SECTION A HIE Wednesday Election briefs Lawyers dueling On the surface election Is Milne versus John versus John Dcnmer But there s a more nubile bait It work behind the scenes and it be described as the of the lawyers Lawyer Phil McDcr mid campaign while fellow member of the bar Rick Welter directs the Milne campaign Their respective law firms arc only a few doors from each other on Queen Street Both Will have lo pill up with barbs from colleagues in the same firm who art of an opposite political stripe s partner Don is prominent Grit while Bisil Stevenson of Lawrence will fling campaign slogans at Wcilcr Daily Times Wheels are turning Momentum Is building liter what Doug Black ailed a successful nomlnalion meeting in fast week Acting as campaign manager for candidate Kevin Mr Black the campaign will be moving into high this Pamphlets and signs now being and Mr will be visiting the Milton and Acton areas frequently Mr Black said the campaign would zeroin on Issues that affect local communities so people would not egard the election as something off in Ottawa Competition stiff Hal Ion is up for grabb That the message Jock of delivered last to fellow Liberals meeting to select a candid lie for Sept federal election This time we Liberals in ire in belter shape for on election than we hue been for years Mr Burholder said He said the party has strong strong policies and a strong campaign organisation is business and business likes John Turner Mr Burkholder said Mr Turner is the leader of the I ibcrut Party Tory policy is to build a three ear garage and have a tricycle come out of it he to his audience amusement to nek Progressive candidate is riding for a fall high time Mr proclaimed Spending limit raised Brampton Georgetown Liberals enough money to pay for their current election campaign and are salting a nest egg in anticipation of red of the Brampton Georgetown riding We got this one campaign prelt well paid for Rick local Liber il manager said The hut lies ahead of us is realizing that in the next election his riding will split up and form parts of three other ridings The local Tones have all the fund lhe need for the campaign but they re eountmuing to raise money that will go toward other projects Both camps say they 11 spend close to the maximum allowed In the Brampton Georgetown riding which should come to Wo or more The area New Demomls on the other hand will spend only about at most and have been forced to borrow all of it for now Courtesy Brampton Times PC newsletter Local MP John latest newsletter takes advantage of the system for politicil purposes Liberal rival Itoss Milne But a spokesman for the Tory incumbent Its pure coincidence that the newsletter was Issued just before the current federal election campaign s a good question whether it should be declared as an election expense Mr Milne said an Interview adding that the postage alone is worth thousands of dollars Local NDP candidate John for Brampton Georgetown said he gies Mr McDcr mid the benefit of he doubt He has always put out literature even though there t an election on I certainly wouldn of cheating I iust think he was lucky Mr Brampton Times Signs no problem Brampton Georgetown John t concerned about his arch rival Liberal Ross Milne red and white lawn signs can put whatever he wants on his sicns Mr McDermid told The Herald I m eonvinced people want a change In he Government of Canada and to get it I have to be elected Mr Milne s signs read Return Ross Milne referring to his past experience as a member of parliament from riding He never represented Georgetown so it s a little misleading in Georgetown Mr said of the sign message Haw you return somebody whos never been there for in the Tough debating role How did their leader fare in television debates Brampton Georgetown Llberul date Ross Milne and both agreed not enough issues were touched upon Mr Milne said John Turner was in a tougher role as the prime minister and It was much easier for the other two party leaders go on the offensive In contrast Brian Mulroney specific enough said Mr Milne The format was stifling and probably wisn what someone at wanted to hear said Mr Milne He was disappointed that more questions asked about the future and about socio I issues felt debate didn cover the important the campaign J Campaign conies together idm hi the eleelion mi lis id ml in ore Lihi ral ii lilt Hi Milne is his dime is finnlj pi ill f r it in tin impton in nil Mr Milne much of I week iitionil eiders lie is up iiMini in of different ircis in the ijil tending jump from one end of the lo loo long in one Election 84 Campaign report Experience the intention s Mi in lid He foi Br imptt oretown I the ir I hi IJ71 J intention of the pie know Hut lie has ire is MI Mr Milne Mid Ihi tw if hue we hive the mi of experience he sud referring John Brampton Ml from Campaign rounds take nimble feet priced siens lets are ill very well but whit political hope fuls need mest are strong knuckles nimble feel and a healthy set of lungs That rule of thumb is suggested by federal nee in where candidates plan to canvass again again right up to the eve of the Sept elect After all the feet have to be in good shape to stand up to the miles of walking the knuckles endure the hundreds of doors to be knocked upon the lungs to power the candidates political pitch Three of the four local candidates Conserv ative John Liberal Ross Milne and Communist Jim Bridge wood are testing their endurance in neighborhoods Late out of the gate is New Democrat John who won start his rounds until early August But the timing is deliberate says Mr who feels the messages del in can are forgot I en by election day But if you do it properly and given this its pretty touh it can make a big difference in the Us view shared by other If you a com milled New Democrat or committed I literal you re not going to con them Mr Mc Dermid said But those people who ie swing voters who ire committed app reciate you taking the time lo come to their doors That his an there no question It Agreed Milne f think there still a tain percentage of the voters who really like to see you at the door For the candidates canvassing often starts in morning drags on into mid evening Mr McDcr mid for example has a schedule that regular as clockwork most he says he knocks on doors from a m to noon from 1 to and from to 9 Chretien fields media queries lit Stuff lor on 1 1 Mini Jean Chretien spent an in talking to the media in tele vised press t nee I iber support party cindid Milne whus for i sell in Br Risers hosted inform question of other issues Mi Chretien igreed it television bite didn provide a propel forum for a dis of the issues He defmded Prime Minlsl erJilin s mine sivmf it is muchhurdcrtn when you ire power He that fund question need id to be asked iboul Ihe palromgc Issue is whether the person n Job is competent not parly served llie diffirence be tween Punier and roney when it to Ihe deficit is that j Is ijing where the money will come from to finance his pro trams Mr Chretien He etefended NATO lie member countries had Canada to their financial commitment by per cent per ye ir llus is been done Addressing Can id is pi ice in working lo wards pe ice he siid is i middle r ind is such we up i dialogue middle Mr Chretien he has bout a on in in i Horls I ir pi wits for discission It pursued he ltd Sybil Bennett last woman candidate I IMlI 11 IIIW until in the possibility exisls of rail in lie MPs hid ihrcuieji Ihe who broke ranks I drove hi nil l the she wis I with the iiirf town firm mi Bennett Miss Ben her office on Mill ibout three rs down from whtre office is Her I iw pirlner 1 ile is tier very I I se fin nil mil he ned be the in if lilt used i tint is a it member Clever 1 ilHni and was On her second In ted than did llie country Mr I mmirson chuckled Mi is mm liber il P irly id been president leu wild low In ssul i shin nine mm I hi ref irdcd she d Hut I he Benncll w I dm ties brialb ilerslup Mr oper lied M I lot for Liberal candidate debates on peace tit raid Hilton ridings il Orient been quick off tin irk despite being to her post inly lusl week Ihc pirlici pi lee disarma Monti she offu inlly opened impugn hcadquirleis ind has plans to open her and next week residenls cm phone office Mrs was busy sireelmi in she II her imp nailing next week when her brochures ire punted up len man iifdctund will be i by 1 she Her she the long hours thus spent on the e impugn For the pis two days she is been working on policy ind holding slrat cm sessions workers have been lest her on in prep for Youth cooperative Where are lacking and youth unemployment is chrome the federal Progressive Conservatives would like to see itions set up to employ young Georgetown PC John thai Monday morning that crown what his p irly has in mind He slid Access program was an excellent one giving employers a federal subsidy f pud to the employee CAR STEREO The Ultimate fat Sound SALES SERVICE INSTALLATION 877 AW I AUGUST WHITE SALE PLUS STOREWIDE SAVINGS SANDRA GALE INTERIORS Formerly Towels n Things Main St S Georgetown I Jit she s cousin It Bennett one of Can id s prime minis s lud in unique My ilher lends M iny mes I il lie issiyied politic il cms Mr J mmer in lint w is how c lobe i in in timers seat llie sp inkini new the of Hernial be- few when it politics You In the of Commons yers Mr You had be a sort of pioneer Miss Bennett v is thai In called when it j women rights rved as f the PC I of pioneer Win across Cinieh speak members other groups it wis Mr who used to dmc her lo the Miss Bennett died three winning the ft tier il sell in before her ended PLANNING DEPARTMENT COURTESY PUBLIC NOTICE ALL INTERESTED CITIZENS Arte Tmo Tuo lay on Id mi Li Flo I LEARN TO DRIVE THIS SUMMER EVENING COURSE STARTING AUGUST 15th WEDNESDAYS THURSDAYS 630 pm to 930 pm GEORGETOWN OVER 150000 GRAUDATES RECOMMEND Young Drivers of Canada Favourite Recipes FRUIT NUT RICE CASSEROLE Cook c raw rice Cover with water and soak or hour dried raisins Preheat oven to 375 F Melt c butler in a skillet and add 1 c minced onion c chopped green pepper curry powder Saute these Ingredients then add c toasted slivered almonds Drain the apricots and raisins Mix the rice and sauteed mixture Correct the seasoning and put into a greased baking dish to bake for about 30 minutes participate iNn IcatuiE 92 WAIN ST GEORGETOWN 8776569 FOODSTUFFS SPECIAL DRIED APRICOTS 050 LB THOMPSON RAISINS I LB