RUES OF CROSSBOWS FEW TACKLE BIGJ0K GEORGETOWN OUT 873436 TACKLE SECTION Tilt III- MI 15 IBM Pip 0T- ABOUT THE HILLS Small Business Week The Town of Hal ton Hills has been asked by the Federal Business Development Bank proclaim October Small Business Week The theme of this year a Small Business Week is the more you know the more you grow The week Is jointly organized by the Federal Business Development Bank and the Chamber of Commerce Livestock losses In the drat six months of the year Hills has paid out ft in for animal and poultry losses cither killed or injured by dog wolves The largest single amount given to 1 farmer was for two calves weighing In total pounds Included in the list arc ducks lambs calves and chickens Commuting to Toronto Recent findings from Statistics Canada Indicate thai Kilts residents work in Metropolitan Toronto Conversely people work in Hills but live in Toronto From the region of commute to Toronto while 4 GOO travel to from to their workplace Free swimming lessons There are a number of people who live in Mat to swim The Hills Recreation and Parks Department will be offering a series of special swimming lessons for these people These lessons will be held for five evenings from October I There will be no charge for these lessons but in order to qualify height be unable to swim one width of the swimming These free lessons will be held at both the Acton and the Georgetown Swimming Pool Although Ihere is no charge you must register in advance by phoning the pool and leaving your Injured workers meeting The North Association of Injured will be holding a meeting at the Cedarvale Gym in Georgetown August from It 10 The topics to be discussed will be Bill and how the changes will affect us plus injured workers and the I W Association Drinking driver alert An Ontario Provincial Police- alert for drinking drivers this summer resulted in 1210 persons being charged with drinking and driving offences in a 28day period in July officers stopped and cheeked more than 000 vehicles from July to July As well as alcohol related criminal offences 1 charges were laid under the provincial Liquor Licence Act as a result of stopchecks ALERT Alcohol Level Evaluation Roadside Tester device- are a key ingredient in ihe summer blitz This portable machine measures alcohol a drivers body by breath analysis Crime stopper signs Councillor Rick supported his statement with an impressive statistic The Word One councillor wanted the town to pay for six Neighborhood Watch signs that are required In Acton He cited the success of the program by indicating break ins In one neighborhood had been reduced from 17 in 1983 to in 1984 for the months January March The program started a year ago and now has a membership of in three areas Coun Bonnet said Councillors agreed to pay the estimated per sign Ross recovery By WINIFRED SMITH Herald Correspondent The many friends and acquaintances of Ross Monroe will be happy In know that he Is gaining strength from the accident he was in several weeks ago He spends his weekends at his home but still returns to a hospital through the week for treatment Fresh and rested By SMITH Herald Correspondent Rev Bandy was welcomed back to take charge of the church service Sunday He was looking fresh and rested after his vacation On the average this has been a good summer but with the middle of August almost here it won I be long until we think of Foil when the leaves wilt bo changing color and the school buses will be on the road again Summer swimming lessons There just one session of swimming lessons left for the Summer of 84 Our final set of lessons begins August at the Georgetown Pool and the Acton Pool there will not be any more classes at the Dick Lien to Pool this summer To register drop in to the pool between 12 or 9 For information please call 3140 or Mini Golf tourney There will be a Miniature Golf Tournament at Kelso Conservation Area Saturday August 18 starting at INSIDE Want to learn about Indian Lore The Credit Valley Conservation Authority hired three new employees to help manage the Credit Valley watershed The Georgetown Fall Fair will have a variety of new booths and events One Is from the who will be holding a Baby Photo Contest Got the Summer Olympics letdowns Colnmnlit Pat gives a recap of the finer moments for our Canadian athletes Learn more about our Legion ladles by reading their weekly miniprofile Heralds scoop reporter takes ice cream poll ll I011IMlkt mil Herald Hurt s nothing quite i up irtim trine toi iki the bite off Beating the heat sill four turns JclKiftlutfiiviJi Hun Mrs THE BIG ONE Stoops while Shtn from he hind llll s is open his been suite rig to ill closed in fill Sin Mid then is ell int hi slort open on hi fill this I most stilus Hit nun lit i mil Shi e i off i if tin fhvors in Bubble urn J null in Mis Hon ire more ir ill children oldir people sellers linn others but ill siid and butter and flavor will hive to report that this is better left to the kids or for with sweet tooth first Tew bites are fun but very sweet A1 you proceed the ite your mouth the large chunks of gum from the rtsl of the ice I didn hive the problem of what to do with the gum while the an I- Ills grits his roth and nils rod of of the 15 released In Terra Consecution weekend Prizes wire to luiky In while in dldi think he win a prize hi sun had Inn Herald photo Acton rock fest costs total i roic I just tint far Too sweet thin half in hour I to Queen rather linn run risk of an dny dut to not feeling well Assistant manager Cithinni was to point out that Hit soft si rve vinilla ice w is the best is based on When think of Dairy we like to think they of soft serve vimlh slit said Dairy Queen has eight other serve from thocolalt Willis IHMill Ill lit Muff Humors of motor tvile ind i weekend just two rt sons Hit Minor did not the sutciss it thought il would its Hoik ind Roll test jn ixe secretary Carol Robinson only 1 people ittend music show held of Don ild win Ins working thin sum slort opt tilling it in I Hire I tried pink hard form ice Ii is been sold it the Georgetown location for Mrs Glynn issurcd mt the run of round and more towards the ham burger of the business in winter Hurt s lolsof variety ind theoretic ill could probibly fill lliroujji a whole summer without fining line torn twite i where Ir The I irk lion was hoping for at leist to hour concert so that be for two minor it planning to ho lost He wire looking it h of the now Mrs Robinson smi If e would of whit wi edln tin w of we would bid whit we needed Mrs s no attributed lick of people who showed up for the show Thirewos jliunchof hut inn dn t dso t pee pit eli not uplieiiiisi Ho is pi i in lilt ctk so people mil still to see him if the Ihe with of pi lo to about helping out with fund r using for tht trip Mrs s nothing definite is in tided gotten hold of nisi irtn tnough hours in id furies We still lim to fur our lollerj ilmli will in just we hue the Winters chilly breath punt In is don mini I tin Hun tin Ihi nil ninth mi I it how iht- fit inline on Ins lie i nut frti ii hid been stiff hud before sud Its t mt to firnt Wedding bells Tony is pleased to of his daughter Adeline to Jim so Don and Carol of Georgetown The wedding will take place at St Mary Church September 1 the IN YOUR OPINION HERES LOOKING AT YOU Herald Staff Sieve Clayton is the proprietor of George Pet Store Mr Clayton bought the store because he wanted to get Into business for himself and wanted the of owning his own business Pels have always been a hobby of his and while he was growing up Mr Clayton had fish tanks pet birds and couple of dogs he Acton resident has been in four now and has most of his life in the Georgetown Favorite Author TV Favorite ACM t married Hobbles MarJyrtuadfiwhiffll i i What Would You Ten Years fronNow ninningltfflBlore Ontario riders collect quilts If- KEN are oil about the si me I don like politics CARHOP I unemployment and the raising interest rates combined because the two are directly related to each other the recent polls stems Is- out front I how Mulroney Is going to handle the with regards to unemployment 1 A MO I guess it would have be Jobs and Ihe dollar ATKINSON I guess it got to be jobs Whoever gel- in power has to be able to gel more jobs going Mavis left a group of trail riders unking their way to to talk to about Journey Into Mrs McCullum is the of luininlcommiltecof the Ontario Riders Association The nub Journey travels through COO mites of smalt towns highways trails towards their dtstinilion August 25 Farms located just or on Trafalgar id North She is hoping that Hills will be pi inning a celebration The trail riders arc quilt from each of the towns pass through and a l on of the original settlers art being asked to sign a scroll as the group passes by is invited to Join the Journey riders and for doing so they will receive a commc- badge for free said Mrs McCullum The Journey Into Yesterday riders have been given permission to hold a parade August and there will be a private reception at the Farm