CARS TRUCKS SNOWMOBILES 1977 LTD DODGE Good condition Asking CHALLENGER snowmobile speed cassette alter 6pm deck power mirrors scats clock DODGE WINDOW swivel dual trailer racks Bom MOO 853 SPORTS BRIEFS VAN heavy duly tires brakes exhaust battery miles 00 4768 DODGE VAN Si FORD paint front end brakes 7 mile motor extra ANNOUNCEMENTS 1982 RELIANT E sta Sunn air condl condition Must Iras wood trim O PONTIAC auto AM radio 186 km One owner Certified 1973 PLYMOUTH 4 good tires for parts As 877 HONDA CIVIC Runs well 519 CHEVY SCOTT Pick up ton 4x4 dual tanks Runn rust check 60 MAZDA pick up 5 rubTV DO INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTOR In harmony with naluiB and Fat nulrillongl itippltmrnli perianal care and miscellaneou CLEAR SWEET WATER At last new technology eliminates Just a Although the deadline for ball soccer cricket and flag field requests for 1986 passed several groups have not submitted their request forms All sports groups arc reminded to make sure to get their submissions in right away to ensure your re quests are considered when scheduling is done The two Hills Indoor Swimming Pools have planned fun filled week of special swims during March Break Some of the activities include Graffiti Day swims Slumber Parties and an assortment of Public Buddy and Tilt Adult swims plan to take ad vantage of the full slate of ac at the pools during the Break further information please call the Acton Indoor Pool at or the Georgetown In door Pool at Sunday the Georgetown Herald yearold Selects played a strong game against Brampton with the Wednesday being Georgetown dominated play In the first period with three goals Jamie opened the scoring with an assist to Warren Evans Peter Mashinler then scored with Evans getting another assist Mashmtcr had the third goal by squeezing through two defence men for a breakaway goal Nathan Milne and Andy Kcrslake had assists Shortsighted bargain hunting FORD LTD air door BOO miles 833 bacteria staining chemicals and more A approved Proven In over in I960 Grand Lemans air loaded door cruise tilt wheel 71000 miles certified 833 2813 MAGNUM sunroof loaded certified BUICK Excellent motor 350 Needs some body work As is or best of fer 1979 RABBIT door speed deluxe 84 miles mpg excellent condition Asking cer titled 1407 MERCURY MAR PSPB air ASPEN Wagon automatic roof rack cer water supply DODGE Days eves MONTH TRIAL OF Bad water can be your profits worst enemy Your proeprty and life is much more ticar Sweet Water it Call now 1 firs or 1 AZTEC automatic and brakes certified 416 6057 exhaust Attention FARMERS wo manufacture Blower Days Units for Maple Syrup eves Evaporators per 1967 BUtCK SKYLARK 2 door Will sell or as Is Phone Andy 833 after 6 Erin VAN short box Good winter pro CHEV 10 extend cab pick up speed Rally wheels radio cert WESTERN CAR 1977 Ford station wagon no rust low new motor certified or Best Offer CHEVY NOVA several new parts uncertified 9926 PLYMOUTH COLT Excellent low on mileage and gas tires brakes PROSPEROUS Mens cassette stereo clothing mills Certified store Large bedroom 877 apartment upstairs Renfrew County tourist mo MAZDA ex Information condition Tn S tilled 49000 km Must L be seen S3 1T0 Box 877 z WIN A VCR movie GEORGETOWN CUSTOM CAD SOUND SINCLAIR AVE 8772425 NEW LOCATION 98 MILL ST GEORGETOWN THE DIET CENTER HH VIDEO MOVIE RENTALS GEORGETOWN MARKET PLACE i 113MILLST E ACTON PLUMBING HEATING HIGH EFFICIENCY GAS FURNACES ARMSTRONG AVE UNIT THE Highway Gallery FEATURING THIS WEEK LIMITED EDITION WILDLIFE PRINTS BY ROBERTPOVt GEORGETOWN 8779703 DOWNTOWN VIDEO FOR MEMBERS ONLY 1ST MOVIE 2ND MOVIE 9BA MAIN ST GEORGETOWN 8770935 KING SUBMARINE PIZZA FEB 26 MAR SPECIAL VEAL ON A BUN 10M0UNTAINVIEWSi 8775177 HALT0N TRAILERS SALES SERVICE and RENTALS 8774266 DOWNTOWN SUBMARINE CHICKEN Mum MAIN ST S 8776066 NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT MARCH MARCH 15 lOMQUNTAlNVIEWRD OU MOBILE Sin VICE NO EXTRA ARMSTRONG AVENUE CAROLS AMERONS MAIN ST S GEORGETOWN COMPLETE SKIN CAHE NAIL CARE FASHIONS FOR SPRING A SUMMER TELEVISION COMPLETE LINE OF TV VIDEO STEREO VIDEODISC RENTALS VIEW SQUARE 8779541 Short sighted bargain hunting continues to hurt the Canadian sugar industry sos Bill BUILDING CLEAR ANCE Clearance Quonsct buildings from recenl Canada Farm Show One building is 46 90 doors on both ends for Other sizes available Call 416 MlcROFURNACE the last Wednesday most efficient electric at Canada Farm heater to hit the market Show for RV home of a continuing supply of foreign raw sugar mens president of the Canadian Sugar Beet Producers Association Canada is the only sugar growing country that docs not protect its industry We arc allow Canada to be a dumping ground for foreign sugar seeking a home at any price said Mr Siemens who joined forces with Ontario Com Producers Association members In a press s tax and Eaanville Ontario break even KOJ pomta is threatening the SWIMMING POOLS Factory outlet has a J ln limited number CSPBA and models left at excellent officials savings Don buy you compare us Nobody beats our prices guarantee Call or for details TREE FARMER LOG KIDDER Model 5 D Diesel 4 34 Tires and chains viable Angle Snow Plow Ex condition ItOO hours asking 000 EARN MONEY Save Money Learn Income tax preparation by cor respondenec For free brochure no obligation Write U R Tax Schools Pembina Winnipeg Manitoba R3T2B6 BECOME AN AUC TIONEER hours of instruction Next class April to 12th For in formation contact Southwestern Ont School of Auctioneering Box 145 NOJ IMP train to be an AUC TIONEER A proven dynamic cassette and book course that teaches the auctioneers bid call Auctioneering for pleasure and big pro tits Hundreds have learned by this method Total cost plus postage handling Make cheque payable to Publics Own Auction Services Avenue Edmonton Alberta T5X3P3 FARMERS Budget news Phone now for a free copy of the February budget changes Appointment times available to pro cess 1985 lax returns In your home FARM BUSINESS CON Ox lord St London N5V 2Z9 Call toll free 1 BOO In business year round helping farmers for over years The two groups unveil a proposal for a variable levy safeguard policy The proposal states that Canadian growers be guaranteed cents per pound the bottom line amount needed to keep the LEGAL WILL KIT Lawyer prepared Easy Instructions Two will forms per kit Send stamp 12 to RALSTON 5017 Unit Burlington L7L BEDS BREAKFAST In British Columbia Plan your Expo holiday now Double accommodation with breakfast US minutes to Expo Write Royal City Bed and Breakfast Tenth Street New Westminister C 521 5733 PENNY ROLLER Trademark Patented Wrap pennies nickels dimes quarters quickly and easily One wraps all Uses free bank wrappers Only postpaid Please cents tax Two for Please add SI tax Send cheque or M to Penny Roller Products PO Fort Erie L2A5N2 See Live It Up C TV 7 Monday February Seasons Fragrance consultants earn dreds saving others thousands Replicas Ids Special 1 DATES GALORE For all ages and unattached Thousands of members anxious to meet you Prestige Acquaintances oil hours Would you like to cor respond with Christian people in Canada and U S with object being companion ship Write O BOX B C V0E Phone 604 8513 FARMERS Sprayed Urethenc Insulation Quality work at Western Ontario prices Certified applicators in agricultural retrofit since 1975 Call Warmth Insulation 6711 Box Perth K7H3G1 Sussmans of Arthur FINAL CLEARANCE ON ALL WINTER STOCK BIG SAVINGS ON ALL NEW SPRING ARRIVALS MENS SUITS SIZES TO REGULAR TO SALE SUITS FOR ITS SAVE OFF 1000 SUITS FAMOUS ALU am to RED SAVE 10 OFF ALL OTHER NEWLY ARRIVED SPRING SUITS SAVE OK 1000 SP0RTC0ATS GREAT SELECTIONS WOOL TWEEDS HARRIS TWEEDS SUEDE LOONS CAMEL HAtt CORDUROYS SIZES 3G TO 54 REG ALL OTHER NEW ARRIVAL SPRING SP0RTC0ATS MENS MESS SLACKS VALUE TO J SIZES TO SO ID MEMS DRESS SLACKS INCLUDES FALL STYLES was washable TO RE6 TO SALE SAVE OFF ENTIRE SELECTION OVER THIS NEWEST MENS SLACKS ALL FAMOUS BRANDS MENS LEATHER SUEDE JACKETS SPRING I FULL STYLES REG SALE 1 INLUDES LONDON FOG I BRANDS JACKETS RES TO 8 SAVE 1 U OFF ENTIRE NEW ALL AND SPRING JACKETS BY LONDON FOG a CROYDON SAVE ON MENS SP0RTSHIRTS SHORT AND LONG SLEEVE BEG VALUES TO SALE J SHIRTS FOR MHO MEM DRESS SHIRTS SHORT LOW SLEEVE STYLES mam turn turn us too clot us moot mm mem DOOR CRASHER LONG SLEEVE DRESS SHIRTS REG VALUES TO SALE DRESS SOCKS BY MCGREGOR HARVEY WOO OS REG 003 SALE3PRI i MENS FASHION TIES AEG TOSSOWJ ENTIRE SELECTlOH MENS HATS CAPS RED SALE MENS LEATHER BELTS SIZES TO VALUE SALE MENS ORE S3 GLOVES OFF REGULAR PUKE 1000 MENS SWEATERS REO TO SALE SAVE ON OUR GREAT SELECTION MENS FAMOUS BUNDS DESIGNER JEANS AND COTTON CASUALS SAvTHLHIRLAMSSTiTBSUSSMArreKmHElTiou BLOUSES RE T0SSDQ SM uxtmW 10- LADIES DRESS PANTS RED TO MOD UUSES RES SMeW LAKES TO S0 SJ24 HUMS In ImM ami wilt bund hi Out q- along Ihx or Arthur OPEN DAYS A WEEK TO SAT TO OPEN FRI TO fiussmans MENS WEAR r Main Street Arthur i