the HERALD Entertainment Neville dramatic force behind the stage Herald Special A 10year veteran of Georgetown Little Theatre Neville Worm op once again finds himself seated In toe director a chair this time for the upcoming production of James Goldman Winter He a been a dramatic force behind the stage and In front with GLT the Brampton Little Theatre Brampton Musical Society and the Peel Pantomime Play era In 1970 he won an acting award from ACT CO Association of Community Theatres Centra Ontario for portrayal of King Id The Lion in Winter As an actor and director he been involved in over productions since Last season George town residents viewed his work as the director of Ira Levins thriller Deathtrap In fact bringing out the spine- tingling dark and aide of human nature Its found In drama seems to be his specialty In previous years he a directed pro ductions of Veronicas Room and Dracula Meanwhile he s appeared in area pro ductions of Not Now Darling I Do I Do Next Year and work In community theatre have been honored twice by the city Brampton When does the direct or get to sit back and enjoy his own work Later this month when The Lion opens and the management reigns are handed over to stage manager Ron Hunt Tickets for The Lion In Winter ore still avail able the box office at the John Elliott Theatre Is open for ticket sales on Feb at to 3 p and to Feb 11 10 to noon Feb 1 to 3 m and to Feb lGllo3pm and to p m Feb IS loan i Feb NEVILLE and When We Were Married Mr Worsnop achievements In drama 1 to 3 p and 1 m Feb to and to a m Anyone wishing to Kick up tickets they ordered may do so at these times Box office phone ART SHOW It was a busy rooming last Wednesday for Palette and Pencil Club members a right Rath Gibson Camilla Dorothy Vokey Jo and The artists were arranging about CO new works by Cub members for the HaHon HHIs Centre gallery The club show opened Thursday and March This Is the third year the Palette and Pencil Club Is en an exhibition the gallery Herald photo support foi Jesuit priest asks teens to write MPs By GERRY TIMBERS Herald fluff Writer An American Jesuit priest who has spent the past three yean In the Nlcaraguan mountains has asked the younger members of the Holy Cross parish to do their part helping third world countries devel op Father Robert Stark a 33yearold missions from New Mexico spoke Sunday to X young people at Holy Cross Church about Ten Days For World Development He urged them to write their federal MPs about Canada role to Cen tral American affairs Mr Stark told the gathering that Canadian money is being used to support counter revolutlonarl ea who attack villages In Nicaragua You have to write your MP and tell him this Is not what you believe Canadians aland for Mr Start said Ask your MP to A Stockman Crescent home had sprayed on It with a Saturday elder the support we are giving the Honduras Ask them to at least consider opening a Canadian embassy in Nicaragua Mr Stark told the young people that help ing the people of to develop their nation was a Christian responsibility He suggested they could raise funds to buy food and medical supplies badly needed In the mountain villages of Nicaragua and spread the word about the plight the small Central American nation It a a Christian duty to take on and try to do away with the sin of the world Mr Stark said One of the big things for you Is to Join organ In your church es You can raise money or maybe produce a movie for your school Push your pastor to give suggest Ions about what can be done In doing so Mr Stark said the local teens would be living out the gospel and the values you see In your belief Mr Stark also urged the gathering to ask the Canadian government to give support to the Sandinistas in Inspiration comes easier during winter season for one graphic artist Inspiration comes can be a problem You easier In the winter time need the background of for a graphic artists drawing she said I says the now president feel strongly about lear of the Hills Arts how to draw first Council Once a year Ms Buy Taking a sip hot sets herself a goal coffee as her bare feet curled around a chair in house exhibition of her her workroom Friday art works In her studio morning Wendy home said she enjoys working By setting a goat it In black and white makesyoumoredlscipl In winter time I go about It and you nuts she said It have to be very could be Just a fence That part of being post stuck out of the in business for your- Some- people self she said involved in color would AGOAL t see it but I actually This fall Ms Buykes see more In the winter will be putting on a show time In the Hills Cult The year old Centre Already Georgetown resident working towards has been heavily goal in art since when You do have to be In first moved to town he mood If you are In and Joined the Palette mood then every and Pencil Club ihlng goes so much bet Although she been Ms said painting before In used to worry ax ana Vancouver it whenever she wain t In was the generous en the mood to pick up her of local pen Ms Buykes artist Frank Black that anymore having reallz made Ms con if she sider art more serious l sketching her mind lv is still working away Taking up art studies thinking about a piece at the University of Whenyousltdownto she graduated W you six years later with a J degree in fine arts and a time you have spent con solid grounding in celvlng the Idea Even graphllte lithography y don do it now etching and pen and Ink it a ko a file of inform drawings you keep that pops The living room walls later Ms of her Circle as she brushed townhouse are covered brown bangs to one with black and white prints and sketches by Once I get started on Ms Downstairs something I have to go in her brightly lit work I m finished it s like room is no different reading a book you DISCIPLINE get Into and can t put Working in black and down she said while started out to be a ARTCLASSES discipline to Improve Saturday mornings Ms drawing Ms Buykes clears off skills for work In water her large work table colors However the downstairs for the eight discipline grew to be much more as she beg for rt classes til noon an enjoying It Now she trying to Today almost get a beginners class exclusively doing black started tor adults and while sketches and People In their later has set up her own home years feel dark room for enlarging now Ms said and developing black expressing disagree and white prints that age should The tonal values or limit artistic express light medium and dark Ion I feel there are a ire easier to transfer tot of people out there from black and white wn would benefit from photographs Ms It provides hours of She docs most of enjoyment her work from photo- Calling It a relaxing graphs hobby she said art There so much to should be done by adults learn about color that he pleasure It Jumping into painting WENDY Intent of becoming a of homes and pels for professional That kind personal stationery of thinking has scared Ne time you many adults from tak up the creative hob by Ma said One night a week Ms teaches an art course for the Toronto park and recreation do art As well she busy doing free la work like sketches lunching the rolls at Jack Tanners Table in Streets In Street or Arms In Hamilton and you re trying to decide what to order Just take note that Ms Buykes did the menus for these ranis that the Arts Council has given up the task of bringing musical talent of high quality to Halton Hills Instead this year we intend to sponsor a single spring concert For one concert to take the place of a popular series like Trlllght it must feature a very special performer This concert does Concert Saxophonist has a formidable reputation in the music world Personally choeen by actordirector Warren Beatty to play the back ground music for his film Heaven Can Wait reputation was enhanced by the resulting Academy Award for best music Paul feels that the saxophone Is a much misunderstood instrument I am a concert performer not a Jan player The way play the instrumcntisasaclasslcalplayer People are still surprised to hear It played as It was Intended This Is quote from Brodle himself Here ore some quotes from critics who have heard him in concert The saxophone comes alive with Paul magic touch Under sheer genius on this versatile musical instrument the saxophone takes on a personality of Its own and almost sings Its appreciation for such brilliant mastery Bom In Montreal is a Canadian musician with an International reputation He has performed over concerts In Canada the USA Australia Mexico and Europe He will soon be embarking on a seven week concert tour to India Hong Kong Singapore Fiji and the Phil featuring concerts radio recitals and programs in universities recently released his album and is already at work on his a children recording entitled Mr SaxophoneandtheThreeBears In fact the tie of Mr Saxophone has frequently been used to Introduce Paul Watch this space for more Information about this special springtime concert If you can wait call 2389 Scour your attic Scour your attic for broadswords George town Little Theatre needs them For Its upcoming production of The Lion In Winter would like to borrow a few props Three twofoot broadswords are among the Items would like to borrow from gracious members of the public In addition pewter decanters and goblets are also being sought to add to the medieval flavor of the production which opens at the John Elliott Theatre Feb If you can help call 2321 Dont forget Photoart This Is It Saturday the last day to enter Get your photos over to the Hills Library and Cultural Centre for Prizes are being awarded In black and while and color categories You can hand In as many as six photographs and not less than four Peter Jones Peter Mosa and John Sommer are Judging the photographs ft LIMESTONE- AD A KB GRAVEL TOP SOU BUff HAINES DURHAM ST How To Reduce High Home Healing Costs See Page B8 ATTENTION GOLFERSI midnight regio- police report They re Investigating the wilful JOIN NOW Here Is your chance to be a member of a golf that s on the move 15 mm with tram Downtown Georgetown 5198339702 Gain GOLF CLUB Our Great Facilities include a Dining Lounge Snack Bar Locker Rooms we schedule STARTING TIMES SO NO MORE LINE UPS MAR lit W0O 130 no VS4 1W wHMJAV MEUEftW ZOO 300 rletgfo members may Course hi for price CALL NOW or Photo display you read Herald in sixties Peter Jones will be a familiar ne The former freelance photographer who worked the paper from 196068 photos from this era at the Cultural Centre In Former Herald publisher Walter B will be host for the event Peter Jones is now a teacher of photography at umber College He is one of the judges for Photoart PHOTO REPRINTS AflE LABLE FOB ANY PHOTOGRAPH APPEAR THE HERALD Guelph SI 8772201 COMLTO ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS WEtn Sun Men 10 ANNOUNCEMENT- toi Centre wishes to welcome BARB and the Spat to our facilities wax ng permanent Is man cure make up ped cure much more Entrance oil James Straot Ttiurs Only 12 DOWNTOWN GEORGETOWN 8771210 BROWNS FURNITURE ONE OF A KIND FACTORY CLEARANCE LOVE SEATS MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM HALF PRICE AND LESS All SUBJECT TO PRIOR FURNITURE WAREHOUSE LIMITED 334 GUELPH ST 8772828