St WednMday January IBKf In your opinion Is a limit fair Question What do you think about a three cat limit for household in Ha I ton Hills Rutherford Norton NORTON Well I not a cat lover I think It okay that they Chafe sufficient for CHAFfc I don t care I don like cats and it none or my business Michael Madlll Tf lllt never thought Lions plan gala party to celebrate years The Georgetown Lions Club will be celebrating their anniversary at a black tie dinner and dance held at Century Gardens in Brampton Feb This milestone event is being combined with Brampton Lions a club sponsored by the George town Lions Head table guests include the mayors and the MP represent Brampton and Georgetown John McDermia Guest speaker is Lions international 2nd vicepresident Judge Brian Stevenson of Calgary Alberta Invitations have gone out to all former Lions members and should any of the general public be interested in attend ing a limited number of tickets 17 per person are available through any Lion member CURItENT PROJ Furnishing dining and recreation lounge of Bennett Health Care Centre Hill Drug Abuse Committee Canine Vision Canada A guide dog school built Lions and located in for training blind students to become self sufficient with the help of a guide dog Lions Camp Dorset a vacation resort for kidney dialysis patients Dorset Ontario Li Lake Joseph resort for the blind south or Parry Sound For further Information cull Carl Hansen or after Widows meet There will be a widows contact group meet at Knox Presbyterian Church Hall Jan 28 at m All widows are welcome For more information call Double pay bylaw The two pay Issue is on the road to being corrected Halt rig councillors are expected to pass a bylaw this afternoon Wednesday which would prevent regional councillors who get elected to the Legislative Assembly from receiving pay from both the municl pality and the province or federal government Pay to the councillor will cease on the day following polling day accord to the amendment Bad odor origin still a mystery Oh where oh where is it coming from The source of that bad odor in Acton continues to remain a mystery We haven Identified what is causing the bad odor Regional Public Works Director Bob Moore admitted last week in the regional planning and public works committee meeting I can only report today on what causing It One of the key suspects for the bad smell has been ruled out Mr Moore said Tile sewage treatment plant has been found innocent Coun RickBonnettcsaidhesbccn waiting several months already for the regional report fingering the guilty parly were told It would be ready In lime for a report to come in Coun said He concerned that with further in the report it could be summcrtinc and that s when the smell becomes especially noticeable and We can do a progress report on It Mr Moore offered Mousetrap Arc you and your friends tired of trivial pursuits Ready to move on to more difficult questions How would you all like to participate In finding a murderer You can How George town Little Theatre will be present ing the world famous Agatha Christie mystery Mousetrap at the John Elliott Theatre Come In a group at intermission say who you think did it You won know the winner till the end Student senior and group rates available Play runs Feb 22 and March 1 Information and tickets available by calling the Box Office at B77 They n ay have skied on he last bit snow available in Hilts or Hob Taylor held a workshop Tor eager cross country such as Julie a front her sister Still some snow aid Farmer They were at Terra Jack I- kid Centre Saturday In a program by he Hills Park and Itecrealion Department Herald photo Three choices for dumps What do you do with a garbage dump after it full up Consultants of Land plan Co labor have some Ideas Mr Stevens has been working on a draft report with after use ideas for the proposed dump sites in Milton and Burlington sites D and F For he Burl landfill the consultant felt an open space or conservation type of use could be made the proposed dump Agriculture t been as a viable alternative For the Milton dump site the consultant had three concepts course open space recreation farming In order to develop a golf course on the site an Irrigation system would be required and some special engineering design to provide contours In the land Mr Stevens indicated He referred to Chatham as an example of how a landfill site can be rehabilitated Into a golf course As soon as it is finalized the draft after use report will be circulated to public agencies and concerned groups for their input Weird and wonderful My what lovely you have This not dressup day at Acton High School Student such a left to right Tammy Forbes Irene King and Alice took the stage last Wednesday to present a play to children at the day care centre The student are all members of teacher Bonnie McDougall drama clan Students wrote play made the props did their own makeup and made their own cot tu met Herald Open House arts AFTER FIVE MAIN ST 8773388 A St 8776232 The Arts and Crafts of George town met on Jan IS at the home of Mrs Jean for their Annual and General Meetings President Mrs Pat Beer thanked members for their efforts contribut ing to a successful and the new late of officers was presented and approved Already plana are going ahead for their Annual Exhibition and Sale this year to be Oct 18 at the North Halton Golf and Country Club and for their participation In the Parks and Recreation Community Open House March 1 at Georgetown and District High School Any practising crafts person Interested In Joining the group can obtain application forms at the Open House or phone Bin Pat Beer The meeting ended with a fascinating account by Mrs Deere of her recent visit to South Africa FOUR WAYS TO SAVE AT DINNERFORONE STEAK NIGHT I Only 290 3 pieces of chicken french IJ3s fries cole slaw and bread I llBAQualphSt Qaoraatown 877 5241 that makes DINNER FOR ONE DINNER FOR ONE I Only 290 13 pieces of chicken french fries cole slaw and Only 290 3 pieces of chicken french IiCx fries cole slaw and bread I I lieAQuelphSI DINNER FOR ONE Only 3 pieces of chicken french 3in fries cole slaw and bread KfitouEtfedChicken L1KAQuaph St I Qaorgalown I o Its our taste that