Pale SECTION B THE Wednesday February the HERALD Community A guest speaker leads congregation Fifth YMCA art auction KUB WINNERS Top of the fastest Kar contest were front row left to right Andrew West Thompson Martin 3rd and Ron designed hub Kar Back row left to right lit Georgetown Akela Ken lit Akela Elaine Hannah and Gordon pit stop mechanic Photo b Jean Layman Street numbers discussion Feb 11 with town officer By KAY WILSON Herald Correspondent The assignment of street numbers to Nerval homes la the topic of discussion for next Tuesday Community Association general meeting at By law enforcement and Licensing Officer Jack Lusty and the towns Clerk Admlnt Ken Richardson will be speaking on the change to be effective next month Rev Ridley of Lois and Louise of Brampton and Mrs Leslie Young Terra were among a group of people who holidayed for a week in Bermuda The Christian Discov cry Tour was arranged by Rev Gordon Hunter ifor a stay at the Willow bank Christian Hotel on Bermuda Somerset Is land Mornings were pent in fellowship and musical programs and afternoons with sight seeing Community Euchre had eight tables Thursday evening Winners were Elizabeth Wallace Isabel Landry Phil Landry Dune Mc lone hands Gar- lucky draw Mary Robertson committee Mae Tost Da Switxer and Wallace Women Institute had their C1U meeting Thurs day afternoon at Mrs Alan Harrops home Chaired by dent Amy Burke roll call was answered by Does the average cltl value his right to vote and why Members agreed the privilege t Some thought citl sens should be penal zed or have their voting rights taken away In the forthcoming election Business tncl the Officers Conference May 1 and for which I Heart disease still number one Sometimes being f good thing k Figures released recently by Statistics Canada show that the i leading cause of death Canada ia still heart disease When combin with deaths due to stroke one realizes the need for the continu of medical research Into our nations major health l problem heart disease and stroke February is Heart Month In Canada and i the month during which the Foundation con J ducts its annual fund railing campaign Thousands of volunteer canvassers will be going doortodoor asking for contributions to the Heart Fund The provincial object In for the Heart Fund campaign is 0MO0Oand from this amount per cent will be directed Into medical research and education la Ontario Inn the con ference begins at am and costs Business also a report on the March euchre party at Webbs Flowers and a thank you from the Good Neighbors of Georgetown A quilting is planned for two quilt tops given by Ethel Webb Guest speaker Doris McNabb said a good Is a person who plants a tree when he knows hell never sit under it who does volunteer work or acts as an adoptive grand mother to a family in need She called Murray Dry den a good for giving sleeping bags to children around the world with money rais ed in Christmas tree sales Another good citl ten is Share A group of and Perl farm ers Share members gave a dairyiierd to an orphanage In Brazil South America Following the church service at Unit Church Jan a pot luck dinner was enjoy followed by the annual meeting Joe Van Loeuwen and Fred Paul were elected elders replacing Jack Crawford and Garnet Laldlaw Its a four year term Get well wishes tp former resident Albert Hunter Now of Brampton Mr Hunter is In Peel Memorial Hospital Get well wish also to Stephen Smith following an appended In Georgetown Memorial Hospital Re a home Is Marshall follow tag a stay In hospital Happy anniversary to Keith and Ethel Webb who were entertained by their family on the occasion of their wedding anniversary Sunday Best wishes for many more from their friends and neighbors By WINIFRED SMITH Herald Correspondent The February meet of the W I was held at the home of Eileen Holgu Schwurz and Eleanor McLean were respons ible for the delicious dessert Morg president called the meeting to order and opened with an interesting poem this was followed by the usual opening with the singing of the W I ode and all repeating the prayer of Mary Stew All members were present bar two name ly Lola Marshall who Is ill In hospital and Fran who is spending the winter in the South Some of the new business brought were the dales decided for the officers con in May It was moved and seconded that would not send a delegate this year It was decided to have a euchre parly March each member to be responsible to get enough players for two tables Grace McEnery as convenor for cultural activities took over from the president and continued the meeting with the program Current events were given by Lille Given The motto Tell Me and I II Forget Show Me and I May Forget but Get Me Involved and I Will Remember was Interesting well prepa red and given by Eileen Burt The reading from a chapter from the Mary Stewart book on the collect was read by Reggie Slesoraitis To end the program each was asked to contribute something entertaining or pay a fine This resulted in a variety of things each one doing their bit consequently no extra money for the treasurer The congregation at the church service on Sunday welcomed guest preacher Rev Ann Ross She said Your present minister Bandy was in the class with me when wo atten ded college The listened attentively asshetoldlhcmastory Her message to the grown ups proved to be quite interesting also her theme being What Does Your Name Mean To You Rev Ross gave many illustrations but ended her sermon by saying A Christian should do all things In the name of Jesus Christ The men choir sang when all added up to a beautiful service of Worship All the congregation arc invited to a winter fun day at Farm Sunday Feb In the afternoon At return to the church basement for a hot meat Each family to bring cither beans or chili and cookies or squares enough for their own family Please leave at the church on the to Vol mar Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Muir former residents of Ballinafad now of who became the proud parents of a little son on Feb 1 Grand mother is Viola Shor- Great Grandmother Is Rita Shortill both residents of Women in the village and surrounding areas are Invited to attend another seminar on Tax Reduction and Money Matters The same speaker Peggy North has been requested to give talk for ladies only heel free to attend this Wed Feb to at the community centre throughout the world in search of fine art and auction block next hcr Includes month The Georgetown and District w talented and be holding their Canadian Gala Art Auction March international the Holy Cross The works to be are graphics water colors oils and sculpture by noted artists many of whom represented in fine Evelyn Aimls of across Toronto theauction will c feature works Ms 11 be a travels regularly There a admission fee entitling guests to a chance at an art door prize As on additional attraction this year people may become a patron of Art Auction for a couple or a person As well as entrance fee this includes an extra draw for patrons only of an etch ing Reflections by Anthony Software success By MAGGIE HANNAH Herald Special A final decision is expected this week on whether the ministry of education will use a computer software program it by two Acton high school students The two student programmers are also awaiting word from a major computer manufactu rer on whether the program which assesses energy conservation techniques will be purchas ed I expect the ministry will like it and want a few changes said teacher Paul but you can t be sure Glen Archer and Jim Johnston Grade 12 students at the school have been working two years on a program for heat loss and energy conservation in the home The project began when the ministry Invited proposals to write exemplary software for the ministry computers The topics and type of program was left entirely to the applicant The ministry received more than 60C proposals and accepted for study including the one from Mr Courtesy Valentine thoughts with special care by Fendley Florists One Dozen Red Roses Florists 82 Mill Street Halton Hills 8776961 Murray Dump on 451 The Florin 8778822 the HERALD HOME NEWSPAPER OF HALTON HILLS