Town Country JfSpfl SERVICE MONDAY TO FRIDAY IN BY 10 OUT BY HILLS SHOPPING CENTRE SECTION SI IT ION 11 fill 11HIUD Wednesday 13 Art Fettig a master teaching selfesteem Herald Special When Art I- speaks at George town District High School Feb 27 for Drug Awareness Week he will bring with him a touch of humor mixed with hard reality Art s energy for the lost years has been geared towards making people feel good thats what makes him feel good Mr is a teacher In the art of gaining self esteem Author and publisher of books and tapes live Self Image and ess Mr aims his teach now at the younger He had huge motivation rally about years ago That day It dawned on metliflt most of our work is healing people Now wc arc trying to get to those young enough to avoid the problem Mr said Tht problem according to Mr is lack of self esteem He feels that is the reason children get into drags crime and premarital sex Kids feel bad about themselves so they are vulnerable to drug pushers he said Mr thinks that Canadian families seem to be bound together better than American families but have been Influenced by American tele vis on Mr past experience gives him every right to speak on the topic A3 a teenager he was a member of a jazz band that saw one member a heroin overdose and another spend five years in prison His own brother a Viet Nam veteran died of alcoholism and he said I will be celebrating my 25th anniversary of sobriety on February 13 Mr was also an alcoholic While Mr now concentrates mostofhlseffortson the young keeps In touch with the healing process He uses a variety of tools to help him communicate his message Books tapes and poetry help him get through to his audience But his most important tool is his ability to gain the trust of people at his lectures Mr claims to have had amazing success with anorexics and bulimics I seem to be able to built trust A lot of parents and teachers don do that he said Recycling guinea pigs A new way to encourage recycling in residential community is being tested in February with homes In Burlington Hills and Milton There will be bags stuffed with recycling giveaways delivered to 100 homes in each municipality Salty a recycling tor said We ore looking for ways to encourage householders to recycle their tins bottles and newspapers If this innovative new kit Increases recycling other neighborhoods will be included The kit includes a button bumper sticker coloring book and set of rules along with a personal letter from Regional Chairman Peter In the letter Mr explains that recycling really saves our resources one ton of newspaper saves 17 trees By separating bottles cans and newspaper from regular garbage he says It easy for you to play your part in resource conservation We hope that residents will join In the program said Ms No Inclu led Sellers market in real estate Ml dressed up and nowhere to go wedding or rccrptlon to follow Seen Fashion hosted a bridal here are from lct shop owner show Sunday at the Holy Cross Church I and mod Hi Joanne These models finish Clarke Kevin McNeill their routine on the stage and had no I ant eigne and Carol Jane I makes the perfect bride as she models one of the designs you might see this year at weddings She was one of the models taking port In the I- bridal show Sunday Herald Shortage of homes driving up prices Herald Staff There are homes to buy In Halton Hills and some arc being bought almost as quickly as they go on the market The price of Hills homes has gone up drastically in the past and local realtors believe those prices will stabilize this year Alec Johnson is part owner and president of Alec Johnson Lid a real estate company in Acton An Acton worth MO In September is now worth WSOOO he said Homes worth between and BO in September are now worth he said Mr built the homes when industry was on the verge of settling in Georgetown Georgetown was attract because it had somewhere for employees The mayor of Milton planned growth the same way he said I think hove lost Industry due to a shortage of housing Mr Johnson He singled out local government as Hie root of the problem because they do not approve enough subdivisions to meet the needs of the people he said lit suggested federal and provincial governments should intervene and employment through more housing projects while satisfying needs of those seeking a home F Inn manages Arthur Johnson and Associates and he is not surprised or baffled by recent lncrcas He attributes the rise to catching up There were no substantial lncreas for three years and now prices arc catching up Mr Poulstrup said Alec Johnson believes housing shortages are the main reason for increases The average Acton home has gone up due to shortages he said Ann Mc In tyre is the manager of Georgetown branch or A E She said that If there were more properties on the market prices would Stay stable but a shortage in homes for sale and a large demand will mean higher prices this year That Is the situation In Hills but that Is a simple explanation of a complex problem and there arc other factors involved she explained Rising interest rates arc one of these factors Finn contends interest rates will be Just as low as were In January by June Higher interest rates have a way of Keeping the price of homes from Increasing Ann Mclntyrc said People don t buy homes as much and consequently the demand drops stopping the rise in Alec Johnson said that even if Interest rates do come down the low wage earner won t be any belter off because he can t afford a home anyway There Is a shortage of affordable homes and recent lncreas es have not helped the low wage earner Down payments arc small and even If Interest rates are 11 to 12 per cent they can afford the mortgage Mr Johnson said of low Conversely Mr Poulstrup has noticed many large down payments lately and Arthur Johnson and Associates has been selling a lot of homes so many homes that he staff was increased from 15 to in the last year to get a larger share of the market There arc no shortages of homes from his perspective If we t getting products for sale I would say we had a problem It a great market he said Alec Johnson is not as satisfied with ihc market and would like to sec more development In Hills He believes housing projects would attract industry and cites Rex s Dclrex subdivision as an example Keep babies snug in approved seat promote Buckle Up Baby By SHARON SULLIVAN Herald Special The Town of Hills the request of the Georgetown Jaycettes has proclaimed Feb 23 March l as Buckle Up Baby Week This week is being promoted by Jayctttc units in many communities across Canada and is a national project of the Canada Jaycettes Buckle Up Baby is an infant car scat rental project started as community service with the objectives of promoting and educating parents to use infant restraints at an affordable cost This is a nan profit project as the seats are rented out at about one third of the cost of purchasing an Infant carrier When funds more seats are purchased to meet the demand The rental agreement is usually Tor an eight month period at which lime most infants have out grown lbs the restraint and are ready to go into a child seat purchased by the parent The seat is anchored to Ihc car by usually the lap belt while the Infant Is securely held in the seat by the attached harness Infants should use this seat until they reach lbs and can sit up unaided which usually occurs between and months of ago The infant seat Is portable so parents con bundle the infant up In the house put him Into the infant seat and carry both seat and youngster out to the car Infants should always ride in the back seat of the car but the infant car scat can be placed In the front If the only other person in the car Is the driver so then the driver can keep an without having to take his eyes off the road This project was started in 1970 by Next week la buckle up baby week made official by the mayor million Here Sharon Solllv an demonstrate how la snuggle yaw Infant Into one of the the service club loans out for nominal fee Herald photo the Georgetown Jaycettes with approximately is seats loaned to us by the Ontario safety League We now have a total of seats of our own For rental information please contact Sharon Sullivan The cost Is plus deposit for months Kidney month Now that you know February is heart month did know March is kidney month The Georgetown and Chapter of the Kidney of Canada proclaimed March kidney monlh with the help of town council Monday The two year old chapter hopes to receive similar town support as last March A shabby coat The regional coat of arms Is in shabby quarters these days The certificate from the Lord Lyon of Scotland registering coat of arms has slipped in its frame and needs to be remounted The region Chief Administrative Officer recent identified the need to repair the framing March break The Adventure Club has a great program for the March Break Phone 853 1070 or for more nformation A1 CARS TRUCKS 85 MUSTANG 84CAMAM2dr 84 TEMPO 84 OMNI dr auto V6 T Roof 5spd cyl stereo SPECIAL OFFER 9 WELL MAINTAINED TRADES RELIANT 83 CROWN VICTORIA Loaded 83 CUTLASS 4 VG Air 83 LTD Loaded 83 MUSTANG GT dr 83SENTRA3dr auto 83 CAVALIER dr auto LOW PRICED for FAST CLEARANCE PU RANGER PU 83 150 SUPER CAB 83 FORD VAN 81 PU F PU F PU GMC VAN GMC VAN 77 PU cyl cyl Tu Tone XL 6 cyl auto duals cyl 3 auto auto auto Sexually speaking Two nurses will be Speaking Sexually Feb the Open Door between noon and The Open Door is St Georges Anglican Church on Guctph Street next to the Georgetown District High School Everyone welcome to hear Valerie Cunningham and Phyllis Benjamin discuss this topic Library reps selected The Library Board was approved by The Town of Hills last week Norm Elliott is the for town council while Anderson is the Separate School Board representative The two appointees from the Board of Education are Aiolyn F and Scott Other members include Ralph Roger Jim Thais D and Rose Marie 1984 LTD No 10 udod 220 tin 1984CHEVETTE BASED ON MONTHS CAPITAL FORD SALES Your Dmml Is A Cmpitml 361 St 8731626