Active with Fall Fair By KAY WILSON 1 If raid Correspondent William Bill Graham passed away at the La Pol rite- Fisher Nursing Home In Guelph Dec 3 He Is survived by his wife Carrie son Gordon and wife Mary three grandchildren and twin great granddaughters A longtime Norval resident Mr Graham was bom and raised In area He farmed for many years where barms now Following retirement Mr and Mrs Graham moved to Georgetown Market Street where they were active on the Georgetown Fair Board Life members of the United Church where they were faithful church goers Mr Grah am held most offices in tin parish Following ill health Mr Graham became a pattern in the La Pointe- Fishcr Nursing Home The funeral service was held at the JS Jones and Son Funeral Home in Georgetown lilt Januarys 1985 Page J Our best to You in 85 Quality Variety Value We have it ALL SAVE 177kg FRESH WITH BACKS ATTACHED SAVE 80 lb Chicken Leg Quarters 218 gThnre yatojuice with at Hi 11 crest Come- Talk about estates By WILSON Herald Correspondent Norval Wo men Institute met at the home of Van last Thursday afternoon President Amy Burke opened the meeting with the Ode and Collect Secretary Marguerite Hunter read the minutes Members were thank by Gladys Chester for a plant while she was convalescing Sign ups look place for the June IB bus trip to the Federated Women Institute Convention in London Should housewives receive the pension was the question asked at roll call Yes if they have paid into it was the Convenor of Anne Wilson introduced the meeting guest speaker Ray Mr Bassctt is the vice president of Trust Services Develop ment for Victoria and Grey Trust Company Manager of the Brampt on branch Vernon on accompanied Mr Estate planning was discussed by the two who gave several timely tips They were thanked by President Burke who gave them each Lottarlo tickets Grace Crawford and Ethel Webb assisted the hostess in serving lunch New baby in Herald Correspondent This is back to school week for the students after the Christmas and New ycirs Holidays Whit a variety of weather we have had during the holiday time Work is progressing on the new addition to the church building The congregation enjoyed the lively anthem by the young people choir at the church service on Sunday There was a fair attendance fur the first Sunday in the New Year It was announced that Sunday Jan Is the dale set for the annual meeting Congratulations to Beverly and Earl McLean on the birth of a little daughter from Stewarttown By J ROSS Herald Get well wishes are extended to Mr Gilbert English who Is in the Georgetown Hospital Starling in 1985 the first Sunday of each month St Johns Church service will be at The annual Vestry meeting will be held on Jan the morning service The next Guild meeting will be Wednes day Jan at SAVE 30 SAVE SAVE lb I SAVE 88kg40 lb SLICED AP White Bread 0- SAVE 40 CUT FROM CANADA FINEST GRADE A BEEF SEMI- BONE LESS Blade Roasts 1 99 5 Boneless Roasts 29 EXCELLENT FOR BRAISING Blade Steaks 1 kg- ID FRESH MEDIUM Ground 31 kg lb 69 FRESH WHOLE OR SPLIT BONELESS 11 lb Chicken Breasts Lambeps ibi ft1 Lancia Pastas 79 995AVE SO Provimi Veal Veal Scallopini SHOULDER Veal Chops 1 St 139 bowl la STYLE 159 Boneless Pork BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA BY THE PIECE Bologna Chunks 3 BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA SMOKED BY THE PIECE Back Bacon C59099 Swifts Cooked Meats BURNS PRIBE OF CANABA Sliced Bologna BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA SLICED Shoulder Lamb Chops 41 Cooked Ham AP BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA OR STAMPEDE SLICED BURNS OF CANADA Side Bacon Headcheese PRIDE OF CANAOA REGULAR OR ALL BEEF Burns Wieners BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA BY THE PIECE Tomato Juice OZ TIN Frozen Seafood Fish in Batter BLUE WATER FROZEN BOSTON BLUE Fish Chips Sugar Plum Hamsv 7f3 59 Homesteader i Hams SAVE 140 ALL PURPOSE OB CAKE PASTRY Monarch Flour 199 ALL VEGETABLE Bravo Oil SAVE SO VARIETIES CHICK PEAS LENTILS RED KIONEJ Bravo Beans ORANGE PEKOE Salada Tea Bags CHICKEN NOODLE SAVE SO Upton Soup Mix RED KIDNEY SUPER BUY WHITE SWAN BEIGE WHITE YELLOW Facial Tissue of SUPER BUY CAPRI WHITE BEIGE YELLOW Bathroom Tissue 99 JANE PARKER SLICED Cracked Wheat Bread 69 JANE PARKER Pumpkin Pie 179 JANE PARKER Spanish Bar Cake Si 139 JANE PARKER SLICED SAVE Buttermilk Bread if 79 BUY 3SAVE 47 CONDENSEO Campbells Tomato Soup 31 Yogourt IT SAVE I FROZEN BEEF CHICKEN SALISBURY STEAK 3449 Savarin I Dinners LIGHT I OR SMOOTH I Cottage Cheese AUTOMATIC REGULAR OR FILTER DRIP Maxwell House X MINI ASSORTED VARIETIES Nestle Puddings AMY MOW IHOW S149 Stouffers C lino FR02EN BEEF CHICKEN TURKEY Savarin Pot Pies SAVE FROZEN MAC CHEE5E OR SOUFFLESAVE SO 179 Stouffers Entrees SAVE 349 MONARCH MIXES ASSORTED VARIETIES BUT SAVE Sponge Pudding RECONSTITUTED 31 99 HEINZ FANCY Tomato Juice POWDERED LAUNDRY All Detergent REGULAR OR MINT FLAVOUR Aqua Fresh BUY SAVE 3r1u6 BONUS PACK pick on DO SAVE Soft Margarine 129 Fresh Broccoli FLORIDA HT WATCHERS SPECIAL RIVER Seedless Grapefruit Martins Apple Juice IMPERIAL 100 VEGETABLE OIL 99 99 ASSORTED VARIETIES Cookies BEEF RlSH HOT IE CON BEANS Puritan Stews To 169 SALTED OR PLAIN CHRISTIES Premium Plus FROZEN ORANGE OR Old South EMEU 1E SAVE 5r129 SAVE 230 POWDERED Sunlight Laundry Detergent LITRE PROD Of ONTARIO DELICIOUS IN Fresh Mushrooms PROD OF US A DELICIOUS IN SALADS Fresh Avocados 3100 BUY 97 CANADA NO 1 ALL PURPOSE 199 PEI Potatoes PROD OF MOROCCO SWEET SEEDLESS Fresh Clementines CANADA NO PROD DELICIOUS WITH CHEESE PROD OF USA SWEET SEEDLESS PROD DELICIOUS IN FRUIT SALADS FRESH Celery Stalks UH Navel Oranges PROD DELICIOUS BAKED FRESH PROD DELICIOUS IN FRUIT SALADS FRESH Zucchini Squash 169 Kiwi Fruit 169 READY TO SERVE Assorted Heinz Soups AP reserve ttia right o limit quantltlos to normal family requirements Prices effective thru Sat January 12th 1964 SAVINGS SHOWN IN THIS AD BASED ON CURRENT REGULAR RETAILS