Home Newspaper of Hills Established A of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited r tow 1 l6 r PHONE Ctiu MiM Number Operators must share the pride More often than not these days town council finds itself the arbitrator of disputes bet ween neighboring interests For years residents have all too frequently read of lengthy council debates about noise at the Canadian Yugoslavian centre and the Croatian centre On the one hand council has to deal with irate residents living near the centres who feel the noise is an intrusion on their lives on the other the owners of the centres have certain rights to do with the properties what they please Now council is being pressed for action particularly in do something about the shape of some of the wrecking yards which dot the rural landscape While some residents in the urban area look on the wrecking yard issue as tern ptest in hubcap it s of con irritation to many living the surrounding town ship We agree that wrecking yards are a fact of life in fast paced industrialized society which rolls on wheels And we d also say that at some point the Not In My syn has to stop But wrecking yard operators must share the pride the community in which they belong Surely they must realize that while wrecking yards are necessary they are somewhat contioversial there s a special onus on them to keep a clean operation to make wrecking yards an fending part of the neigh The issue as as the noise concerns at the two recreational centres in the rural area also show distur weaknesses in town bylaws and planning guidelines As soon as the town gets its house in order with regard lo the official plan currently being reviewed by the provin ce it should consider a com prehensive bylaw review to holes which seem to plug prolon prolong council debate and inaction Mr Clarks role Local Tories came back from the Conservative leader ship convention June 11 lamenting the loss of a courageous leader Joe Clark has many qualities Canadians like to see in their leader courage a dogged determination and honesty However with an image that was tarnished by winning then losing an election Mr Clark had to battle against a feeling that he was no longer able to lead the party without some doubt about his capabilities As lory supporter Fran Baines says He Joe Clark had a dream for Canada and as long as he can play a role he 11 want to be there Mr Clark has the background to be the ultimate kingmaker that was so talked about at the convention When a man is elected prime minister of Canada he owes his victory to many supporters and strategists Mr Clark seems the most capable of providing Mr with the ex perience he needs to win the next federal election If the Conservative can put aside their long standing dif and do their best to support a Joe Clark team the party should have a solid basis on which to launch their leader to victory Mr Mulroney has the image but Mr Clark has the know how Though he might be thought of as the man behind the curtain Joe Clark s role could be instrumental in the next federal election and long after What others sa One mans vision of Canadian unity By JIM STEELE Love of country entails a giving of one self belter serve the national interest and at the same time being sensitive to regional concerns It requires more than token lip service There must be a continuing caring and doing by both individuals and groups A caring and doing that is selfless and as much as is humanly possible is free of prejudices and hangups While certain concerns of aos are either rural or urban centred it will surprise many to find that most concerns are peopleorientated rather than regionalorientated It is only by establishing a dialogue can we become more aware of common concerns and in some Instances find solutions The dialogue established will be done by the meeting of people from across the country the twinning of newspapers weekly with weekly dolly with dally urban with urban and rural with rural and other ways to be establish The meetings would be held In a different province each time and In way people would become acquainted first hand with other regions people and problems What I have to say ore my personal feelings They may not necessarily find agreement with everyone but at least it is a starting point My name and address la Jim Steele 2313 Islington Avenue Apt No M8W3XI This is merely stated in order that people are Interested can write to me and offer if they wish to help Somewhere along the way we either lost or in some cases never developed a real love of country The barn raising days seem to have disappeared The pioneer days when a persons barn or house burned down and the neighbors gathered together to rebuild without any thought of pay was truly caring Many Just cannot seem get out of their easy chairs and Rive of themselves or community and country One way of establishing a dialogue between regions is to twin newspapers and to have the staff and their readers exchange thoughts and concerns that is a daily with a dally a weekly with a weekly an urban with an urban and a rural with a rural For example you could twin a newspaper from British Columbia with one from an eastern province and so on Editorials and articles from one would be published in the other twinned paper Letters from the readers of one paper would be published in Its opposite number This would enable people In different parts of the country to become familiar with what is going on and bothering people In other parts of the country I really dan think that we Canadians know enough about tho rest of the country I always read with interest about the meetings organized by Cyrus Eaton In Nova Scotia Then I started to th why couldn t meetings bo held of nary Canadians face to face to talk about our country and to listen to people from different parts of It Rather than have a permanent meeting place like why not meet in a different province each time Why not have part of the meeting the other part of each gathering be held in an urban setting In a letter that I received from a chap In Quill Lake Saskatchewan he expresses the thought but if we only listen to the pessimists and hang our heads down all we 11 ever see is dirt I would like to see Canadian history taught In such a manner as to put an emphasis on ordinary people and what they went through In order to settle our land Pointing out the crisis that the early pioneers and homestead era went through Always keeping In mind Ihosewbogavethelr lives either insettlingorlnconfllct History as it is taught now seems to emphasize dates battles etc It seems to lose track of the fact that it was very real peoplo of many backgrounds that had the and foresight to go out and do things that very few would do today Strikebreaking emotional issue that goes on forever Because everybody starts from premises when they talk about It strikebreaking is one of those emotional and unbridgeable Issues that goes on forever That a why Labor Minister Ramsay a bill here to outlaw profess I strikebreaking is going to have only a minimum Impact on what Is an increasingly contentious issue After all the Ontario Labor Relations Board has already ruled that espionage by employers through hired hands such as security firms is an unfair labor practice And most people likely would agree with that decision as well as with Ramsay bill Employers would be forbidden to hire people to interfere with a legal strike or lockout or engage In rela misconduct such as Inlimidall on or surveillance Yet that doesn I go to the heart of the dispute as union leaders and NDP leader Bob instantly pointed out NDP VIEW As long as employers can hire people to replace workers and carry on the integrity of the picket line can be disregarded and we still have a problem Rae told reporters But even forbidding the hiring of new employees would not be enough for New Democrats They have a private member bill before he Legislature that goes further It would forbid the movement of goods produced before a strike out of a plant during a strike It would also allow union representatives to inspect the work premises In short it would basically turn a company property over to a union for the duration a strike The theory that seems to underlie view is that employees have vested rights In their Jobs The Jobs long not to the company but to the people who fill them NEW ANGLE It is the same assumption that lies behind the NDP s insistence that a company can not move or close unless it Justifies Itself to a combination of government and union bureaucrats One either accepts these premises or one doesn If one doesn and no owner of an enterprise does accept that he or she loses the right to do with their own property what they will Ihen the stage Is automatically set for conflict True many big bureaucratic cor poratlons such as the auto companies simply shut down during a strike But the bitter strikes where the owner hires replacement employees Involve a person who built a company up from nothing and would sooner see it fold than have a union tell him or her what to do And where the clash comes in on the picket line Pickets are supposed to be simply Informational in nature transmitting a message from employees on Strike to all those who want to enter the premises In practice they Intimidate The threat of violence always lurks below he surface of a picket line This is why unions are infuriated by the company tactic of videotaping the entrance to a plant where strike breakers are employed If pickets get violent they can be Identified and charged The unions call videotaping Intimidation The strikebreaking Issue is going to be with us as long as owners retain rights to their companies Difference between parenting and Child Care Instructors To the editor of The Herald Regarding Mr comm contrary to his opinion a reliable source because be is 22 and male but not In regard to Ihe Issue of Canada Pension Plans and Child Education Instructors which was the subject of my letter June 1st Your subject deals with the relationship between children and parents which If you II reread my article I agree wholeheartedly with If that had been the issue I would have expounded my views You did not state If you were a Child Education Instructor or a parent nor did you express your view on the Canada Pension Plan The position you took was that of child reaction to a fear of losing their parents I was discussing Child Hon Instructors and their private plus their being publlcally recognized for their contributions and experience in and to society You seem to consider that the Child Education Instructor Is being selfcentered wanting unjustly to be considered contributing in a way to society that should be benefited and recognized Child Education Instruct may be self assertive and self assured but proven not selfcenter I consider negative views on this subject by persons with paying Jobs as such I hough You rightfully misinterpreted my article because of the title Parenting requires Benefits This was chosen by editor as he did not have space to print what my subject concerned Child Education Instructors Deserve Benefits The subject as I staled fiat I was dealing is Should Child on Instructors be recognized as in a beneficial way to Society And Sir the word SOCIETY can not possibly be taken from the dictionary description as too literal I II repeat It The system of community life In which Individuals form a continuous and regulatory association for their mutual benefit and protection That is the meaning of Society or least tho English language as printed in dictionaries is my frame of reference for description You can try and misinterpret It if It makes you more comfortable to justify your views Mr Derek Nclion and majority of paying Job career persons believe tho Child Education Instructor do not fit tie above description You loo In fact give the Impression that ho women In your life are strictly a Citizens Forum mother and or wife figure to you and that they should not be anything else but Wrong Sirl We arc individual women first who if we decide to personally raise our children deserve the protection recognition of experience for future and benefits for our during and after our jobs of strictly Child Education Instructors ore over These rights are now unquestionably afforded to other careers Parenting is what you were describing I was discussing Child Education Instructors There Is a difference A parent is what persons become when their child is born It means progenitor You are his and it lasts a lifetime A Child Education Instructor title given a Job description For you see two persons may become parents but not choose the career of one personally raising their chosen child They have the option of also paying to have their offspring attended by strangers Day Care centres etc or in private homes A Child Education Instructors main job finishes when child begins school for as I stated In my article that time they have been taught to be mobile articulate toilet trained viduals and have received he I parents values morals and sense of family stability since infancy The school Instructors teachers receiving the Child Education Instructors finish product can only expound on facets of life already that hove been taught And as I also stated Society and parents think nothing of paying wages and benefits to secure teachers child attendants babysitters and day care operators futures A child education instructor If receiving deserving benefits for rail ing their children would not become void of any emotional involvement would not lose nil meaning for the words caring and loving as you slated After all they do this job now and receive a negative response Imagine the further uplifting positive results they d develop about thenuelv and their careers and the new respect the next generation would have for the C I or women if they were considered by society by being legally recognized as fulfilling a career that Is beneficial to all For Instance Never again might you hear In a social setting do you work I always ask do you have a paying or a nonpaying job For most adults work some Just do not receive payment for their jobs Or when you answer that you are a Child Education tor it will be nice to find that Ihe people are interested In your work and discussing it with you Majority of times they 11 politely say Oh when they discover the meaning then move on to discuss more Important such as theirs and their wage etc Advertising stereotyping of eg the apologetic women for a man having dirtied his collar could vanish from memory Intelligence and respect would replace this attitude Women would no longer have to fight for and the children learning from them would develop a new sense of worth and pride In this career that could only benefit all My point is lhat unless the career of Child Education Instructor is fairly and respectfully by the general workforce you will see parents more and more often after the ma tern leave expires giving their infanta over to others to be attended by As I stated in my opening you are a reliable source of what a young year old male feels regarding parent and I hope wbenif you have children lhat one of you choose the career of Child Education Instructor rather than paying child attendants or Institutions Because a life time business career all its public acceptance and benefits would be naturally more Maybe by that lime a Child Education Instructor will have become a respected career receivlngltsjustbenefltt and mothers will also be allowed to be women Just as fathers with paying Jobs are accepted as well rounded family men Sincerely Margi Gibson Shield Acton Letters to the Editor The Herald welcomes letters the editor It la of utmost Importance that all part of letter are clearly legible Letters must be signed and Include Ihe telephone number and address of the sender THIRTY YEARS AGODue to the Toronto exhibition running over on to the usual Georgetown Fair date it was necessary to change the date of the fair year to the first Friday and Saturday in October While this will be a decided change for local during past ten years it is hoped to revert to the usual date another year However Georgetown Fair has been held successfully on October dates In years gone by and this year should be no exception Plans for a big show are well underway and at a recent meet Judges were Invited and some changes made In the cattle and light horse section It Es hoped to have a showing of Western horses this year as well as the usual fine light horse show While the flower show may be affected by the late date it is hoped exhibitors will try to preserve their flowers If at all possible It will however give he school children a better chance to get their exhibits ready after the holidays It Is hoped that the Coronation Year Fair will be one of the best in the history of the Agricultural Society TWENTY FIVE YEARS on of the Moore farm on western highway entrance to town which was recently purchased by a syndicate headed by contractor Harold Is number one choice as a site for the Georgetown hospital Appearing before council Monday Mr showed a sketch of the proposed layout of an area which would Include be hospital and industrial and residential sections He asked the town to Install a trunk sewer line to a point along the CNR rightofway from which the subdivision would relay its own sewer lines Town engineer William Carr explained lhat it would be more economical to sewer the property in this manner than to approach the property from an existing trunk in the river valley and that the trunk would parallel similar situations on other subdivisions like and Swanek where similar action had been taken The Moore site is being considered with two others and Is preferred by the hospital building committee TEN YEARS town- house development on a 15acre parcel of land behind the Georgetown Market Centre was proposed to council Mon day night Fred Elscn a director of Four Seasons Hotels Ltd told council the plan he showed it was the one now being built in Sarasota Florida and was not exactly what was planned here He said there would be an abundance of green belt and a max mum of IS townhouses to an acre Levy of J C I Realty owners of the Market Centre said there would be foui acres left for expansion of the market If townhouses were built In Road and Sinclair Avenue triangle Coun Hunter pointed out this land Is the only vacant commercial land in the town Mr Levy replied that he doubted the town could support another is acres of commerd al development Coun Levy raised the question of traffic In the already crowded area Mr replied that the town house development would be separate from he Mtrket Centre screened by landscaping and having separate entrances Em Hyde suggested the development take place In two or three phases There no way we can have units In one bash he said ONE YEAR AGO Relief Is in sight for motorists tired of the boneJarring ride along Guelph Street between Drive and Sinclair Avenue Phase of the giant four phase Street reconstruction project will be complet In July the towns engineering department told The Herald Monday with the last coat of asphalt to be laid In about two weeks Since construction began last year to widen the stretch of road adding left turn lanes at Road and the Hills Shopping Plaza motorists have grumbled about bottlenecks and slow east and west along Guelph Street Traffic lights and left turn lanes have also been added at the Sinclair Intersection In the million phase of project Deputy town engineer Ted explained that there Is some remedial work which must be done on Road North and South near the intersection before the last coat of asphalt Is laid Traffic along Mountainview Road will be briefly Inconvenienced as construction crews excavate a section of the road near the Canada station and another near the Scotia Bank to replace material which heaved during the spring thaw POETS CORNER SORRY I m sorry for whatever It was did us In It suddenly dawned on me that the pains were the price of broken heart The doors lock behind me never to be reopened A one way away from yog Id hold on IT there was any chance that yon would rush to catch up to stand with me but that a dreaming the continues