Page SECTION A THE HERALD Wednesday July 11 Survival found in export sales LARRY THIBAULT Continued from page Al for years now Mr said Now we have to try harder and be smarter to reach the magic of a quality product no rejects or recalls a growing reputation a reduced Invent and a good workforce attitude In addition to dispensing with the harddriving my thehigh way manager worker employer relationship the CMA says there are other things which Canadian firms must do to grow and survive A report from the European Man Forum a research institute based in Europe indicates that Canad Ian firms are reluctant to explore export markets In a survey of ten western nations Canada ranks last In the average annual growth of foreign But the among whose mem bcrs are some of the country largest corporations as well as very small firms says Canadian firms must sell more abroad leaving the shelter of domestic markets which may have been protected by special tariffs TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE In the global village Mr Thib- said technology is extremely important and could determine which companies make It internationally and flounder as markets are gobbled up by ewer but more aggressive businesses Some Jobs he acknowledged will become obsolete with technological changeovers However the demand for many types of technological dove from computers to sophlstl robotics Is opening other career opportunities he argued By its increasing productivity and governments turning more funds Into research and development firms will be- able to invest more in new- technology There must also be new ways of thinking when comes to financial management Mr said The CMA says that high interest rates of 1380 and have taught businesses he dangers of debt financing The solution is to build equity while shrinking debt In addition Canada should do what it can to attract investment rather than scare il off especially as new sources of are increasingly hard to find and the competition for It becomes extremely fierce In budget preparation business departments will have to take Inflation more into account Indicating real Income after inflation figures Tax departments the CMA says must know how to use an increasingly complex corporate ax system to their firms advantage Meanwhile Mr said governments must back away from policy making which interferes with trade and investment Recently Mr com governments have been centralized to the point where hey tend to do their own thing Such things as the aggressiveness of he National Energy Policy and the Foreign Investment Review Agency proved disruptive Mr said But during the recession govern ment became mare sensitive to the views of manufacturers he said The manufacturers government who will create Jobs Now there a lot more concern with the efforts of business to Improve productivity The last budget presented by federal finance minister Marc In April contained elements which pleased the CMA Mr Thlbault said because it Improved the climate Tor Investment in general SMALLER FIRMS HAVE ROLE There Is room in the global village for small and large firms Mr Thlbault said but some roles may change Larger firms with more resources will probably get a larger share of certain international markets Smaller firms will continue to serve local markets or because of their flexibility move quietly Into areas not easily handled by larger firms which may need more lime to re- tool and make other adjustments Far smaller firms be said there room for somebody who smart and quick While there arc dramatic changes foreseen the future of manufacturing In Canada remains demanding cnging and exciting Mr Thlbault Survival will depend on the right combination of sound marketing and human resources management train ing and research and sound financial Juveniles responsible for most breakins Shots hit barn as students play Two town men were charged with care less use of a firearm this weekend when the lives of children were Three rifles and amm were seized from a residence to the east of Halton Riding Stable at 1470 Stcoles Avenue Fri day The barn and a mobile home at the stable were peppered with shots from the rear of Hie home next door while children who d booked the premises for the day played In the area and used the pool Halton rcgionalpollcesald Fort unatety nobody was hurt Need police If the Montenegrin Cult ural Society hires off duty police town council won t object to the province granting the group a spec occasion liquor license July The group plans to hold a picnic for a few hundred people at the Canadian- Yugoslavian Brotherhood property south of Acton on Highway There were no comp laint about noise from nearby residents during a larger celebration July 3 bylaw enforcement offic er Jack Lusty told council In a report Monday night but he advised that future celebrations include paid offduty police officers Brotherhood rep Cajlc told council he did think It necessary to hire policemen for the July event but council insisted that at least one police officer be retained He said that the police department Insists on two for any event policed by offduty officers Council also said It would not endorse liquor permits for two other occasions planned this summer and that Mr Cajlc would have to apply for each separately Called to the scene at Friday seven police officers sealed off the neighboring residence and searched it al 7 p m The two accused had fled the area prior to police sealing It off Staff Sgt Lea Graham said The two men and years surrendered to police Saturday at 10 30 p The 20year old Mcadowvale man Is the son of the woman living east of the stable Staff Sgt Les Graham said the woman was ab sent at the time of the shooting He said police were unaware of any dispute between the neighbors The two men appear In Milton provincial court Aug 15 Herald Writer In 1931 onefifth of the businesses in Hills were broken Into In five years time at this rate every business wilt have been broken into at least once unless a stop Is put to the break Ins regional police crime prevention officer Bob said Tuesday night Speaking to about local businessmen attend the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce- Hal ton regional police sponsored seminar on crime prevention Const said break Ins are a bigger problem In town than vandalism EASY TARGET What is a thief looking for An easy target con by poor security and Improper lighting The majority of break ins are by juveniles to years old and very seldom by adults Const said The thefts happen after closing hours when no body around Darkness is the perfect cover for hem cutting down on criminals visibility he said GOOD LIGHTING The more they can be seen the less they II hang around your place and wilt move elsewhere Const said recommending ample lighting inside and out side business establish ments including above rear doors and alleyway windows Lighting also helps officers see around buildings more easily on their nightly checks He said merchants should be trying to dls courage criminals from coming to their premises by increasing the security of their building with quality locks You have to try and Increase the amount of time needed for them to break into your business Const said Look at your locks some just need a credit card to let In a thief in a matter of seconds Other locks a thief can put a pipe wrench to them and pull the whole locking device out he said Dead bolt locks with a oneInch throw were recommend as the most secure The time required to tackle them will discour a thief from his mission Windows arc the most vulnerable part of any business establishment and most can be secured for cents Const told his a ten live audience onto alleyways back of the property not visible to clients should be barred Bars on your windows They don t look I nil si BULK that ureal sure but do you need to keep the alleyway pretty Const said tor businesses with safes he suggested bolt the Bate to the floor Why not keep the safe visible he said Thiev don want to work on it right by the Illuminated front window visible to everybody Thieves want to get in as easily they can and out as fast as possible Some operate on the smash and grab prin ciple which makes build security room with a solid core door and three deadbolt locks a good Idea for thwarting them Const suggested putting one lock on the top one on the bottom and one of the security room To make simple to lock up nights he said valuable machines should be kept on casters so lhat they can easily be rolled Into the security room As the seminar turned to alarms buyers were told to check out the quality of the equipment and make sure It Under writers Laboratories of Canada approved That means ll been extensively tested Alarm buyers should alio make sure there a system staffed seven days a week ready to alert police when the alarm rings Businesses are encour aged to join Operation Provident a police pro gram which marks valu ables in a business with a registered number This assists in recovery property anywhere in Canada w information lion officer contact Bob or a business security ext check by a crime pre en ALL SUMMER STOCK MUST BE SOLD The Ladies Fashion Place in Downtown Georgetown 90 Main Street South 8770822 Factory EXTERIOR ACRYLIC LATEX latex gloss HOUSE TBIM PNV GEORGETOWN DECORATING CENTRE Georgetown Market Place SERVING THE DECORA TING NEEDS OF 877 93 I