Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 10, 1985, p. 5

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On declining enrollment Criteria is listed by study committee to evaluate schools THE PREPPIE LOOK With a mandate to look at declining enroll ment a school lion committee has mode a list of criteria needed la make some hard decisions Since March 19 a member committee from Ha Hon Hills has met each week to discuss possible school closures or the twinning of schools from elementary schools in Hills arc to make recommendations to the Ho I ton Board of ion by March 19B6 Now ready to break for the summer the com discussed the pros or cons of each school chairman John Kavanagh said The committee has spent all of their lime thus far discussing the criteria needed to uale each school Mr Kavanagh said Things have been going slowly but it a large committee he It been difficult deal ing with the wording of the criteria statement and committee members feel It must be clearly he said The committee mem bcrs arc like mini Irus tees who want to make the criteria reflect well on their school he said Mr Kavanagh calls the consolidation study committee a very high calibre group who are all very verbally Each week the com met at a different elementary school in Hills and listened to a iveminute present by the principal They would then be free to ask principal about the strengths and weaknesses of the school and walk the hallways The member com has a voting body Scheduled then Is a meeting with the region and Board of Education planners to discuss future develop ment With information on thetownsexpansion the committee will go back and look each of the schools In Murch the committee will make presentations to the llalton Board or However be fore the conclusions of the study are presented the board a public meeting will held Mr Kavanagh said After Sepiembir Mr Kavanagh is hoping the committee can stay In contact the com munity through news let tens or the three news papers in north The meetings each week are closed lo the press and public How ever the minute for each of he meetings are available and two represent in their school area Mr JOHN of which ratepayers two from each school Hills trustees Betty Fish er Irene Bruce and Dick Howitt and cochairman John Kavanagh and Hon Chapman who each re ceive a half vote In September the com will reconvene Jills gym camp The Hills Jills gymnastics club will be holding registration next week for Ihelr upcoming summer gymnastics Registration is being held at the Rose Room located at Memorial Arena Tuesday from and Thurs day from p m Fees are for a half day and for a full day For more Information those Interested arc ask ed to call Kim at Collision A Mctjilvrny Crescent resident backed Ihelr 1979 Buick Into the side of a parked Ply mouth while leaving theirdrlvewaylostTuea day July at 5 pm Only the Plymouth was damaged an estimated almost new no loialoiv dollars Women and Has to to seen id bo MAKE MONEY Wo also accept clothes In good cond on Schools compared with each other How do you rale one school against another II a tough question but one that has to be answered by a school consolidation committee The group is looking at declining enrollment in Halton Hills and their job Is to list criteria and choose which schools If any should be twinned or closed The committee started with a goal statement outlining their common objectives It states the goat of the Hills Consolidation Committee is lo make recommendations to the Board of Education on the enhancement of educational opportunities for students through most efficient and effective use of the Boards Having said that the committee listed a variety of criteria in order to evaluate the 14 elementary schools In question Topics listed include the community ties financial human resources location prog ram regional growth and development and transportation Criteria for community Include trying to maintain peer group continuity from Klndergar ten lo Grade 13 where possible and the use of the school by he community for other uses Consideration should be given to what alternative facilities ore available in the school area the statement says Facilities should be evaluated according o present and future maintenance needs and the adaptability for modification or expansion the committee feels Consideration should also be made for at y existing special purpose rooms equipment and facilities Another criteria addressed is the accessibility to handicapped currently or for the future Under financial It is necessary to look at schools that have high renovation maintenance or capital costs the committee feels The potential ability to dispose of a school and increased costs of busing also affect any decisions made based on the criteria The committee recommends that a full time leaching principal be provided where ible Also consideration for a viceprincipal should be given where numbers warrant says the committee The statement recommends that each school have a special education resource teacher at least one half lime librarian and full time library services A school site location has four criteria One is that it be in a centrally located area for the present and future Another consideration Is for safely of the children from traffic A school site should have favorable zoning that wouldn t affect the growth of future student populations Also school closures shouldn t re duce student access to sports or library facilities unless absolutely necessary the committee recommends Plans by the region town and the province plus other organizations like the Credit Valley Conservation Authority have to be considered In the criteria the statement says In addition school location Is considered important based on time spent on a bus and any safely hazards resulting from a school closure Elementary schools population guide About 175 students is about the right number for a school holding grades Kindergarten to or Kindergarten lo That what a consolidation study group says Is needed in order to ensure a list of six objectives relating to programs at schools The member group also says a Kindergart en to Grade school should hold about 350 students Six objectives could be facilitated by malnt the school populations listed above the committee says minimize spill classes increase the potential for extracurricular activities strive lo meet staff allocation guidelines to provide a minimum of one half time librarian adequate teachers with specialities for Grades and adequate non leaching and support staff utilize budgeted program funds to the best advantage recognize the respective characteristics of both large and small schools Strive to have two units of kindergarten e a and p Acton swim lessons New and exciting lessons and swims have been added to the Acton Indoor Pool Afler an incredible response from the public the Hills Recreation and Parks Department decided to allot lime for Adult Lessons These lessons will run during the same sessions as the Learn lo Swim Program The sessions are July 1 12 July 15 August 5 IS and August 19 30 the Adult Lessons will run Monday lo Friday from to m DENTURE CLINIC J Kohari DT 122GuelphSt GEORGETOWN Tilt HERALD Wednesday July 10 Pages For underprivileged kids Scotsdale neighbours dislike camp plan of local students Wall Disney call for repp It last Friday for the nim Young Again Productions will be shooting the film Julys ID and II In Georgetown been here would be extras tlrtt right J Blanc Brent Hull and Wendy rger Region owned Daycare centres could go private ByANlPfcDMUAN Staff Taking the region out of the daycare business is taking a backward si two coun cillorssaid last week At the regional council meeting last Wednesday Courts Peter Arch and Carol Gooding objected to the proposed move which would sec George town Maple Avenue Day Care Centre Oak Sedgewick Cres cent Day Care Centre and Margaret Drive Day Care Ccnire oil handed over to the private sect Arch said most referrals from day care child abuse or of children at risk hand led by he Children s Aid Society come from the regionally operated day carccenlres He vice- president of the society Because there may be a fear of reprisals from private operators he councillor said Whireas regional op erators have Ihc protect Ion regional staff and us employer If wens a council are advocates of child wcl fare this is a backward step In terms of child welfare Arch said Gooding said day care is one of the most Important services the region can provide in society calling It an investment in children It far more Import ant to spend money on children than on burying garbage in the ground on which we get no return look at he money we already spent on garbage issue she said Burlington Coun Joan Little Tell the council concerns were pre mature and noted the region Is only entertain proposals Tram the private sector regarding Retendering cheaper The region was able to pare off by ret en den ng a Contract renovate the regional administration building and make It accessible to the physically handicapped Chief administrative officer Dennis Perl in Informed regional councillors that re tendering the project resulted in even better bids for lower even than the lowest bid the first lime around May he low tenderer Pine Tree Construct ion Company had to back out from taking on the Job because of excessive workload Regional council readvertised the building renovations and Limited came up with the lowest bid of improve the washrooms the entrance door and ramp of the big green build on Highway just south of Highway 5 these regional centres Inherent in the dls eusiions Is somehow that private daycare t as good as public daycare she objected We have some pretty darn good fellow councillor Keith Bird there is now different govern Queen Park which promises different programs Until its day care direction is given The region t make any moves with daycares He wanted de lay for about a vcar on ted deferral but numbered by Hills Jake Kuiken John McDonald Dave Whit and Mayor Miller On Ihc urging of Coun Arch regional agreed that the Chltdrens Aid Society be contacted and asked for its observations on Halt on proposal call As well regional eouncill and staff are to consult i he pro vine government wlthm the next 30 days By MAI Gil- HANNAH Herald II will probably be the end the year before a final decision is made by the Ontario Heritage on the future of Scolsdale farm south of Consultants however make mend it ions on use to a subcommittee the foundation by August The along with furnishings paintings and a endow ment was left to the ft on by Mr and Mrs Bennett who died 1JS3 Afar an open house at the farm on Trafalgar Wednesday Henry Sears of Sears and said their study is to be ready for to ihc lee the end of July Subcommlllec chair man Christina Jennings said at cast two commit tecs must review those prt before the full foundation sees them and full f ion meet ings are held only Tour a year The open house which attracted about peo ple was designed to get public input on four pro posed uses for Ihc prop erly The board or George town Optimist Club and the Ontario Equestrian Federation have all made proposals A fourth use would include agriculture Mr Sears said vary combinations of the four uses were being considered The board would like to use part of land for on outdoor education The Optimists want land for a camp for children and ihc federation wants ere- lie a national horse park Other proposals would sec the form operation continue Area residents cxpres board of lion science coordinator Stan said new programs art beginning il Silvcrcreek the centre is expected to be filled this year Changes lo the science in the next of years le in he towards conser and agriculture he added is the only board In Ihc area which does no have its own outdoor education centre and il would be willing to share such a facility with the Separate School board and other bo irds who may wish to club proposal would a camp for children from Cale- n and area Residents were con about any or the uses causing increased demand for services or Increased traffic While education and underprivileged children may be motherhood iss residents said they want to see the properly remain self sufficient rather than become an other drain on tax doll Resident Allison suggested the property might be developed for senior citizens housing Courtesy Mercury scd thought of numbers of young people using the properlj as a camp or education centre and when no one had details of those proposals Mr Sears said that the Federal ion has been working on ils proposal since but the board and the Optimists have had only a few weeks to work out their plans Residents were un happy wilh Ihc potential for lax dollars to be Invested in more educa lion facilities when the neighboring Silvcrcreek Education Centre op erated by ihe Valley Conservation Authority appears to be under utilized APPLE WINDSHIELDS 8731655 THINGS TO DO AND PLACES TO SO I MOWS AMD hwy DANCING MAIN ST A CANADIAN ODEON THEATRES Shop the Annuity market with Mutual Life Th Mu ILI BRIAN Rd S Suite 8774515 Mutual of Canada VIDEO HOME MOVE RENTALS I WEDNESDAY MEMBERS WEEKLY SPECIAL ALL MOVIES EXCEPT NEW RELEASES 99 MINIMUM OF TWO MOVIES -SPECIAL- HEAD CLEANERS Rag wwumeviAST I cmnm ft THURSDAY 10 MOUNT MOUNTAINVIEW PLAZA GEORGETOWN 8731566 ABOUT THE HILLS Travelling activities The Travelling Activities Centre will be vis ling Ihc following locations provide free supervised spontaneous programs on July 12 and 17 Slay tuned for further updates July 12 Joseph Gibbons School I Glen Williams Park Kiver Hun July 10 Escarpment plan approved the June meeting or Ihc Niagara Commission the approved Niagara Escarpment Plan was the main topic on the agenda Highlight ins the various components of the I Ian Commission Chairman Ivor McMullln slated he was extremely pleased with the concepts in the approved Plan and wilh the directive implement the Plan which will benefit people of Ontario for generations to come It is struck a good balance between the pressures for and the need to preserve unique Escarpment tea lures Ttit plan for kilometer Escarpment which runs from Niagara River to Tobermory wis given final assent by the government on June 12 Mr McMullin has been appointed Vice Chairman of the Niagara Escarpment Committee set up under the Ontario Heritage Foundation will administer a million a year fund as part of the Ontario Government ten year mm lo Escarpment land acquisition Fall winter brochure Community groups do we know about you The Recreation and Parks Department maintains a list of all community groups In Hills If jour group is not listed in our Spring and Summer Issue be sure give us a call For more information call Do You Need DRIVING LESSONS DRIVER ED COURSE CERTIFICATE FOR INSURANCE REDUCTION HAND CONTROLS JULY Spd Com July 15 IS and am classti driving JULY 30 WEEK EVENING COURSE STARTING JULY TO AUG Can You CM 8775844

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