Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 19, 1986, p. 5

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si Tilt- III HMD DRUG ABUSE WEEK h EBR 22 M 1 Youth escapes from life of drugs crime Ely Herald Staff There was a lime in Moves life whin hi thought he be smoking drugs till the Thin was also a time in his life whin hi was idling his friends he was too smart to go to Rut things ha changed for this Georgetown man Steve not his ri is a reformed drug addict and convicted thief He now docs counselling or the Council on Drug and helps out with Georgetown Drug Abuse Committee and with a click of friends is helping others filling good about ikalnih to support his Whin hi reached Ihi crossroads it wis to moke decision about his was and Ml I knew how to do was whit inddcd hi said 1 fill it the Htm llli world owed mi something hi said t tomfarlubk with thi person he had become 1 thought I not tin person I want to In 1 was upsi it he s 17 w is sent to jail for stealing a tar Hi lined just who his fnindswin when none of his buddies used visitid him in jail ill remembirs being while in fighting a lot with I reallj it time Down out had no A Working work dut Situ d ins In linn i can do from my own lot arc it don know if they ii ronimnt with llu Is hi s lid Ik tills tin boys i Iheir who an going places with a clean mind you be okay If you stick with tin winners II be a winner Sit started taking drugs and when he was 12 jears old Ik was a good and a fine It wasn until high school that he tui imr more Involved with drugs and is more time at parties doing drugs 1 tried lo deal to get on the side Still I it They ha to spot me loan oul I more than I could sell so started Steve with marijuana but hi became involved with much strong ir ihemicals known on the street as acid bennies coke and others The more I took llu could drink Steve doesn drufs hard or soft bad he enjoys helping people teenagers so he ma be to university it night sthool to liki or psychology courses In the meantime he is i community doing some pirsonal counselling lies even speak lo parents about his former habit The wont know about m and bow I wis tup hi said A of people up talkid to me about their pirsonil situations after his talk he said It felt good Drug Week guest is speaker Fettig da lit will be I groups al own this Saturday lie hold iuss in leorgrtoM lo id about anil collect donations u assist the I On Sunday ministers in own been jsked to talk to Ihi ir toiijrejntlotis about tin abuse an Information packer will be provided t spec on druk abuse will be shown on I I Set tour loeil listing Information UFst Erttlg makes hi debut In Tuesday wilt he speaks lohlulents it Public School nlht he is with a social hour and dinner when he will meet of Ihc and local be schools includl thrt In the ire i nlchl he will be making a presentation to the residents and directors lialton House On Thursdij rib the week is an forum the School lufrtorlum The ltecjornl will be offering a of and will be the guest speaker Mr will speak our schools including an inoniiioiis meeting In the evening He will be an award for a member of for the Drug will he In Community House US with a booth full of illsplajs films literature ami The open house is mint held at the and District from a until Treatment centre Stonehenge promotes lifestyle changes Police concerned with rising LSD use 111 Oil Herald Special or those who have a serious drug addiction problem there is help close While some rehabilitation programs have success rates as low as cent the Drug Rehabilitation Centre in is effective in helping clients per cent of the time Its not because arc such superstars it because everyone else approaches program so wrong sold Neil Executive Director of Stonehenge Drug users will often go to doctors of psychiatrists for help Addicts are given other drugs to cure the problem but that is only treating he symptoms Mr said is unique in that deals strict I with adults over 18 yearsold Applicants must first go through a screening process and we select the people think can help the most Mr said SMA1 1 CENTRE The rehabilitation centre currently houses men and women from various parts of he country Most of the patients arc from southern Ontario or from correctional institutes But has treated patients from such exotic countries as the Bahamas and Venezuela The rehabilitation centre treats residents not by chemical solutions but by introducing them lo a healthy productive lifestyle a lifestyle hat many of them did not realize was available to them Mr at the centre have no common back ground but do ha similar conceptions of life have treated the very poor and very rich Their personalities all have a strong sense of narcissism They are much more pleasure seeking Mr said Their self concept Is very poor It a vicious cycle of feeling badly about themselves taking drugs to feel better and then coming down and feeling worse IN Till- While most of us live to prepare ourselves for he future drug addicts tend to live totally In the present They glorify the past They have no concept of the future and Ihcy will commit stupid crimes We are not dealing with low intelligence try to get them more in lini with society consequences Mr said He said that some addicts have broken into a pharmacy or doctor office to get drugs and then passed out in the office and were arrested Mr also bald that addicts bo highly manipulative He explained that hey will manipulate other people and themselves in order to support a or day habit mokes use of a variety of programs including group therapy new work skills occupational skills and recreational activities to lead its residents back into a productive life Mr explained that is It not an ride It cm be ind demanding t TO typicil di at Stonehenge has residents up about minutes of exercises then a circle At the check inch resident identifies to the community how they feel that day and what mood they arc in Mr said The idea is to seek encouragement from peers if he or she feels thai they have made some progress or to vent their feelings if the arc frustrated is followed by a work session which can Include snow removal in the winter or the restoratl on of the old mansion which they call home for anywhere from to 15 months The summer provides garden ing opportunities and ground maintemnce or even a to restore a 1954 pick up truck After lunch residents go to group therapy which usually consists of nine persons and one or two staff members Group therapy can be highly tational A person Is facing the honest of what they are which Is sometimes very unpleasant There is a tremendous amount of peer support It an encounter group not a discussi on session Mr explained is currently a wailing list of people lo get into and applicants must wail up to nine months to gain entry While here is no plans for expansion there is a crying need for It across province hi said Sergeant Hurls In checks Rome drug Is with Ihe lialton lteloii during a drug raid year and morallt squad Here Seminar planned Ministers vow help to fight abuse Ministers liaic a role lo plaj in fight drug they have to mote beyond thilr church walls That s Ihr message Has Martin told a meeting of George town minister Mr Martin the 1- of the Drug Abuse mm It tee in He told the Ministerial Association that drug users lire not church goer However the drug problem hai to be by the lenders of the Christian family Mr Martin said Drug abuse Ib not going away he said mentioning thai recent drug use slalUlki can be niltleadlng Some reports show thai the uie softer drug are down the decrease really minimal he said Mr Martin Ik afraid will become complacent about drug problem if the about drug use declining He Ihe reliability of students about drug use Do Ihey tell us what Ihey leel or what lhe want us lo hear he laid Mr Martin suggested seminar for the Georgetown Ministerial Association The would present an outline of what the can do to help inmbal drug abuse In their community The ministers at Ihe meeting accepted thai Ihey can become more Involved and will reach out further in the community Mr Martin said One of the objective of seminar will be Idea about how ministers ian reach Ihe people with heir message about drugs IMPI1FL1 Herald Staff Drug use in is not increas or decreasing but is a steady problem said Staff John Vanderlche of the Ha I ton Regional Police drug squad Soft drugs and hard drugs are available the region and are used by all types of people Police arc especially concerned about rising use of the hallucinoge nic drug LSD also called acid It popular with children because it s so or per hit Staff Vanderlellc said One hit is enough to keep someone high for an evening LSD is one hard drug inexpensive enough for school children to buy Soft drugs like marijuana and hashish are also inexpensive compared to cocaine and other hard drugs and they are common in schools Taking drugs is fad Vanderlche said It has become attractive to be seen with drugs he said In Burlington don get busted has become a way of saying good bye to someone Instead of saying good bye he said There Is probably a single person who has not used been in the presence of someone using or has not casually seen drugs he said Studies show that per cent of 15 yearolds use drugs on a regular basis Staff Sgt said The biggest problem with using soft drugs is they may lead to harder drugs Cocaine is a harder drug some soft drug users end up experimenting with It is the drug of elite thoscwhocan afford to per grim A gram of cocaine might last an evening Staff Vanderlelie said He called cocaine the most ous and dangerous drug because it is psychologically addictive Heroine is physically addictive welleducatcdmaies arc the most common users of cocaine according to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police National Drug Intel II Estimate for 198485 Very tew children use cocaine Staff Sgt Vanderlche said Cocaine Is found in north Ha ton is limited to older Drug use of any kind is not a problem In public school grades 16 11 does however start to be a problem In Ihc last year of public school when children arc police attempt to stop drug use early by malting parents and teachers more aware of drugs Children probably know as much about drugs as do Vanderlelie said Police visit schools home and school associations and any other group interested In knowing more about drugs They bring of drugs so parents can recognize them should they ever come across any Police tin the of drugs teach how to deal with drugs if found and help discipline children if the parents need help pannt finding in the home should bring them to the police Vanderlelie said are not asking the police to arrest their We generally don prosecute unless the parents want us to StaH What do is help parents their children and klip a record of possession If the child docMi come ma la telle The Regional I drug squad work wnh the and neighboring police forces stop drug use drug squads re lath other dealers arc bound by bound said Mayor signs drug week proclamation WHhREAS drugs and their effect upon the lives of our citizens continues undiminished despite efforts by government citizens organizations and many individuals and the problems of drugs touch and effect all segments of our society undermining and eroding moral and economic strengths of communities and their citizens and WHEREAS there is a reluct on the part of many citizens involve themselves in action to Insure the well being of their fellow citizens and WHEREAS service clubs and their members continue to sponsor and support programs aimed at combating drug abuse through year round efforts NOW THEREFORE BE IT that I Mil Major of HALTON HILLS the week February to March 1st 1986 as DRUG AWARENESS and ask all citizens of HILLS lo join with the service clubs carrying the message of drug aware ness to other citizens and by example exercise responsible citizenship Done at the town of Hills this day of January in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and eighty six Signed Russell Miller Drug abuse films Drug and alcohol abuse films will be shown on Hnlton Cable Channel Monday Feb at m Feb 5 and S p also Feb DAC aims for treatment centre from a small office on Street the Drug Abuse Committee DACt of Georgetown would one day like to have a full fledged treatment centre for drug addicts ThL DAC has come a long way from their humble beginnings in 1980 I- or the past three years the committee has been organizing a drug awareness week in town featuring guest speakers and talks with students of all ages With more funding available through support from volunteer agencies and groups committee will be expanding their drug aware week program beginning A special speaker from the United Art will talk to students in 17 schools At one time only eight schools were covered by the drug awareness program Last year the DAC moved giant step forward by opening an office on A pari time counsellor was hired and now works at the thru half days each week Tin office means that is mon in town there s a feeling the committee is here to stay said Mr the executive director Drug Awareness Committee first started as a project of the Optimist Service Club The primary function at the time wus to talk to groups and services clubs ibout drug abuse and what con be done to fight abuse Aleut with forming a Chicken Club for students to promote an environment without the need for Ihi Optimists featured a drug week The first guest speaker was Alec To expand the outlook of the committee the Optimises asked other service clubs and members of the community to Join We were getting money but also wanted manpower and ideas said Mr Martin The committee would like to In to open their office longer or more counselling with Ihclr current budget It isn I possible yet started a parent support group for adults who would like to talk their drUKs first meeting is lo held March Over the long term the committee would like to consider a treatment lor this area preferably somewhere in a country setting said Mr Mirtm the has helped two in the area and through some red ape to have them admitted to a itment facility near North Day Culled Vita Way the drug centre for youth takes mdividuils out of their environment and teaches them a new way of life Then Is a peer pressure on who art required to do daily chores on a farm It Is run by a Catholic priest the program is non denominational he sold Mr Martin would like to organize a follow up program for people who have from treatment centres something is done with alcoholics through support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous he said message Mr Martin would like to through the community is that group In town can get involved I has to contribute he said the Drug Buhner Pearl and Hay Committee meet regularly lo Martin Other members are Marilyn new plana project and promotion took Ma re el la Nee ly Martin and Seen here are from Hid left Kristin lllllle Herald photo

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