canine third best in Canada A HERALD Wednesday May II 1K3 Page JR out boxes contenders Rum Kilnerlsmlghtyproudofher boxer He recently aimed third top dog in hit breed bv the It group after reviewing the total point woo In various across country Trie award la one more achievement JR can add to a long lUt and now he I vying tor championship in the US Herald photo By CHRIS AAGAARD Herald Stilt Writer To dog fanciers means more than the conniving character on Dallas He a our year old boxer born and raised In who lweaked a few whiskers In the canine community by gal loping to a third place finish In the search or Canada top boxer of 1982 II one more honor to add to the trophy and plaque shelf in home of and Ian who live on the town line west of Inula Mrs Kilner has been raising boxers since the late 1960s She entered her first show dog In 1971 and since then she has had a string of successes with dogs she a raised The pre fix added to the show names of her dogs de notes quality and pick from a litter of her dogs Is pure gold to boxer en thus JRs official name is Image of Vader alter his father Darth Vader and be sides his Canadian he on his way to being declared a champ ion In the S as well JR earned best of awards in Michigan and Florida and he needs only four more of 15 points to get his American championship status But his Dogs in Canada third best boxer award is something which Mrs really cherishes and it a carefully pessed into a photo album achieve ments It not easy raising a show dog 11 becomes family affair with Mrs as the loving but thorough coach I started training him three months of age Mrs Kilner recalled Wc d take him down to Union Station in Tor onto walk him along University Avenue or jog along the Limehouse road where all the trucks arc just to get him used to people and noise There a a good WO hours of road work on JR Boxers arc related to bulldogs The breed was developed Mrs explained in the late 19th century At dog shows you 11 find boxers In the working group dogs which are noted for the work they do or did do at some point In history BOAR HUNTERS Germans favored them for bull bailing and boar hunting The practice of cropping or trimming away part of their cars for shows comes from their history as boar hunt dogs with shorter clipped ears there was Halton Hills Baha is decry ongoing persecution in Iran The Community of Hal Ion Hills has learn recently of alarming new developments in the campaign of persecution being directed at their i John Chair man of the Baha I com munlty of Hills said We recently learn thai the supreme tribunal in Iran had approved the death sent of more is and that three more Baha is were executed by hanging on March 12 including a woman Now we have been told by I headquarters at the United Nations that ihe Iranian authorities in to further terror lie the Baha will not release the names of those under sentence of death Thus even the 100 pris oners in Shlraz do not know which ones among them have been con or who will be next This barbaric psy torture is rem of Nazi tech Mr explained that the campaign of ex termination is being carr led out by the clergy in blatant defiance of world opinion as there have been many statements from the V sovereign governments and human Marian organizations condemning the regime s actions Canada s own unanimous Parliament resolution of July 1980 was the first such state men I by any government and was followed by others including both Houses of the S Congress late last year Another member of the Hal Ion Hills com mumly secretary Isa belle Weaver explained to The Herald that the Baha 1 Faith Is an indc pendent religion with consultative status at the United Nations which emphasizes the for world unity and is by such social teachings as the equality of men and women versa I education and the elimination of all forms of prejudice the 3 million is In the world today are one fifth of whom are of Indian or Inult background Some 300 Baha is live In Iran the of the Faith 140 imago been lit of a of mullahs who regard esc world mind id and strictly non poll ical lead i as a her clergy Itself is in the regime has set about its of destroying the 1 altogether by seizing and demolishing holy places centres and el erics and eating property They have killed elected mem of the community singly or In groups In an to terror ze the mass of Balm is re canting Faith The official total of Is executed by the regime since the beginning of I hi rcvolulion now stands at Approximately arc in prison and some arc Although largest rc- 11 smaller of Jews stuns and Zoroast nans is legal Over is have been put to death at the of clergy under the many regimes preceding is one AT STEVENSONS MENS WEAR MAY IS SUIT MONTH Our entire stock is reduced to HALF PRICE Bag Price SALE PRICE 15000 7500 I OO 11250 13250 27500 13750 14750 16250 21250 24750 69500 34750 I 1 SIZES 3850 The of ached lizard tail may provide researchers a better f ho kick Into high tar The thrashing an a who the lizard action and the same phenomenon that cum when long distance run nets break through Stevensons MENS WEAR Georgetown Market Place 8776661 young age of say five years JR is due to retire to a leisurely hedonistic lifestyle at the Kilner Sunset farm Dogs get tired of the ring Mrs Kline sola so I don l think will be doing much more in Already the sire of three litters has a good future ahead as a stud not to It about time for him to stay home Mrs and meet some new girlfriends less chance of a boar grabbing turning the chase around Having skipped puppy shows Mrs Kilner was ready to show JR at ten months of age Judges look at such things as stretch a particular profile with the rear legs back a bit from the torso CIGARSTUB And they also make sure that the short tittle cigar stub tall character of boxers Is straight up Judges also turn their attention to how well fronted the animal Is referring to the space between his front legs Even the snout is exam carefully to make sure the nose la slightly higher than the point where the snout meets the Breeders are also con that judges like obedient well behaved an Mrs Kilner prefers to order her bitches from England She says that British boxers ore noted for even temper and she likes to be sure of temp erament more lhan any thing They also tend to have nice thighs and feet Mrs added noting that these too are things which Judges will record at shows RETIREMENT But at the relatively rl J for special shoe fitting see THE ORTHOPAEDIC PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS Rotary Club winners were also honored at the Club a Monday night dinner the North Halloa Golf and Country Club The Rotary Anne team picked ISO for highest total for a team Presented with a cheque by Rotary Ctab president Rex are clockwise from lower right Susan Kaye Fryer tested Millie Marie Simpson and Mae Ward Cathy McGowaa npper right was named the most honest bowler Bad picked up other award winner not pictured arc Tom Haines 23 for gathering the most pledges Nancy ISO for highest total pintail ladles sad Ken Bellamy W for highest total family i4t4 which inly the MOTHERS YOUR CHILDRENS FEET NEED THE BEST With Eyes Like These Who Cares About Their Feet WE DO SUMMERTIME STYLES- FITS LIKE A SECOND SKIN COME THY THEM ON YOU WILL prices 98 START fc J FANTASTIC HURRY IN FOR I tarry Urge it tec Bon by Bntwn boot tor jjlrit tor boys AD AB sifts In narrow SELECTION Ml hi unify VALUE Compart PUetl COMFORT TrrQvrBttin SERVICE SPECIALIST IN FITTING CHILDRENS SHOES Alert to Foot ORTHOPAEDIC PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED 9 FORUUMEB LEVIS FOR MEN BUSTBt BROWN FORO bfeM5tiabw5aa3i5 HOURS OPEN 600PM THUHSFRI 900PM SATURDAY 530PM 8771664