A COED jobcreation program Projects suggested for town use Clerical and public projects have been suggested as ways in which the town can use the offered to through the Canada Development program COED and other sub sidized job creation schemes The programs design to create Jobs for individuals who have ex hnusted un cm ploy insurance benefits tables A project which would clerical people to conduct title search for town owned land build computer Inventory of the towns catch basins sidewalks curbs and gutters signs parks and culverts start a microfilming program and pave the way towards better rctords Carry out storm sew work at Remembrance Park in Hire energy co ordinator to troubleshoot for energy deficiencies In municipal buildings This project would cost about MOW If Ihcsu projects are approved by council and pogrom officials they will cost a total of mostly paid by the federal and governments Good news for nature lovers the Bruce Trail contributed the purchase of jn property which the Credit Volley Conitrvat ion acquired recently to link the Silver Creek Educational Centre with the Terra the cheque presentation Thursday at the CCAb Meadow vole headquarters were left right Bruce Trail president Eric Kennedy ASTRO ADVICE by Eugenia Witham Dear Astro Advice What does the future hold for my sons The older boy was born in Brampton MoyS 1972 at 12 His brother a as born In Georgetown March 75 at Enjoy your column very much A curious Aquarian Mother Dear Aquarian Mother Your oldest boy is a Taurus by sun sign only Although it gives him stability stubbornness and loyalty where education friends and relatives are involved the Gemini versatility agility and restlessness is more predominant in his chart His chart indicates that he will show a strong drive to achieve distinction through intellectual and mental accomplishments He has the ability to think rapidly and may produce many original ideas However he can be impulsive when making decisions The planet Mercury is afflicted in his chart which can make him Irritable and quick tempered at times He appears to have an ability in writing printing teaching broadcasting and other communications media He has a liking for outdoor competitive sports which makes his chart favorable for coaching and teaching physical education Jupiter indicates that he can achieve his goals through and group activities He is kind to his friends resulting in being well liked and attracting those who arc generous and helpful to him Ho v ever other aspects In his chart indicate that at a financial level there could be ulterior motives and sound financial advice might His profession could prove to bo unusual or have bizarre circumstances surrounding it He appears to hac an intense love of life emotional warmth and is aggressive concerning love and pleasure which can cause impatience and jealousy within close personal relationships He could tend to be somewhat impulsive In spending his However hislntuillon will play a role in creating opportunity for financial and domestic progress CONTROL During 1983 he will have to watch out for deception where friendships are concerned There could also be a disruption of his personal life due to cnanges beyond his control Old friends may reappear in his life and he could come into an unexpected gift or inheritance There will be changes in his home dally routine He could go through a period of rebellion against authoritative figures Where sports hobbles and education are concerned practical determination discipline and hard work will result in accomplishment Ho should show a greater interest in art or music this year and an effort prompt such endeavors Is a must but you must also watch that he doesn spread himself too thin at the same time There should be family tripe and Improved family finances and visits from friends neighbors and relatives Your younger boy is an Aries making him full of creative energy and enthusiasm which must be directed in order to accomplish all that ho wishes His impulsiveness and inability at times to listen to good advice can end to gel him into difficulties He would make a good leader and likes to be first and best in whatever he docs A great deal of his strength arises out of his refusal admit defeat His emotional well being In general depends on material comfort He appears to have a very vivid Imagination and an ability to tune into the thoughts and moods of those around him Ills chart indicates that his emotions are too easily played upon due to his sympathetic nature Emotional security and stability within his home environment are important His sense of touch is highly developed and he should enjoy physical contact loved ones He could choose a profession related to the arts and achieve ion in tho area His chart also indicates good organizing ability which can lead to work in mechanical electronic and other engineering fields He must allowed to do things in his own way and to learn by his own mistakes FOND Or TRAVELLING His fondness for travel gives him abilities where sales public relations and travel agencies are concerned His chart indicated an unusual home life and family connections it may also contain many gadgets or electronic devices Close friends are accepted as members of the family There could bo changes In his family and domestic situation from time to lime He shows grace and skill where thought speech and writing are Involved which could result In literary talent In general he is honest and can insincerity in others Where high education is involved he 11 have to work hard and use discipline in order to bo successful At times he may have difficulties keeping secrets and there is also an Indication of ess His progress where educational pursuits are involved could be blocked due to ill health His intuitive ability gives him an instinct for being In the right place at tho right time During there will be opportunities for inner growth and development He could receive an unexpected gift or inheritance There should bo a greater Involvement In groups or organizational activities of an unusual nature nipt I oral In his dally routine may be a direct result of problems with electrical difficulties and utmost caution must be taken It will bo a good year for self Improve ment and having a positive mental outlook There should be unities for advancement and growth along educational lines as well as being favorable for sports and outdoor activities chairman Harold Stewart resource manager Harry Watson and CVCA general manager Glen linn it The donation comes from the ion Niagara Escarpment Preservation which made other major contributions land preservation of areas surrounding the trail tax deductible Ion the fund can be lent to the Trail Box Hamilton LBN 3N9 Pivot point will link highways A small section or Halt on Hills is being singled as a pivot point for two stretches of proposed Highway which will eventually link Highway to the south with H 10 to the west Provincial transportali on and communications ministry plans envision a major Intersection where the northernmost and easternmost points of Highway 407 meet at Highway between the Ninth Line and Winston Churchill Boulevard In long range plans the Ninth Line would end at the but an arterial route stretching north from the proposed inter section and jogging west slightly would connect with Regional Road 13 nth Line Ministry officials Roger and Ian Willi presented the proposal to the towns general committee Mon day night The committee eventually called for a staff report on the pro ject No firm response to the project will be given until public meetings are held in the area In March The ministry has asked council to eventually approve Initial plans of the Highway inter change the alignment of Highway 407 just south of Highway the closing of the Ninth Line at Highway there now a bridge spanning the route and the arterial road connecting Regional Road 13 in Halton Hills with the proposed inter section Mr Williams was mlstic that the arterial road could be build with minimal inconvenience to nearby property owners In ministry plans the link between Highways and 403 a newly constructed east west route between Misslssau- and would be constructed most like ly at the end of the ministry fiveyear high way construction fore cast The east west route to Highway would follow at some Indefinite lime Among other transpor tat Ion advantages a ministry report states the north south Highway link would take up much of the truck traffic travelling Behie Crimes elected Crimes and Winnie Behie have Installed as 1983 president and vicepresident re spectively of the St An drew United Church Women Rev Tom Bandy in stalled the new slate of officers at the recent annual meeting in Georgetown Also on the executive are past president Margo McVlttie secretary and publicist Ann Jones trea surer Ruth Watts pro gram convenor Pot Boll social convenor Nancy Thompson community friendship and visiting convenor Marjorie ley membership Terrell literature and communication con Betty Pickup and supply and welfare con Florence Baker from Burlington to get to Highway 401 And It would distribute more evenly the flow of east west traffic along the Queen Elizabeth Way and Highways 403 and 40t Although it will ally be constructed as a four lane route Highway 407 according to traffic plans extending Into the next century would widen Into a six or eight line freeway as demand increases The times and places of the public meetings arc expected lo announced later fare were announced last fall Earlier In January the 1 was informed of its portion of the million set aside for municipalities Twenty per cent of the costs of each project must be funded by part lei pat municipalities In a report presented lo the town general commit tec the clerk tor office suggested the following projects which the committee endorsed the money will be releas ed once the projects have been approved by program officials Building and Improvements at among other locations tho Pro spect Park tennis courts in Acton and music room at the Cordon Arena In Georgetown energy conservation work at the Georgetown and a and dock at Acton Fairy Lake The improvements project Including labour and town share would cost about A project which among other things would build a miniature golf layout for Fairy Lake new wash rooms and a fitness trail for Park and construction of picnic ItCJI JERR0LD400 Wireless Remote Control converters only With Tho Purchase of any of these 3 RCA Colour TVs 20 COLOUR TV FOC430 LIMITED TIME OFFER HURRY IN MISS IT COLOUR RCA 8773405 Service What We Sail Street underlaid NOW IN OUR Mid YEAR DONT MISS IT LAST 3 DAYS PAINT WALLPAPER SALE 300 Wallpaper Sample Books 20 GLIDDEN FLAT LATEX Reg 1999 L0 LUSTRE LATEX Re 2599 now A PAINT YOU CAN BE LOYAL TO 1999 2599 now eg 2599 now ALKY0 FLAT ENAMEL now 1 y 9 I EXTRA SPECIAL FLAT LATEX PAINT Reg 599 SR FOR WALLS AND CEILINGS 4 LTR GEORGETOWN DECORATING CENTRE 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