When was Open House ever so much fun Till IIMUII r IBSB When woi on open tvcr his much fun Town anil agencies uniting for a pec acuta showing Saturday at District School 100 different community vice leisure organizations will be exhibiting II perfect time Id browse around and set some of he many interesting groups in town You might inclined to join tip or to a hird working volunteer about his or her group If you lucky and bought u Lotto there a variety of door prize offered at Open House The will be donating a champagne breakfast in a hot air balloon valued at Work That Body a onemonth free membership the Georgetown Chamber of Com a voucher for dinner Hunter Inn Kids on the Block a hand puppet he Recreation and Parks Department a free week at one of the summer programs for youth a free adult fitness program a free adult swimming program and much more Then will also em lions and performances throughout day The Edgar James Theatre Trqupc will be performing at 10 a m followed b a square dance demonstration and a performance the Georgetown Globe Productions McDonald will be making a special visit at 12 and will be taking the kids through mini fitness pro gram The Kids on Block will Ik holding a at followed by a demonstration Manor little Theatre will closing the with a scries of seines from some of their performances In thi you will have a to see the Baton East and Hal ton Hills Jills demonstrating from Ham to 12 p There will be two computer demons ions showing cum Liters can be used in the home and communications he Volunteer and St John Ambulance Mill display ambulance equipment and gie demonstrations on first aid and Later outrun hh Judo Instruct or Dan McNeil of self fence is a omnium Open House KG On March rorjelowii District School 1 It Georgetown Hockey will be i inf articles mil iphs on towns lioeki I 1st B A Kinsmen Georgetown Soccer lub will ill taking fur the for ison The will Smoking Sim and the Association will be doing ear monoxide Thirc will be the Hookers the and the Marque lr about Mills sports mil groups Mr McNeil judo Tor Ihr at Park School and 9pm Morntaj tun in ml until J in photo tin school those presently or invoked m will lie three workshops inning at the high school You will kirn How to and Hold Volunteer how of Hinds on Publicity finally Boosting your Bucks fret Tin 1 1 1 workshop ne openings and Parks d like more sir sthools will pre parents pre- mm lo day e ire tie Works Work hat Body will thin to give demonstrations on Illness arc only a few of the groups so sure to so you cm set it all Tien w II ilso sltieji rides for tin whole on POLICE BEAT Struck a post An automobile accident on Stedea Avenue and the Ninth Line left Tom Allen with minor in furies and Leslie Allen IB and Allen 16 with minimal in Junes The Aliens arc all from Woodward Ave in Milton The occurred Kb 17 at m when tin drmr of a Chevrolet hit a telephone pole The driver was passing i westbound vehicle at 0 km per hour pulling back into the proper line when the Chevrolet began to fish t ill police said went out of control and hit a telephone pole Tom Allen is trcited and rile is from Milton District Cars vandalized Two irked on M Street in Glen reteived total of in dannges Kb between and 12 p A hid a slashed and the wires pulled from under dish An Cutlass had the wires pulled from under the dash the windshield smashed Both cars were left unlocked poliecsaid Car on tire A stolen Ford pick up from Horn by was found gutted by fire on the Bell School Line in Milton the afternoon of Feb The truck was taken from Hornby between on Feb and a m on Feb Damage to the truck was estimated at Stolen take Sent to hospital Milton man m the Ninth I a est hound est bound Lost control impbellvilk worn Dalsun wis in the cast ditch of I inc at the Hal Ion Hills Town Line Fib 17 at m when it was hit by a man who lost control of hiscar on the icy road The man was north bound on the Guelph Line A third car owned by man who stopped to help the Campbell woman was missed by the Guelph man out of control Damage to the woman a Datsun was and 500 to the man the Department i e ill i or lo register is being by Hie Keen ition and I irks Depart mint with from the II ilton Ho of I due The Hilton Hills Council he volunteer lure The Hilton Hills Health Depart mini the Georgetown and A Town crier lands job IniKirif i bell Iilh taint Hi Town Tin suited mil with the bit bit to Monday with a flourish icctpted is Hills crier With him hi brought frim of Tottenham where he is Mr Wilding will be lusmg a lot of commotion is he oiiici the monies of thr town s Community Hi use it Hit District School Her ISO in from am to in with displ inlc rmmg the of the It isun they offir There II be tuns ind perform to ad to tin fcstucdiy In return the burses Mr Wilding for my ivel ind expenses incurred at officiates it SAME DAY TAXRETURNS 101 Guelph St Georgetown 8772217 TV SPECIALS SUPERB PERFORMANC AT YOUR FINGERTIPS Infrared Digital Remote Complete Volume Control Up Down and Mute with channel display 20 RCA COLOR TV WITH REMOTE CONTROL BUILTIN CABLE CONVERTER YEAR WARRANTY COLOR TVS 26 COLOR TVs VCHS Package Specials TV VCRs RCAT120VCRTAPES6Hi SALES 14 Wailayan I HOW OUR 0 WALLPAPER BARGAINBASEMENT CLEARANCE SALE TO MAKE ROOM UPSTAIRS AND DOWNSTAIRS FOR OUR NEW ARRIVALS WE ARE HAVING A TERRIFIC SALE DISCONTINUED WALLPAPERS SINGLE ROLL DISCONTINUED WALLPAPERS 99 FOR AS LOW AS ODDS ENDS Colours Paints Latex Acrylic 95 ONLY SINGLE ROLL Reg Up To 399 ODDS ENDS WALLPAPER 25 while They Last CASH CARRY THOUSANDS OF ROLLS TO CHOOSE FROM FAMOUS BENJAMIN MOORE PAINTS FLAT LATEX Compare 0sands anil citable Colours- Moore LUXURY VELVET Compare lo 31 THE WALLPAPER BARGAIN BASEMENT 272 Guelph St Georgetown Market Place Lower Level of Georgetown Decorating Centre