country Herald Columnist COUNTRY SKIING II is important to control the loss of body heal if you arc on the trail for a prolonged period of lime to do so could result hypothermia the body Inability maintain an adequate tempera ture One is insulated not by but by the air trapped within it Therefore the layer of clothing next lo the skin should layer of air to surround the body Fishnet style underclothing or underwear woven to give a waffle pattern are both good Secondary layers of clothing shirts and sweaters must retain body heat while absorbing body moisture and transmitting it to the outside evaporate Since the weather may change continuously while you ore skiing you will have to control your body temperature by adding or removing clothing types of clothing which can be put on or removed while on the You will need a wind proof outer layer of clothing when it is windy or when you are skiing quickly on long downhills You should also carry spare socks and inner gloves to change during Ihe day socks are desirable particularly if your feet perspire a great deal Synthetic materials lose their insulating qualities when wet suits or snowmobile outfits are far too warm and are not suitable wear for adults They may be line however foryoungchildren who move very slowly during the learning stage Since most heat loss occurs via head wear a toque Now that we have covered some of Ihe basics as to why cross country skiers require certain kinds of clothing and why they dress as they do let take a look at what is available in the marketplace As I pointed out previously all equipment purchased and that includes clothing is dependent upon the type of skiing that you pursue For example the type of clothing purchased for back country or wilderness skiing will vary greatly from that intended for light touring and racing If I to detail all the clothing that is available today I would have lo write another book on the subject Hey Maybe a good Seriously though I only intend to highlight trends and new developments in clothing The final decision on what you buy is up to you From a personal viewpoint I dress In underwear with a track suit over top In extreme cold I may odd a woo sweater for added warmth I guess I stilt adhere to my old KISS philosophy Keep It Simple Slupid and 1 11 probably never change Anyway since the ladies like to look pretty and the guys suave in order to impress those ladies lets take a glimpse at what is available Let s start off with something spicy How about silk underwear Silk Underwear Really Yes its for real its expensive and it works Available from Eddie Bauer Early Winters Bean lo name a few Silk is a long lasting absorb breathable natural product The mention of silk underwear is the closest I II come lo writing pornographic material Before you rush out to buy silk underwear try your wile Sorry only kidding you should take a look at polypropylene It Is a hydrophob ic fiber thai works to transport body moisture away from the body while providing excellent Insulation One word of caution don t throw poly propylene Into hot or the dryer or It will melt This could prove embarrassing if you had to ski the day after the wash t it However for a warm light weight layer that will keep you dry it is an excellent product Some manufacturers of polypropylene include Hansen Patagonia Wickers and Royal Custom homes prices Now you can unique of custom homo at a you can Wo you warm rich homos Plus ox to help plan a homo lhat Is distinctly you With Its reasonable enduring quality natural beauty and enemy on a Homo is tho best home values loll Come- visit us You II rwa why buying a custom homo at our custom Is a 1h nQ of CEDAR CLASSIC CEDAR HOMES BOX HILLSBURQH ONTARIO NOB 1Z0 Is lor page Building Lot Sheridan tourney has desired affect Whit tin i town District School r iris volkybil ink pi tliy found in weekend nut 1 itworihv said his tiim is f nod a team lhat forces to will on diknii tournament In Id the Rebels i urn up iit i il gone rlhy s I sure tiny both In Is wire without tin In It play Hit of livmi I on they beat White rum is i drier mil Book is Oiks 153 15 and sixth nun off the 1oyoli 1 ljfl two diys it nit shuffling of as St mini long Multibus in off now until nil in throughout tin host Trafalgar hl will Iwodjys I Milton tout competition got what undid worthy siid pliv Ih it hit mist us wi did nil in pool behind II rid In lot il ini lost its with Midland split with In it indSt Intrusion mils- list If 1 to St I will ind it eosi us VW id SI J is Junior Rebels unbeaten The irtilottn strut School junior- ill It i w Ihis weik to improv it- rnord to Ihrn v s ins di l inn 11 to White Oiks mil win I Co Shirk s ml lur mi h id milih 111 day but for I on that diiin iternlm wen inliiipitint i liiULhir she si iled on ball pi but it ilidn prove to bi i More of conn rnloVthili is tin second m itch in list Ithe over The second game was one she lhi ft v points tiny ilk rolling With exams this week Hit is off until I- when visits gym Two days Milton visits Hi Ik too Redmen rebound from first loss IN sin ill in thur Ik hut 1 V IiosIiiil 111 I l- 1 I umur Thursd Hid on r tins Ml k I ii iiliusd llul fin to it ick phyul 111 will i illvouints Mi it us but 1 k l 11 Ell us iinproviiiiinl in Ins pi dd pin lttir liny w llmufi is In i iht lull our down it d satisfied at when we irtand 1 in proud of what Iht have bird workira mil goil this ir is to luvi irk ihtttibilvts is bunt as is llu so when step on tin wi lo anyone for In jui i r Iddmin win Hint I 1 ill nils Selects win tie exhibition contests 1 111 pi in inhibition impton last Vi sun I ii to i if itid Georgetown is not to In lot lis their urn opining i with 4 1 tin sioriii or isstitedljj J son Hobby for the lot ill on i from luieniitc David Andrews impton pressid bird but strung solid by lit Id tin opposition goal eorjitown of ami in tin final period the Ihird Hilton Tin entri knocking in piss from hard working A minute Mitt iloitd out the for by lrivirs AWARDS s I II lliili rls player I the nil lotlcro am- but suffered their First raid photo by Dan lalph Sabres meet in first playoff round the Sibris notched only Junior hockey win this win turns- out to be a big one TheSibras defeated rand Volley 11 it Ihe The win wis big one was the hit regular season before playoffi such a win Ihi Sabres feeling for their sines with lyers Sabres started the week off in on bail note losing 1 Friday night in Fergus the Sabres pi lot bitter hut Hit home won the game In all Rimes this the Sabres were minus regulars due to Injun anil work commitment Wednesday lii Dun wisdom tooth Ken Mac bom chip in llinnns Hour Iwnn us work were not in action i Peine to the list IlourlHinmi5 did phy bill dm wi rk commitments in lik hid to dress two miosis in first two nines of the loiibSlevi said f lis i Jul is to but in a full squid w II be ring I half him hi slid IK first of the seven series will bt in iled in I hi two return mjht pm Hun W Optimist pee wees finish year on top I III was lb winner in the ludlrs while Ternoway Iriglill lopprd Iht hi ladles lljm I llu Georgetown Optimist Minor I etwees finished snson with first win a 12 ditision the visiting club Hie win tin lam points and issured a first phtt Ball tourney all set to go be Clubof Is holding its second annual Winter Has ball Tournament and interested learns are encouraged to confirm their The tournament will consist of tight or 1G teams with thi entry fee being per team All the proceeds of the tournament will go to minor baseball In Georgetown to help the cost involved at Ihe minor level Tin tournament will be held at the Fairgrounds Feb and with all lenm3 At Tour of the 10 players who will he on the field must be will be used and is will those people making it to second base will have to either ski or way to third Skis and snow shoes will be provided permitting there will also an outdoor pancake breakfast prior to bust ball ait Ion Interested are asked to contact David Ashbce at 520C during business hours Indoor tennis set This loosely structured program provides an opportunity for beginner tennis enthusiasts over 11 years of age to warm up for the upcoming tennis season Bask tennis skills are practised in a social atmosphere Players may sign up or In couples for the time slot that is most convenient The program begins Monday January at Joseph Gibbons Public School and cosls only for 10 weeks so sign up right For more Information pknieiall877 In bis prignmi talk to Dun told his players the should be bitter the team is will down in ihi standings ploy the score stood it 1 mid the players tiny had sonii work lo do in order to ilisfj Die off met wint to work seconds into the pi nod finishing with a I Ii ml In has all si ison long led tin scoring with four mid two assists 1iwrcnce ioi iribuii pmr as did Trevor Single goals came from the sinks of Stive llrown llrnd Amnio iv ml lo 1 lincsky ind in with a pair Single were by mtlo and Hob 1 int Ik drawn out only fmiund but sever fluidities wilh Inking forty to twenty first plan stand now iw ills Hie winner of sines probibly ious mid Millin Correct person The said Hod had presented the Most manhki trophy at the lournaniint person doing the pnsinting was Hay apologizes to Mr for iheirror l in following Thi fourth gome will be played in lin at It with Game Five going in Ihe next night Hit othir iwo games if needed fimhied yet is confident his club can I ike iledon but in order lo do so the will hive to be a disciplined ilub beaten them in our rink ind all tin in Acton have been ilosi The big thing will lo win in their rink and there will be factor Their issei is power play and vt hive stay out of Iho box Local in meet llallon Hills Jills Gymnastics lub was represented by Darby Frier it Region first all Ontario meet of the year In Id in Saturday Competing In Argo C level girls 14 and the 10yearold rlenlshld with a combined II or thi four events and placed Ulh in tin meet recorded scores of on uneven parallel bars on the vault and floor and 55 on the hi on the bars was good inoiih fur a fourth place award in the In the three meets dmdi tht bin gymnasts from Ihe Region I includes Niagara ills Hamilton Burlington Guelph and who will compete in the Ontario next meet Is in Milton 1 in to reach the final With a better perfor in her two best events vault and floor Frier is hopeful of attaining ninssarj results Novices win The North Hal ton Major Nov hockey team travelled to Stnctsvillc on Sunday and skated to a 7 I victory Maine and Doug ird led the charge with two goals each Singles wen scored by Stephen Erler and Joe Stephens Assists these goals were by David three F vans Robbie Wands and wilh one apiece North continues their drive for first place In the In County leigue on Thursday at Arena against GEORGETOWN BASEBALL ASSOCIATION REGISTRATION FOR PLAYERS INTERESTED IN PLAYING REP BASEBALL HOLY CROSS SCHOOL