itSS Councillors argue the impact of reserve funds Continued from page iheregliinhasalreadycut Continued from page 3 Joe RInaldo and his predecessor Gerry Law son have built up the reserves In terms of maintaining its reserves Hallon has been on the low side compared with other Ions Mr said adding that building up a comfortable cushion with the reserve shows good good leadership OUTLOOK POOR Mr in a en response to a ubmisa Ion by Mayor Bird on how more of the reserves should be used to offset the IKS tax levy said that the region has already cut from the budget by prudent utilization of reserves as well as lowing the flow of tax dollar Into the capital budget While his year bud get surplus of 1 million was unexpected It Is not unwelcome he tressed and has put the region In an Improved financial position If the were taken from reserves this year help reduce the lax levy Mr agreed but taxpayers would end up paying for the short term relief next Tannery theft The Frank Heller and Company tannery on Acton a McDonald Boulevard was broken Into twice Good Friday Nothing was taken In both incidents but there waa damage done to property In the building The first break in police believe happened between ia a and Mam There wu J done to a money changer The second break in occurred between Friday and 30 am Saturday morning There was damage done to five vending machines Police note that there were no signs of farced entry In either Incident and suspect that the people breaking Into the building had a key or found an open door year In 1983 the financial Picture Isn t expected to improve significantly In Halton and there will be additional charges In the budget including 1 for hospitals which will come from taxpayers pockets opposed to raising funds by borrow money He estimated that without good reserves the IBM budget would about 3 mill Ion or almost IS per cent over this year a RETURN FUNDS Hallon HlUsCoun Dave Whiting said that since the million surplus was largely unexpected some of It should go back to the taxpayer It will likely take about years to build up the reserves Hills Mayor Pete told council He added that he I foresee a loss to the reserves as having a great Impact on year budget Staff he said should be able to trim from the budget anyway to my way of thinking It should be a very simple exercise But Burlington Coun Joan Little said it la ludicrous to expect to trim from the ISM budget without see ing what the demands on he region will be at hat time She pointed out that million for tali itself will be a major budget concern Burlington Coun Pat McLaughllnsaid that tax even are not losing cause more of he sur plus lint being used to counter Ihe levy Impact The reserve funds are Invesled and too added Interest Is used to build thorn up Thankful tankful lor Corporate Events Rnnrf Seal Society n 1Z onto Ontario M4G lRa Coordina HIS A March fire at the Willow Trailer Park west or has left a family of four While 1U causa BawaXlata were no Injuries fa the Incident One trailer was HOMELESS FREE Guard Fabric and Stain protection FREE Custom WITH EVERY PflESERV and paint protection MMLrust protection or your new or car with Inured warranty fl LAST CHANCE To register tor classes In KNITTING CROCHETING SMOCKING FINAL CLEARANCE All a PHILOAR YARNS SQUARE Georgetown fflmirr 1 BONANZA RULES How Each week the 8BQ appear in several f Rood the ads and to names of advert PPears Mai to BONANZA HERALD It bo picked and become bfo for Grand Draw for a Social Memberships NORTH HALTON GOLF CLUB LTD 1695 Swv Law SCOFF l SCOFF V Cuts SU Willi Mmkl LORNESAUTO BODY REPAIR PAINT SPECIAL ONLY 300 1 ITS THE REEL I FLETCHER SPORTS SsahHonmm PROPANE BARBECUE te8778277 2 WEEK SPECIAL CAROLS BEAUTY SALON NORMS AUTO REPAIRS ST 8776020 C0LEC0VISMN SALES OR RENTALS Ivideolllcta SERVICE CENTRE IfBSSAOHlCULIURAllOlllPMtlll DELREX ALUMINUM LTD SOFFIT FASCIA 5 EAVE1TR0UGKING ACTON PETFOOD SUPPLIES Pools Computerized Water Analysis