays finan ce and administration committee meeting is to hire crews to check for leaks In sanitary sewer systems But as chief administr ative officer Dennis pointed there are limitations on the prog ram which the region must seriously consider before projects are Any projects started mustusc people recruited from Canada Manpower offices who have exhaust ed their unemployment insurance benefits In ad dition projects must create work for at least three employees last a maximum of weeks and concentrate on areas of work which might not have normnllj been ap proved in the regions annual budget process Municipalities part lei paling in the program must also contribute ten per cent of the projects gross costs Hills department heads arc considering ways in which they can use to create focal jobs Regional officials Mr said must be creative as possible to find projects which meet some needs of the region that we other wise be able to meet He added that crews might be able to conduct roadside clean for the public works department or test for leaks which allow groundwater Into the sanitary sewer syst em limiting treatment plant capacities The unions have been very cooperative in these types of job creation pro grams Mr com mented Indicating that the regions bargaining units will be discussing the recent job creation with Ha lions pers onnel department Carol Gooding expressed conc ern that the money is being used to create jobs which are largely tempo rary She wondered If the money might be more wisely spent in the priv ate sector creating perm anent positions The million prog ram has set aside million to create jobs in the private sector but these are also expected to be mostly temporary Having already looked into the program found some rather surprising statistics at the local manpower of- Of the skilled unemplo yed registered here per cent were clerical workers I largely women professionals and Not one skilled trad esman was listed Oak Mite Mayor Harry not that simple to come up with a project under the program he added You have to get people with skills and then something perma nent comes up and they arc gone and quite rightly so has unlit Jan 31 to commit Itself to the 17900 program Pro jects Initiated with the money are expected to be complete by June 1984 Ed knows his pottery Antique dealer comes from family of potters The front corner or Oxbow books on Main Street In Georgetown Is no longer the Croft Cupboard Oxbow owner Norm Holt Is renting the space to an antique dealer The former owner of a Mill Sreel antique shop Ed Wakefield to open or business any day Open for two and a half years Wakeflcjd Antiques whs closed two ago to allow Mr Wakefield to concentrate on antique shows he told The Herald went do shows because there wasnt enough business In own lo support an antique Mr Today there are shops downtown and the antique business appears have picked up English porcelain small pieces of furniture silver pieces and some jewellery will be Ihc stock Mr Wakefield plans to carry In his corner of Oxbow A native of Ha nicy England Mr Wakefield comes from one of six towns making up the city Trent Forty miles northwest of ham Stoke on rent is the centre of the pottery industry in England Mr Wakefield said I first generation of my family lhat has not been involved in the pottery ho said I always it though Knowledgeable about pottery hes able to pick out priic pieces at auctions and that others dont recognize and sell them Inter at a profit