HALLOWEEN SPECIALS October 1W1 Page IS POETS CORNER Support highest in the world gai When you give to CEF the official UN childrens agency the worlds poorest children receive the basic necessities of life food clean water medi cine and education In many countries around the world the very que stion of survival is one that children face every day The first five years of a childs life are the most Important ones It during this time that jjlnety per cent of a childs brain and fifty per cent of a childs body are formed If a childs basic needs are not met he could die or never develop fully In fact last year young children died not as a result of war or natural disaster but because of the com bination of malnutrition and preventable Infec tion For every child that died six more live on hungry and sick This emer gency It does not make headlines but the lack of food and clean drinking water inade quate medical care and the unavailability of social service together constitute the greatest threat to the survival of over one billion chil dren In 1902 over million children and their mothera benefitted from donations made to CEF Canada The Uvea of hundreds of thous ands of children were saved and their futures were made brighter than they would other wise have been Each dollar provided to pro jects in developing countries by is matched by CIDA Canadian International Development Agency and this total is then matched again by the country being assisted In goods and services Keep being By MARLOWE C DICKSON SUPPING Each day I slip Not far but irretrievably Once believed you slowed my descent but now I slip Irreversibly Was It wrong reaching out just once I slip By MARLOWE DICKSON 1 LOOK BOTH WAYS BEFORE CROSSING THE STREET TRAVEL IN GROUPS 3 INTO STRANGERS HOUSES EAT TREATS UNTU YOUR PARENTS CHECK THEM WEAR LIGHT COLOURED FLAME RESISTANT COSTUMES Have Your C Ready Support Halloween These children In rural Ecuador will never know the Tun of But they do know the pain of poverty hunger and disease can help ease pain If the dont come to door this Halloween send the money you might have donated to today Help make It a happy Halloween for ail children Yes I would like to help this Halloween Enclosed Is my donation of Name Address SEND TO Canada Prov Postal Code ML Pleasant Toronto Ontario M4S2L9 TAKE A TOUR OF MCDONALDS and see what goes on behind the scenes Great for groups of all ages To reserve your tour call McDonalds at 8770221 leSrmCM Win McDonalds Gift Certificates And Watches rases HALLOWEEN SWIM FRIDAY OCT 28th GEORGETOWN INDOOR POOL J JO EVERYONE IS INVITED