r gij To Cleaners Laundromat SAME DA SERVICE Home Newspaper Hills Established 1866 WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 1986 link It OPEN SUNDAYS 51 Report suggests closures for north Halton schools IIcim Id staff Joseph Gibbons Public School Howard Wriggtesworth Public School and Speyside Public School will be closed in definitely in September if recommendations made by the Hills Consolidation Committee are accepted The Halton Board of Education will vote on the recommendation at their March 20 meeting In addition to the three closures the committee recommends there be no more kindergarten to grade schools Park and are recommended lo be kinder lo grade schools All grade students will go to one of throe middle schools Mr Hyde said Reasons why Howard Wriggles worth was picked include safety and location Busing to Is not as safe as lo other schools because it is on Highway committee member Sharon Spears said The committee is also concerned about the safety of Although the Consolidation children walking lo Howard Wriggles Committee made their final decisions worth about school closures last Tuesday the The central location of Howard results were made public Wriggles worth makes distributing its The Herald was approached by a students to other schools once it is representative of the Board Wednes closed an easier task There are many day asking to withhold any informal alternative schools in the area on about Ihe final report Halton Board committee member Joe Hewitt said of Educalion policy slates Ihat results The most difficult decision or consolidation studies should not be committee had to make was whether to made public they ore presented to recommend Joseph Gibbons or Park Ihe board In this case not until Feb be closed They are both great the representative explained facilities It is a shame to see cither However some of the committee close Mr Hewitt said members released deUils of the plan The alternative to keeping when The polled Ihe members would be closing a school some- Thursday Others from the committee where else which means more students gave information about the report once would have be bused to either Joseph they knew the contents were known to Gibbons Park or some other school Howard Wriggles worth or 111 Public School hoe named alter a former Chapel Mr re I Public School Principal Ironically that school was closed down The school on Gurlpli Street near Maple Avenue has students the kindergarten school come from the immediate urea although some are bused in The school built In 19jZ since then within ten Years a gjmnasium was ad The old gymnasium was converted Into library Carol has been the principal since September After she arrived she asked they liked most about Howard Their were most important to them They halt a belief in their teachers she said the press Public meetings Long term growth in Georgetown west was in Parks favor Mr Hewilt said The quality of presentations made on behalf of each school were also important the vote was that close he added The committee voted twice because the first vole was so close Between voting more presentations Monty Hyde believes ihe fact The Hills consolidation study Is the largest ever attempted in Declining enrolment is the chief reason for the study The three schools were chosen after almost a year of weekly meetings the last few weeks being the most crucial During the tost Joseph Gibbons Is an open classroom month the three concept is a strike against it Park has schools would be closed They had to closed classrooms decide which ones These Ihrcc closures may not be Ihe last in Halton Hills The committee The choices were between Spcy recommended Ihe administrations of side and Howard Wriggles M2 Bennett and bo worth and Harrison and Joseph joined If there is not development in Gibbons and Park said Acton HZ Bennett could be closing in member Monty Hyde a few years Mr Hyde said because in December the committee Mr Hyde does not think the decided to keep all three Halton Hills middle schools open and to keep be closed schools open Mr Hyde ln said Rural schools were kept open so M that rural can a and are rural setting rather than be bused to Georgetown or Acton ls ol Hills rural schools could be closed he There were many factors used to determine which schools should be closed but among the most important The on committee was in the end were potential for growth made up of two elected parents and safety location said committee ratepayers from each of Hills member Heather Lambert schools Speysldewasnotinagoodareafor growth The school growth is limited Hills trustees and cochairman because or the Niagara Escarpment J and Ron Chapman Ms Lambert said Development near who each have a half vote the escarpment Is rigidly controlled members of the More student are bused to Spcy resource side than to This and vice- principals ted to it being picked for closure over of Hills public schools Education quality the primary issue School closures ore not implemented primarily save money but to Improve Ihe quality of education says Ron Chapman superintendent of schools at the North Education Centre The Board or employee says the two major reasons for consolidation ore to Improve and lo make education efficient and costeffective Schools larger enrolments can offer their students more There arc standards for what is at every school but there are things beyond these standards which only a school with enough staff can offer he says Closed schools will not mean the number of teachers will be reduced Teachers are assigned to schools based on the enrolment of the school Only if total enrolment goes down will there be less teachers in Halton Hills Ironically closing schools often means there will be less children in each classroom of the remaining schools Trustee Arlene Bruce said Schools small enrolments often have few classes and many students in them Schools with large enrolments distribute their students among classes more evenly The result is children receive more attention from their leachers There are also more teachers to devote their skills to extra activities Trustee Bruce said Larger schools can provide more variety In their programs and more expertise from their larger staff said Ron Chapman Consolidation could mean lhat remaining schools are modified or upgraded Trustee Bruce said There will be some extra money for upgrading when closed schools ore sold she said Joseph Gibbons Joseph Gibbons Public School is kindergarten through grade ft school at Moore Park Crescent In Georgetown There are 173 students In the school and Dour Mag wood Is the principal One of the unique Joseph Gibbons that It Is an open concept school Instead of closed classrooms much of the school space Is divided Into rooms The school was bull in when open concept schools were popular It Is one of Hills newest schools Pine lew and Centennial schools are alio partially open concept Most of the students attending Joseph Gibbons public School come from the Moore Park area Some come from north of Highway In September trainable menially handicapped students began taking special courses Joseph Gibbons Today there are T students The school was named alter a former mayor Georgetown Speyside A one storey red brick building located north of 15 on Highway Public School was built In 1900 The original school had Hie classrooms and was crowded enough that an additional three classrooms and a library and kindergarten were added In 196758 the early 1970s a gym stall room teachers supply room and were bull onto the north end of the school That was when enrolment peaked at children Originally a kindergarten grade school when first principal Mr Illicit opened School the school dropped grades and with the opening of the middle schools by the Board of Education in the early 1970s lust as In Ihe school early days most students are bused ln coming from the Acton area and rural Side roods 10 and IS Karen is currently the principal and Linda vice principal at the family like school Enrolment ls students this year Along with these tour grades of kindergarten grades 1 and grades 3 and and grades 5 and the school houses a diagnostic learning centre for Ihe board The centre Is a pilot project which works to diagnose the learning disabilities of children from all over and establish a program suitable for each child Two teachers and an assistant arc employed by the oneyear old project Originally begun in IBfli the school today has a strong parents association revitalized in the last three years The association plans movie nights once a month and help teachers with special activities and trips like the Winter Carnival last week Actons goes over budget By Herald SUff Its got have cedar shingles even If they cost another 500 councillors agreed Monday night about proposed Prospect Park boa house for Acton In general committee meeting town councillors voted in favor of extra spending Justifying It not only as more attractive but also as more durable to have cedar shingles on the boathouse roof Instead of asphalt shingles I know from experience cedar shingles last a lot longer than regular ones Coun Johnston affirmed It will give us more durability and we won be having a leaky roof Tendered the project is way above what council had budgeted for the boathouse last year Together the Bhlngles the boathouse Is over budget by The total estimated coot of the facility is If project is not started now not only is the price in jeopardy but to is the project Itself Recreation Director Tom Shepard warned council Formal approval of this spending ls expected at Monday night council meeting Tendered 4G0 the recreatl on director pared the cost without Jeopardizing the overall appearance or function down by The roof originally to extend over the deck was made considerably smaller instead of a furnace in basement a unit heater Is to go in the type of windows were changed a different grade of flooring was chosen for the snack bar area tiling In the basement for use as a future skating change room was eliminated and a reduction made in the size of the water line between the boathouse and the arena which meant less excavating Mr Shepard Good news is lhat Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing has promised a grant toward the Prospect Park project the recreation director said The town budget has put aside 000 for the boathouse The square foot boathouse la more than a boathouse for Mr Monday night he Identified the project as one step In the effort to get his staff in one area of the park with washrooms and a change room close to beach area they would be supervising It an attempt to centralize park activities Prom the boathouse parents can watch children swimming in Fairy Lake or In Ihe kiddle pool It g a good spot overlook the lake for a picnic lunch Mr said fig still By Herald Special More than islands that comprise the Philippines arc half way around world from Canada but the effects of the recent election there arc felt by a small Phihppino community in Mills is the Service Manager of Georgetown Honda He came to Canadi in 1 but he has nol lilt struthe in his homeland Mr commented on the elect before President Marcos wis declared Ihe winner late Saturday His predictions have proved Mircos will win He would win anything he wants to win Mr said will be unrest there will be fighting then will be death but it go on he said So fir lea of the opposition workers by Lemon Aquino have been since the day before the election President Ferdinand Marcos power in a presidential in 19GC his monopoly an that been cased since then I don think cither party is going but whatever happens it public Mr said If Marcos hangs on lo power he must make changes Ten years people were sored to open their mouth now they ore openly running against him Mr believes the only reason that Marcos called the election wis political pressure brought to bear the United Stales It a political game He ih Irying to keep up his image by showing that he is not to face the people hi said Mr Ortilla said the same it forced Marcos to call an election thai did not have lo be called until will force him to make radical changes lo help the people of he Philippines He thinks he only way for the to save face is if Mrs Aquino wins the election If Marcos holds on to power United States will lose credibility If Mrs Aquino wins then the S can save face Either way the Philippines needs the US he said The United States has two military bases in the Philippines theonlyUS bases in lhat part of the world Cora ion no decided to lead the opposition party into the election against after the murder of her husband fknigno Aquino was shot as he stepped off the plane when he was reluming from external exile I wo support But not in Manila you don t set Ihil happening in Manila he said He the main typcyuf in the capital Is through ballot box stuffing Mr visited Ihe Philippines last May and said he found living conditions harder than when he lift I go back yet If the Illation changes or the good then I miglt consider It Mr lift the Philippines because he felt living conditions and political stability wLredetinoroling Marshall Law was declared in 1972 just before Marcos was to faced the people in another I want my kids lo row up in that situation he said Mr came to Georgetown he wanted a peaceful life I was tired of the city I wanted some peace of mind He explained that the manager of Georgetown Honda d In ask me my name He just mc If I knew how to do things and told mc that I start on Monday Political unrest aside Mr Ortilla did have some kind words for his homeland The climate is good the wcatlcr is nice it a great place lo retire he J Fvcrybody knows he Marcos had him killed Mr Ortilla said He explained that most people in the Philippines do nol think the order came from Marcos himself I don think Marcos is lhat stupid to plan his assassination he said II s the people around him who were afraid of losing power I don think that Marcos is an honest man Mr indicated that if he had the vote he would have liked lo see Mrs Aquino win Mr said that election irregularities are part of our life There Is vole buying on both sides One side has lo outdo the other He sold that vote buying mainly In the rural areas Voters are money or food for IN HILLS Kick off night The annual fundralsing campaign by Georgetown and District Red Cross starts March 1 A kickoff with entertainment for canvassers friends and guests will be held Feb at Knox Church at Main St and Church St in Georgetown progr am will p To volunteer for Red Cross services call or Stop for toll Free grab bags of drug inform a tion will be handed out this Saturday as drivers pass Ihrough George town Lions Service Club voluntary toll The toll is located at the Penny Gas Bar and westbound at the Coop The Lions urge you to please drive through and leave a donation If you wish If you gas up at Perm this Saturday John Horning cr of Pennys has pledged to donate one per litre of gas pumped from to p to Ihe work of Ihe Abuse Flag me down When you re looking for some special school ceremony Membeia of advice on how to hold the Canadian the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 1M Hag proud and till Nicholas Johnson participated in a Park Public School knows who to call Standing beside him assembly devoted Canadian flag Second World War veteran Shel When students sing O Canada in Nicholas one of seven classrooms they will henceforth have a holding Canadian Rags for a Rag to turn towards Herald photo