Piles Wednndir December IE Helpful suggestions Possible tragedy lurks with harmful ornaments The Christmas Season Is upon us In many towns and cities Santa Claus parade has ushered Santa to his throne In local depart raent stores and malls At home the festive hustle and bustle has begun and children are excited as the yearly ceremony of putting up the tree Is drawing near It Is a wonderful time for both children and adults alike says Judy Woodin Family Asthma Program Coordinator of the Lung Association In Halton but in the midst of happiness we would like to warn parents that possible tragedy lurks in the form of brightly coloured plastic dangling from the tree The dangling meat often entices toddler to grab it put It in his mouth only to realize that it Isn candy Surprised the youngster tries to spit It out Bit It cracks and a portion of tbe plastic lodges his windpipe or Is aspirated Inhaled into his lungs This a possible tragedy in the midst of fun Aspiration of for objects is a leading cause of death and Injury among children under six years of age How can you help keep preschoolers safe Lung Association suggests Do not place tiny ornaments on low tree boughs where a young can grab tbem Tell Santa Claus to bring presents that do not have button eyes or tiny car wheels that can come loose or games with marbles Keep small finger food such as peanuts and popcorn off low coffee tables when you entertain Pood also can be aspirated At this joyous season your Lung Association wishes you and yours a happy and healthy OXBOW BOOKS A DAY IK THE HAM1Y of colour photographs Use Christmas With Christinas festl vities reaching their peak tbe Lung Assoda tlon asks that you use the colorful Christmas seals sent to millions of householders on cards and parcels because they represent a gift of health and happiness The Lung Association goal is and to date has been raised We have so many people depending on us for help says president The Christmas Seal Campaign Is our one major fundralslng event and we know community will get behind us we must reach our goal this year This years Christmas Seal design Is the work of Vancouver based graphic designer Raymond Boyer His popular designs were chosen in 1978 MO and again In BOOKS We have so much to give this KICKING CAN Antiques DOWNTOWN GEORGETOWN ON WESLEY AN STREET FOR YOUR LISTENING AND DANCING PLEASURE GREAT LIVE ENTERTAINMENT THURS SAT 9 OOp 1 00a ttraU OPEN MONDAY SATURDAY FOR LUNCH AND DINNER Camerons fashions Waift eautu Sato Mimas musts