SECTION A THE Wednesday AuRuit It Volunteers versus paid firefighters Our consensus theres not much difference Herald Writer There no much difference between a volunteer firefighter and a paid one accord man who is both Bob Paul started out as a volunteer fire fighter eight years ago in Georgetown In he was hired as a fire fighter by the Township of Vaughan He also a captain with the Hal ton staffed fire departments can offer owns an ad vantage The advantage or the volunteers is we have more manpower at a fire With f you only have three or four men to a truck and that can I old you back Mr Paul said lis easier to fight a fire with the volun leers because we have more manpower with the Halton Hills firefighters The following feature about the firelight of Halton Is the fourth in a series as Herald reporter takes an Indepth took at the and rewards of being a member the volunteer force Hills firefighters There a not really much difference I though there would be but between this depart In Hills and my full time depart there not much d in the way a fire Is fought Mr Paul said He works for the station City of Toronto fire fighter and Georgetown resident Doug agreed When the alarm goes off we re all equal The dedication Is right there 100 per cent Mr Fan- agon a 17 year veteran said In the old days volunteers were bucket brigades Today they re right up there with tbe modern fire fighter The equipment at the Georgetown and Acton stations are as up-to- date as any in a station with paid firefighters he noted The Toronto fire de partment is one of the most modern In equip ment and Halton Hills is right there with us with their pumper and aerial trucks Mr said They have an excellent res cue squad which Is big than I seen In some other squads Despite being more than twice as big as Hills in ion City of Toronto has only two rescue squads he compared DIFFERENCE The major difference Mr noted be tween paid and leer firefighters is the amount of time ailoted for training and the practical experience You can learn more from practical and In the bigger cities you have more fires to go to he said Volunteer firefighters train once a week and sometimes hold ices weekends as well Paid firefighters have drills and practices every day as they pass time around the flrehall wailing for firecalls to come in In Hills most fire calls take only minutes to resolve and the big destructive fires Fire scene quiet Firelighters had a week holiday this past week Deputy fire chief Bob Hyde said Ihe depart had received no calls all week a most unusual occurrence However volunteer There are volun teers with the Halton with the Georgetown station and 35 in Acton I really enjoy work ing w thine Halton Hills volunteers These guys are real professionals Mr Paul said They re gung ho really want to do something for the town and they really enjoy and helping people ENJOY IT It not a Job for Ihem They enjoy doing it and ihe enthusiasm there is Just fantastic he said There not near as much enthusiasm wtlh the full time firefighters as with Ihe volunteers Mr Paul compared He said problem was that full timers sometimes lack work around the and will use the lime to sit around and complain about their Job The more they sit around the more bilch Mr Paul laugh ed Most of crews work pretty steadily whether it be at prac or inspections but still have lime where they re sitting and It can get to you With the volunteers they have to make an effort to be together for practices and social occasions The closeness and trust between the men exists within both volun teer and paid forces Mr Paul said Id go anywhere with the guys on my crew same as with the volun teers he said An Acton volunteer for years Area 1 district chief All believes here s more dedication from a volunteer brigade lhan a paid one I would hope see it always stay a volun leer brigade in Halton Hills myself he said I think it been proven In some cities where gone to too many paid and now re leaning back to volunteers With paid firefighters there a tendency for the men to be designs I TOP BUD HAINES DURHAM ST 3302 WHOLESALE UGHTOG CENTRE Largs Lighting ax parts on hind Ext lull rang of icloillupptiM Start your evening of TV entertainment with Cable your community nights waefc Tussday to Friday Call us 101 I at firelighters in still with them We do the some Specialization that s true in United wages alone at a year you d have five paid people whereas for thai amount of money we have BO Halton Hills fire chief Bill Cunningham said The chief is loyal to his volunteer staff having been a vului himself since 19G8 I would put our vol up against any freighters Dedication Is big factor Our people arc dedicated and that shown in their doing the job for 400 year They have pride in being firefighters Chief Cunningham said As long as we have this community spirit and interested in helping the community have volunleer According to 19 1 on par Hills as far as population goes paid men f fin j Belleville has paid staff and no tiers Richmond Hill has fl paid and Pickering has paid and volunteers Hills is Ihe largest in Ontario with a volunteer force eh said I say volunteers will be here quite a while prevention Inspectors to Mr Paul said But do home school need more lire business inspections ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS DD YOU HAVE A DRHKHG COME TO ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Fit Em Country DRY CLEANING SAME DAT DRY CLEANING SERVICE 8770387 HILLS SHOPPING CENTRE GEORGETOWN BASEBALL ASSOCIATION DANCE Dave HOLY CROSS AUDITORIUM FRIDAY AUGUST 2683 1OOAM A COUPLE FOR TICKETS CALL 8776792 I rcflghters If you re a hose man you re a hose man he said Being a leer you have to be pretty versatile and acquire knowledge of everything do with You get a broader scope of the fire field and an opportunity to work with thing which is something some of these paid men never have Ihe paid ones Volun get the same train as the paid and they re just as good Mr Bailey said He also voiced the concern thai big department firelight learn Just one duty in say how louse the where as volunteers have know a about every thing Toronto firefighter Doug dls The Optimist Clubs of North Halton present TV BINGO Starts Tues Sept 6 1983 and each Tuesday at 6 Tune In To Halton Cable 4 All proceed to Youth Community StvcoM In North Haton Sdoocflv DANCE ST GEORGE S Georgetown INFORMATION 581 FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS CANADIAN THEATRES A GEORGETOWN 3 El El SI THEATRE FOR jjj INFORMATION 8776232 3RD BIG WEEK Sun Ml it a gl Y0R Herald photo Slates In the City of Toronto all firefighters ore trained for any piece of equipment in the hall whether the aerial or pumper he said And all lire- ore claw drivers Hills 80 volun cost I he town BOO in 1963 If you were to equate that to paid people in Choose it Charge it TILDEN Rojd Just Got Better with great fitting Jeans- and your chance for extra Scratch in the pocket of your new Jeans- How Simply scratch the contest form your with each purchase and you could Instantly Win Your SmuU Jeans FREE 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