Page a SECTION E THE HERALD Wtdnetday July IS 1984 MILLIERE TV sales service Nows your chance to own the Color TV youve always dreamed of at savings that may never be repeated PRICES SLASHEO ON 1984 RCA MODELS Theyre factory fresh 1 models with magnificent RCA color and all the features you need but because the are coming soon theyve got to go That why RCA has given us a special allowance which we are going to pass on to our customers end added an extra dlacount of our own to make the deal even more attractive So come In now for big savings because when theyre gone theyre gone MANY MORE PORTABLES AND CONSOLES NOT ADVERTISED AT CLEARANCE PRICES 20 RCA COMPACT TABLE MODEL WITH REMOTE CONTROL AND BUILT IN CABLE CONVERTER MODEL FJR III molt band central atpwrii mutt tat Lit SPECIAL color tracking limlnait to adjust 3 Mpaiata control to gat a good lit RCA SELECTAVIS10N VCR SUPER SPECIALS ON ALL RCA IN STOCK RCA 26 XL1 COLOR CONSOLE CftMrnLacaOkjlU CMnl MafeBMjTMaf 95 RCA REMOTE WITH ATTRACTIVEI CABINET STYLE WITH TOUT CABLE CONVERTER 26 RCA TABLE MODEL COLOR TV GUARANTEED WITH ALL SALES 8773406 Wo Service What We Sell SERVICE J Before buy check our low low prices WHY PAY MORE NOTHING