Page ELECT NEW DEMOCR nip for op Inn of the In oilier looked a Main Tin- thin is I Mf goes full tilt for the final stages Hi f it m- llKtt staff Although and d for tin llriniplon Georeli John fills In is almost unknown in tin cornet should ids L I Ihe in is li teltbrited ipaitfn kick off during list wiih in ill mil I 1 wipe rt nit ind is look ij ihe interest siimmir imp iiry low Mr Dernier 1 ipproximatolj runt of the off Iindi it Mr III work from Mi tor Lid pins lint in Bnmaka mil ml be Acton likes Flynn says campaign chief tit to ill DP Ke eampl an Black I of Liberals iiini tin id in the politti with the press lull lie am i tin Acton do so Ihcre Mr idi a siibstantnl iproiemenl our ttlun I rjn mdrm tint of tin In ill undid imp Ins bun lenl i ill sit lor nil it to at the Hi lthoueh this Ins vet to Lobby groups prepare for candidates meeting Its I rjliiSi iH up Lot II Hills in fur upturn ti meeting A quest has been senl out on issuis such is mil t fund nuilnr inns inadi s is tht party iridic in both Hilton ind Br imp on Georgetown by the Hilton Hills Attion for Nude ill rd who i tlh in Am list I nor with to mil iiilts tin think ire did Sin slid littler him ho i thiv i p Some of Kit clunks slum aid sit tin ill I ink my of sex from io nt sitiits tin ixelus m of digradali In porn mil a law mors under m porno films Acton representative for HAND Com fort has received lie replies from the Grim a partial from the Liberal party in Mr Comfort is iheek with party polity lomplilmg he questionnaire The PC party candid ite Olio has reply HAND represcniative for Brampton Georgetown are June Duval s quest i sent out to the parties in her ridinf only consisted of two questions Should ion tunic and lest or their com pom and prevent nutlnr Mrs has reuivul reply from thi Communist who art in complete igrtemmt with HAND association She is Apt tint the of rt plies within two weeks On the bandwagon While Dig Bird wis undoubtedly iliildnn s iber il date Boss Milm mind In as he impugned Mond ly tin vicinity of Cist v Mr was Involved in ilu Pine Host it tompctini In events inciting people from The I id it In tin parade Mr Milne hitch and on Ik is bun mnssing often Hints with Ins wift and Jtanile and son Bob Mr will be back In on the door to door In has to a Crontlan on Churchill Two are tsptcted to visit tin riding to lend support to tht impugn and John will dropping Brampton next week of doein wm to be in thin election alt I guess people juil want think about It she an Id Representatives from he HAND will be at all inndidaiea meetings to TAKE IT EASY TAKE THE TRAIN For TICKETS and INFORMATION Your Authorized Agent Is Oriena meets John Turner IMr ItOlVM 1 Liberal 1 Month night with other irt rimiiini is ilxnl hi IjhmI 1 in the prime minister for his dilute tttdtitsdaj on in s pi ilform ill with limit his own Ins isii I my differently win they run on their the tryint s pre t in lull lot of stub is tht i mt GO Tiain station shift Mill ehinpis I plus m in tut reel in sink tin of shoppers wills it imp iii hours stris mi it do to 1U lo be Ik rem bin BramptonGeorgetown McDermid off to Arctic town Progressive strvTtive John was off to st this member of Bmn shadow for Indian and Northern Coffee circuit for Jelinek Jell Hit likvill rjd Staff i fu I it i to his in this week is mi different thin frimd Ihu Mi in lid tie tin to knock nig on doors is be in pinl ttidmsd repiniifi or Ins stint ismistirofiirunonw I rid it thi li Mr Jihnik iddrtsst Ho id lull it luncheon itlnd Mr ml his pull Hi ruling Hard to be third party tide m the Br George John inier is a bit peeved Mr li imir weekend being mi hid with tin Put Host in tthth he is invited to Jiter the As part of thi Brampton id a parties with out Mr feels it was big Ihit were on hand wink his is not invited to this it di finite winder if we i it invited to tin parade bit nisi lit In said Mr on its rtallj to the p Mr Dinner said party was well reeeived tin rest of the activities durni the Pint ind Hose ir POPESTARRET 232 Guelph Street Georgetown Glomn 1601 Tor 416846256l DENTURE therapy CLINIC J Kohari DT SI GEORGETOWN a mas Country MM DRY CLEANING SAME DAT DAY CLEANING 8770387 HILLS SHOPPING CENTRE Monday ly in thi mill loeal Tory lorn Together the two men visited residinls of lusher stir Mi is in Innuit and the ridmi for lit is vying represents Hit in ill id with 111 sm Mr Mt Derm id returns today to in in his member and t Thursd mjhl door to or up bulk f Mr daily i fur some ood frit nils in north are is Mr Uphill said Ik w is asked by Hum tome up and meet ilitll the Mi involiimeiil with in his euppid hnn spot on it onal lit been muled to pnsi s position on mini rights for Hit Our N line to this oi SitunLiv Mr said Hit imp ii lnt lid to tin i Mt ill 1 k for in is in George I Mr ill said Mr w is door in tin ipilMI WIN A PROPANE BBO BARBQUE BONANZA NORTH STAR DRY CLEANERS FREE PICK UP DELIVERY SAME OAT SERVICE 8770469 52 Main ST MAKING OLD LOOK LIKE NEW PARK AVENUE COLLISION CUSTOM AND ALL WORK GUARANTEED 7997 Mil ST Complete Karpet Care TWO MM Slid Br i Hose estiva along tin other parlies in lid it with former I limon ill star iv id re it A Halton candtdateb meeting with to id the lelli ill mdidatts meetings until in ridmi candid Mis will be meeting it it ft in Milton 11 in Alton Acton lulid forth the llih EXPERIENCE TOTAL WINDOW ft DOOR ENERGY SAVING THERMO BROKEN REPLACEMENT WINDOWS LUBEfT HOME UF THE OIL CHANGE Uf iTUi WITH THIS AD 1263 100 CITIZENS ACTION complete automotive service repair to most makes i models AGNES ST ACTUM FREE ESTIMATES COMPLETE COLLISION BODY S WORK IMSUflANCE APPHAISALS COURTESY CARS AVAILABLE 8775720 ANOTHER INCREDIBLE FURNITURE SALE JUST FOR YOU 3 COLOUR COMBINATION FINISH BLACK BRASS ALMOND BRASS PECAN BRASS ALL UNITS LIGHT UP FURNITURE WAREHOUSE LTD SI 334 GUELPH ST 8772828 GEORGETOWN 8772828