Herald Scoreboard lawn k Gull Marc Boucher Ryan Martin ABb Sandy vidian Andre Craig Robert Top ping Join Brian Mark Paul Halt Michael Gaunt lata Michael 3 Matt Mirk 9 With Jeffrey Jan Ander ten Robbie Brad Spoarat Martin McLood Antita Sieve Brad Spoara A lei Clarke I Richard llemeaey Martin Ken Stave Hobble Aaron McLaughlin Jeffrey ileum Steve Helot Optimlucloba Paul Kevin Atalita Ryan G Thane David Mario Vrndllti Neil Scud Goali 3 Trevor Tommy Blair Mirk Brian Rolph Auitu Paul Ingram Hughe Wade Mcliaic I Shannon Paul Glen AnJenwo Thorn 3 Glen Anderion Hen- Mwtege I Martin Spun Robbie Moncton Clarke Adam Steve Pederion Jeffrey Ileum Bonneville mi Scott Burke Bonneville Jason J Clary Mike Vermis Matthew Kokel Kclman li Dockerayl Bryan Kennedy Bruce Bruce Ken Morrow Dave David J Aiiiili Service I Goal Cory Young Katsoi 3 Robert Tope J Richardson turn Mark David Craig Blair MikeySlkora Tommy Trevor Metvcdt Grant Blaine Kennedy Willi mi Electric David Kaltarikl 1 Crowe Col Cam KoUoa J Robert Topping Sandy Davldaon Cory May Andrew Ellneaky I Joan David Paul Sandlfer KevtnLumbl Paul Kevin David Doer my Sullivan Loke Aiiliti Jim Bobby Campbell Danny Billy Sullivan Jimmy Kavanagh Changes for local soccer II Is that lime of year again folks Hello After the winter hibernation we pop our heads out from our holes in the ground and begin to prepare for the soccer season ahead Senior and youth male and female alike turn our thoughts to warmer weather and running up down the fields chasing the wee bailie pitting our strengths and skills against each other Youth soccer in Georgetown Is undergoing a problem spell It seems with a shortage of bodies last year more than Invitations were sent to the coaches and managers to attend the end of season meeting Nine attended It is reported that for 1984 there Is a shortage of coaches True yet there still has been no registration of coaches This usually takes place on the same days as player registration I maintained whilst an executive that we should register coaches and managers separately from players We should register coaches first aha Iben we would know how many players registered LACKING COACHES Too often we found that there was a lack of coaches for the numbers of players signed There was a great scramble to find people to look after the teams In an odd case we had to find a coach after the season had begun a system that causes a great deal of work I can recall that members of the executive made over 150 calls to try to find three or four coaches without success Over the years we have sacrificed quality for quantity It is all very well to achieve registration numbers around the mark It is not well when we do not ha ve the proper coaches to look after these numbers Too often we are left with willing hands who do not have the knowledge or skills to teach the kids how to play It Is part of the club current program to lake part in coaching clinics as never before and bodies are needed tor this purpose It may well be that the presently qualified coaches give thought to recruiting for their own ranks and develop coaching within yet separate from the club self On Thursday tomorrow evening at Cedar- vale you may have the opportunity to volunteer your services or otherwise take part budget meeting The senior Inter County Recreational league is also preparing for the season with their spring budget meeting to be held In Milton as usual on Thursday Feb the league la considering a radical change In the ploying schedule following a mandate from the annual meeting last November Several cosmetic changes were made to the constitution resulting In increasing the executive to lessen the workload of the previous members Last year executive were returned to the board with one or two changes in position The Meteor soccer club announce the date of their spring dance as Saturday Feb li and It will likely be another smash hit GEORGE LEAVING The Falcons are attempting some changes this year to achieve on and off the field success George Balncs and Sam Inglls are spearheading the team fortunes this season This means that George Is leaving the youth fold and Dave takes over last year junior squad The club should be going Into the gym soon The referees association announce official recognition at Peel Ha I ton District as a major achievement in 1983 together with an unpreceden- Several were at the District finals and many new young ones camo through the training systems There is a meeting at Elaine and Luc Bertram 34 Irs tow on Monday Feb with some unfinished financial business to be clearedandtoreglsterforthiscomrngsesson The association Intend to register at the OSA for those who are qualified to do pop in Next week I hope to be able to give you the youth executive and rep and house league situations as well as same important dates See you later Goala Greg Baldwin Kevin Patrick Metvedl Robbie Copland Kevin Patrick Mike Mellon Tim DepeoMtUhi So ha Stephen Muffler I Shawn Curry Leigh Baker John Shawn Curry Richard Cook Goal Bernard Vend Ill Aailil Mite Toy tie Go It Grant Claude Johmion Lome Brown Robert Walkers AuliU Shane Cowbtouih Robert Craig Claude JtJiu- Randy Barrett Lome Brown Kevin Grant Dave San Peter Gombct Aailili Eric Bradbury Dive Dan Jamie Derek Milli Paul Don- Aniila Goal Darren Gray Auitt AdamMoneypenny DENTURE THERAPIST 2 Main St N Georgetown 9am Weekdays Evenings Saturdays by appointment The Carpet Barb of the GMHA major house league l the Herald feature team hit week Team members Inclnde Nell Pirie Sbawn Gambles Ashley Bird Barry Coe Todd Banks Jaioo Young Kyle Mark Chapman Darren Lang and David Ilouiton The coaches are Ken Morrow and Howie McCarthy Missing were Steve Scarlett Brian Snow Jason Kanapka Brad Phee Patrick Allen Derek Pol lit and coach Bob Morrow