Printing plant to close Acton loses major employer By HAW Herald Special One of Actons largest will the town by the end this year Mctroland Printing and Publishing Com pa has announced it will close its Willow Street press and composing facility and transfer full time to its Mississamia Com piny president John Baxter Slid all full time will be absorbed into the company but he offered assurances for part time workers The pressmen employed on the Acton presses will be absorbed into the staff at the and the full time in the composing room will be transferred to Br Mr sud part time people will not be Included in Ihe move lit no as to how many people ore involved with the opera lion in The press m tin pi ml is being truded in for new one to in The new firmer press will tin printing pljnl to three shifts than the current two The i time he Slid will illow employees to Iml iborbed it iu Moving the room Brampton will permit siaff there In mill Councillors unhappy over plant closing Councillor Kick v no represents Actons Ward I riding is very disappointed over planned closing of the Metrohnd printing plant on Willow In a telephone call to The Herald his concerns over some loss of jobs it will result from the closing time employees have been offered jobs elsewhere in Brampton and Mississauga is unhappy thit Acton s commerce will be affected The binks stores and restaurants in downtown Acton will suffer and the plant closing might some people to locate elsewhere he said The move does not help Acton he said We can t afford it The town t trown that Councillor Dive Whiting said it wis too bad i hat operation that his been in printing business for IN yeirs will have to close Although the printing facilities will be sold the Acton Free Press will be published eventually at Brampton floss who also represents Ward I said the loss of jobs will affect the community I think the people of feel an explanation Is In order he slid Industrial permits up In the period January May Hills experienced a staggering per cent increase In building permits for industrial or commercial In 1983 for the same period there were industrial or eommercial permits while in 1984 there were This figure lops Burlington Milton and entire region as a whole on a percentage basis Only issued a greater percentage number from 1983 to 1984 for the months compared per cent Kingfisher Klub The Kingfisher meets again this Thursday between 1 at Terra Colta Area The program includes such topics as nature crafts environmental games making pottery from wild clay and hiking For more information call Glen Gifts taken over by local pair As of last week Glen Gifts in Glen Williams has a new owner Sharon James Is the new proprietor and will try to get back towards craft things as opposed strictly gift items While never having been on the merchandis end of the business Mrs James is an avid sewer and is looking forward to her new venture Mrs James made the decision to enter the business after living in the Georgetown area for six years which she spent at home This way I can still be at home and also pursue other interests she said At the time of our Mn James said he family had two homes how ever there Is a conditio nal offer on the other one she said One of the changes Mrs James hopes to make to the store is a workshop area upstairs where she will be able to do some sewing Place- mala pillows and wall hangings are some of the crafts Mrs James produces We will be starting out with what we got and make changes as we sec fit I do plan lo do more quilting and make Christmas stockings this year The strictly Canadian craft store has items from British Columbia to Nova Scotia and even has Eskimo carvings Mrs James said you can find things from most areas of Canada In the store but would like to keep the local preserved Mrs James has pre viously been a school teacher and has more recently been Involved with volunteer work through schools and churches She is very pleased with the move as she loves the area and sold her two school age children will not have to switch schools in Brampton Guir dim Mr utter said It Mink a to ike liorgtlown ml to he I In trip to for the lot p ipir would take i longer 111 in th it Mr ixier stressed tin tin Free have polled rtising ind report me stiff in the town the pipers Last chance The Recreation and Parks Department r activities will be having their Final week of programs August Whether you would like to sign child up foroweck or even a half day they will be sure to enjoy our Holiday week more information or to register please your ind Parks Department LEGION LINES We will be welcoming of the American Legion from I Massachu setts August 17 Their expected time of arrival is between 3D in They will be participating in the Warriors Day Parade it the Canadian National Exhibition August 18 They will be provided with a dinner that evening at and will be provided by Norm Eyres in the evening The Mini Bingo which was to be held August 18 has been postponed until August 25 Correction In the August edition of the Summit he Poppy ChJirmtn Harry Brown phone number should read and not CAR Winners Aug 101 A Hall 124S Hull 152 E Hennessey Irwin 160 Schmidt Winners Aug M 42c Stafford WeJr 17 Landry Winners Aug 10 Ladies 1st Myra 2nd Dorothy Ireland Booby May Swonson Men 1st Harley Norm Ward Booby August IB by Ken and Hazel SICK 1 1ST Georgetown Hospital Sam Pat and Hoy Youth leadership Interested in leadership All young naturalists years ire welcome to come out and meet new friends it the Terra Cotta Conservation Area s Interpretive Centre As leaders you issist the Interpreters on a variety of interesting topics I- or more information ill AFTER FIVE THINGS TO DO AND PLACES TO GO PREMER CINEMAS FOB THIS WEEKS SHOWS AMD TIMES HWY 25SOI401 LISTENING DANCING MAIN ST 8773388 A CANADIAN THEATRES GEORGETOWNS WELCOME WAGON FALL BRIDAL FASHION SHOW Brides Bridesmaids Mo Drosses Special G Its for Every and door To Be Held The Georgetown Cultural Centre Sun Sept 16 84 877 on 8774765 Impaired driver yer Hi denied i rumor the A Milton Heights Campy mind resident with impaired driving driving over the Iid limit his 1973 Dodge was ped if ii r a ilisturbanee on Highway south of Kill him Ho id two papers would no be pooled with The Can imp ion in Milton by Metro riiL Aeton and It is now known the occupant had invoked with the disturbance when he was stopped fir drivwe inancrntie manner Aug 11 it p THE Wednesday 1B4 Cable cut A working outside the George town Hospital cut a cable and ictiviled in whieh firemen were called to on ipproxim p eorti town papers wire previously by the Dills irmly ind to Inlind Publish in Lump ill in 1 The eh w is born when Inlind w is sold to if malum of ih building on Willow whieh Mr I requir Dm pi ml r d in w ill full time employees hive been offered job in Mis sibsiugior Brampton He will not be offered superintendent Job ilreidv full He his bun offend two mil has not e whieh hi will I WATCH FOR GRAND REOPENING VALUES WED AUG 2284 A Li EVEN STOREWIDE IT 8773103 Mr need to drive to work us the bluest problem for emplojecs iinee in people Im id my Ik pointed out it im require the if 1 seeond ir for somi families in my eases one spouse employed the I rip I il sud They were ill offered jobs but he is no what will ippen to the p irt BUSINESS DIRECTORY Ik ill a lot of time emplovtes since it quite possibly would not be worth their while to drive to Mis in llyit of the verv few of work R Clipsham Limited Surveyors Consult net Dr Robert R Hamilton OPTOMETRIST S Georgetown 8773971 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Goebelle Wagner Evonlngs p Sal Son continuous show A 15 ST John McDermid knows that some things are more important than a balance sheet Social concerns cannot be divorced from economic issues they cannot be ignored or abandoned in a rush to appear fiscally responsible 99 Take social services foi example Medicare old age pensions and social assistance are more impor tant today than ever before A Progressive Conservative gov- t ernment will maintain and preserve such programmes through better management It will take competent leader ship to put our economy back in order It will take compassionate leadership to do it without damaging our social institutions John and the team offer a Real Change and a bright future