SECTION A THE HERALD Wednesday November I pa mi type per bo type ta Html type and Happy Adi im Tundifi Phone you FOR RENT Spacious family home on quiet cres per mo Peter or Yvonne HELP WANTED Part time apply The Old Glen Mill 586 Mam St Glen Williams 877 1351 6539n44nf LOST DOG Yorkshire Terrier lost in GreystonePenning ton area last Friday Tag No 209 Reward 877 6541n344nf FOR SALE pee fr provincial chesterfield suite 400 877 WHY NOT change your life right now Know your good and bad days in ad Send lor your 1984 Bio rhythm forcast in time for mas Send your name address date of birth year with cheque or money or der for 5 payable to AWARE Enterprises 38 Acton 649044news FOR RENT bung with garage close to schools Go Transit Avail Dec 1 or 877 3410 656144n Letters to the editor Who is ahead To the editor or The Herald Who is ahead Who is nd Must we keep up It Is time that these kind of men is for continuing the arms race were stop ped No one in the peace movement Is saying that we should scrap every weapon we have while the Soviets do nothing What is critical now is to stop producing more weapons and to convince world leaders on all sides that It is they who arc standing in the way of what everyone on earth surely wants global nuclear disarm and prevention of the almost inevitable holocaust Time Is short If you stand behind him in this initiative say so Yours truly Janet Duval Taylor thanks election help I would like to take this opportunity through your newspaper to convey my sincere thanks to the residents or Ward In the town of Hills who supported me at the polls on October Very special thanks go to those people who helped with my campaign by door knocking mail box stuffing passing the word recommending me to others providing information and advice allowing my signs on heir lawn and generally encouraging me in every way Each candidate entered the election race or his or her own reason but also realising hat he or she would have to represent all of Ward and not Just the area in which the candidate lives So congratulating Jake on his successful campaign I would ask him to remember he issues that concern residents throughout Ward and during the next two years strive to address those issues and be truly representative of the people Tony Taylor To the editor of The Herald On Friday Oct I reported that there dead trees in of railing and thus causing property damage or killing or injuring somebody These trees are on Town property This situation has been reported on previous occasions When I reported this situation to the Hat ton Hills works I was told hat there would be no money available to cut down the trees until January The gentleman who took my call told me that the town was aware of the problem and that there similar proble In other parts of Georgetown I then asked if the own could be held responsible and there fore liable should the trees fall causing damage Injury or death I was told the act of God clause would protect the town against any claim made against it I then asked If the town would still be protected If they informed by letter In advance of any possible occurrence of the above situation his experience the town was always covered by the act of God clause If what this gentleman says is true then It Is a very sad situation when the own can behind the act of God clause in order to evade responsibility and at the same time I would be so bold to suggest that if he town were to need some money so hat some of the town councillors might attend a conference then the money would be found I dare to go one step further and suggest that if one of the councillors or works employees lived near a similar threatening situation that action would be taken right away Something should be done about this and other threatening situations around Ilalton Hilts Life and come before the pocket book Come on you councillors show us that you really care more about people than you do about money This is not to suggest that the town councillors do not about he people they represent but It does suggest hat sometimes someone has to light a firo beneath hem In order that they sit up and take notice M Marshall Kinsmen lottery The Kinsmen have undertaken to raise MOO through the Lot of Hope nana Id McDonald Chairman Gerry Connolly report cd that over of the 500010000 tickets had been sold and he was confident that all tickets will be sold by the December draw date Zellera Zellera Multivitamins Dally With Iron Multivitamins tablets tablets on ray- frA 2 Bags Of Zellera Absorbent 100 jumbo si mgula balls Showtr Ql Good Pack at Great Prices GEORGETOWN MARKET PLACE OPEN SATURDAYS UNTIL 900 PM