tt HALUHWEN SPECIALS October a October 31 st 1983 fit l HI flu EVEN WITCHES AND GOBUNS CAN USE OUR HELP Lets Be Careful Out There Monday Is the night when all those little ghosts and goblins come out to roam our town If youre intending to send your little ghoul out this Monday please make sure he or she wears something bright Its hard for an oncoming car to spot a small child In the dark Headlights reflecting off bright clothing are more visible than off dark clothing If you can use make up for the kids Instead of a mask A mask can oh- struct the childs vision SOME SUGGESTIONS Make sure young children are properly chaperoned No pieces of loose clothing dragging on the ground that kids might trip over and not too bulky or too tight Inform kids not to go through dark alleys or on unlit streets Avoid crossing busy streets Make use of the sidewalks and crosswalks Avoid unlit homes Have your children on shell out In sale areas familiar to them If they are going out by themselves HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY HALLOWEEN KI4G Barber Henley Ltd 8772466 Wesley St MACKENZIE AIL YOUR HOME WHO MAS IT7U0T HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY HALLOWEEN FROM VARIAN CANADA I Downtown 8772214 THE EXCHANGE TAVERN CTKJngSL T5 HAPPY HALLOWEEN PLEASE DRIVE CAREFULLY BESTWAYAUTOBODY COLLISION LTD I HALTON HILLS COMMUNITY LEGAL CLINIC 8775256 I WllbCompllnwnto DOMINION SEED HOUSE r DRIVE SAFELY YOUNG DRIVERS OF CANADA DENNYS INSURANCE ACTON ONTAM HAJTYHAUOWEBT