GAMES AUTHORESSES PLAY Any who had to move can relate to the sympathies expressed In Heather Moving Give Me a Stomach Ache Mi McKend was one the guests at the Georgetown library Saturday afternoon entertaining youngsters with a reading from her book and leading the crowd through a series of playful games Mi McKend finishing her fourth year In an English Bachelor of Arte program at Kingston Queen a University and published Moving two years ago at the age of Herald photo by Chris Wild chase on Fairy Lake Town crews take charge Acton swans find home By MAGGIE HANNAH Herald Special The ihrec yellow trucks stole silently Into town laic last Tuesday alter noon to carry out a very secret The mayor had decreed thai the job would be done but not a man in the crew was about betray their destination at least not to any reporter who might embarrass them Everyone has been on least one wild goose chase but attending the swan song at Acton Fa ry Lake la Just a bit more entertaining The birds were on a rap closing section of the lake Action was necessary rst you need lots of bolt Arena manager Harold Townsley supplied that and the shore was lined with com and pop corn by the time the accomplices arrived Mr was sweetening lure by spreading dried bread the edge of the water The next slop is to per the white birds to leave the safely of the tiny patch of open water In favor of the Ice and bolt The approach of the town workmen sent all the wild ducks and da geese who prefer Acton s winter climate heavenward toward the other end of the lake The handicapped vie tuns ihc swans whose tigs have been clipped to prevent such an avenue of escape circle nervous ly and defy the men to move them When coaxing fa Is the men resort to rougher tactics and trail a rope across tl e water to push the graceful birds out of the water W th all the grace and skill Ihcr com the beaut fill calmly slide over the rope and paddle merrily away to the other side of the open water Waste report from page Al north into the southeast portion of Hills which includes some Zone land Much of Zone area can Imme diately be eliminated because it contains water sheds and permeable soil More can be eliminated because of its proximity to significant population centres It should also be point out that any waste disposal site should be surrounded by a large empty envelope area This would further reduce the number of possible sites in Beyond these lions it would be tire to speculate whether any area In Zone In Hal ton would be consider However the lity cannot be discount There has been some concern that the area under the epicenter known as Site F might be a candidate because of Its transportation proximity It not in an area of consideration and It Is interesting to observe that if Chant a study la credible the argument against using bite as a dump Is even further Annoyed the men begin shipping the ropes up and down in the water until spray fl to coat the birds and workmen with beads of Ice Gradually in ones and twos the rds are forced out of the water chased down by a grim faced human opponent and earned off h and honking to be deposited in the back of a specially provided town truck It doubles as a garbage truck to collect materials to f Conquer program Could the sign on the truck be the Inspiration that enables the men to pick off their one by one until only one creature remains The bird Is no fool When it discovers Itself being crowded between two ropes and surrounded by six men it skips over the rope and charges wins a flailing moment of surprise and races up a toward the cameras She Immediately docs an equally graceful back step over her own feet In the icy park lot and m the photo of the day as a workman docs a running dive after the bird slips and falls upon It The bird Is quick and by the time the man Is beginning to feel guilty about harming it the bird Is scooting out from underneath his captor and taking aim for the front gate of the park A chose Is on and the bird finally gets napped exhausted and Is thrown Into the bowels of the Conquer truck Off goes the truck with a reporter numbly In pur suit The truck stops at the pollution control plant Workmen jump out and with a rumble the over head rear door swings up Slowly and cautiously the 14 swans peak over the tailgate Freedom With their necks curved gracefully so they can see down their elegant black beaks at the snow Into which they Intend to step the birds hop from the truck Then with proper disdain for the men who pursued them the mascots of Fairy Lake waddle down the bank Into the warmer water of the plant less than lOOO metres from where they were first captured The men dusted their hands and smiled ly Those swans were moved and It only took an Guelpb Mercury Gravel sites listed A number of Hills sites are listed as possible sources of gravel for a provincial ministry of transportation and communications highway contract The six Holton Mills pits are near Acton Georgetown and Glen Williams Tend era for the project will be called Feb The construction project is on a section of Highway JANUARY FALL WINTER STOCK Up To On our complete selection of winter suits sweaters skirts dresses blouses oun wear slacks ra brushed nightgowns knit hats sets knit leather gloves a few basic Itsmi not Included teller Cage In Downturn 90 Main Street South Board teachers clash on hiring stance Contract tug of war Herald Staff Writer A mass turnout of ele mentary school teachers Is expected to pack the Hal ton board of education meeting tomorrow Thursday night Teach ers will be protesting the board hiring stance on current contract negotla lions The tug of war over staffing at the elementary level is being blamed for keeping teachers salary negotiations from reach ing a conclusion Everything has been resolved except the staff Ing Issue Ele mentary Teachers Asso ciation president Robert said Mon day Is looking for an additional 36 elementary school teachers for 1963- but the board is only willing to take on more he said Contract negotiations with elementary teachers have dragged long pact their usual September wrapup date The November municipal election and the provin cial and govern ments wage restraint laws have kept the two sides from on early settle ment Declining enrolment Is expected to do away with about teaching posit with the board next year Mr Filman said However the pre sident Is not worried He anticipates there be sufficient retirements and voluntary termlna lions to cover these ell ml nated positions so that current staff wont be facing layoffs wants another 12 teachers on the boards payroll to make up for the Implementation of new board programs like core French and special cation They wont solve all the problems not by a long shot but they 11 alle viate the worse cases classes with kids Mr said The additional 12 teach ers will cost approximate ly WOO a sum which Mr said is cents a month per rate payor The core French pro gram has required tional staffing to be Implemented adding CO teachers to board pay roll over the past five years Mr Filman said During the same time teachers have been hired because of the province a Bill requirements for special education BRING ON THE HAGGIS Members or Georgetown British Club sat down to an Interesting meal of cock a leekle soup tattles and of course haggis as they celebrated the birth of Scottish poet laureate Robert that Rabble Bums The celebration which took place in the St George Anglican church hall Saturday night featured the traditional piping In of the haggis by George Grelg Following close behind and carrying ihe menu main attraction was Katrina Patterson The haggis a concoction ground meat and grain stuffed Into a sheep stomach is referred to as the King of Foods an eloquent president of the British Club Later In evening Miss Patterson and Christine Strang entertained diners with traditions Scottish dance Herald photo BUILDW6AH0USE MAJOR RENOVATION PRICING ON LUMBER SUPPLIES SPRUCE LUMBER standard spruce 48EACH 69 EACH 2x28 88 EACH ECONOMY 5 each STUD 69 EACH 2X4 2X6 VV 2X8 IKUFOOT GYPROC INSULATION FIIIIEGUSS PINK ASPENITE STORE HOURS Mon Wed KEN SMITH FRANCHISE DEALER 316GuelphSt